5 Growth Strategies To Develop Grit (G.R.I.T.)

5 Growth Strategies To Develop G.R.I.T.

The Key Trio; Grit, Fullness Mindset, and Resilience. GRIT is a compelling motive to deliver aspiration. In psychology, grit is a lively, non-cognitive attribute based on an individual’s determination of energy combined with the craving for a critical long-term objective.

There are two contrasting mindsets that we can encounter – fixed or growth.

The fixed mindset requires believing that your qualities cannot be substituted and are set in stone. Meanwhile, the growth mindset acknowledges that you can cultivate your essential qualities through your efforts.

“…there are no shortcuts to excellence. Developing real expertise, figuring out really hard problems, it all takes time―longer than most people imagine…. you’ve got to apply those skills and produce goods or services that are valuable to people….Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it… it’s doing what you love, but not just falling in love―staying in love.”

— Angela Duckworth, Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and the Science of Success

Often, people have a fixed mindset about one aspect of their lives but have a growth mindset about another. Maybe you’ve always thought you were lousy at math and believed that others were born with an innate ability to calculate. However, you are sure about your musical talent and seek events to showcase it as often as you can. You believe that it’s a skill you can develop over time with practice.

Each time you show off your ability and get positive feedback, you use it to improve. You’re urged to carry on studying and improving your capabilities.

With this in cognizance, it’s easy to comprehend why having a fixed mindset holds you behind, hindering you from seeking opportunities presented to you. But how can a growth mindset be improved? The answers lie in grit and flexibility. These three things work collectively to form a powerful trio that sets you up to overcome adversity and achieve success in your life.

Grit involves your ability to do what it takes to achieve success.

However, a further upgrade to necessary grit – GRIT is an acronym that encompasses the five critical dimensions to maximizing your grit potential.

Strategy 1: G = Growth

Most people think about growth in terms of mindset. However, when considering GRIT, it has been shown that growth isn’t just a mindset, but you also can rise above the situation in which you find yourself. You can seek new insights and fresh ideas to improve how you approach challenges and boost your chance of living a successful life.

Strategy 2: R = Resilience

When it comes to GRIT, being resilient isn’t just about bouncing back from failure or obstacles. It’s also about your ability to be improved and strengthened by the adversity you face. The quest aims to respond in the best possible way to anything that may occur right at the moment that it strikes. Each time you face adversity, you must ask yourself how you could respond more quickly and more effectively to the situation, harnessing the power of that adversity so you can learn from it in the future.

Strategy 3: I = Instinct

Everyone knows somebody who pursues the bad dreams and goals consistently or who goes about pursuing them in the wrong way. In time, those patterns lead to disappointment and failure. Therefore, your instincts are essential when it comes to following the correct goals in the right way.

Relentlessness is always powerful, but if that relentlessness is refined, it cannot be beaten. So, step back, reassess the situation, and change your strategy whenever necessary to achieve long-term success. You can tap into your instincts by regularly asking yourself if you’re still striving for the right goal, or whether a better version of that goal has now presented itself. Ask if you can refine your goal to make it more trustworthy and compelling. Whether your current plan of action is truly the best possible way of getting there or whether there are alterations can be made to your approach to help you achieve success more efficiently.

Strategy 4: T = Tenacity

Most people think of unrelenting, persistent effort when they think of the term “grit.” It’s fair to say that practically everyone who makes noteworthy accomplishments will be zealous in their approach. Yet, tenacity isn’t just about persistence and unrelenting effort. It’s about a single wholehearted push and action that allows you to improve your success dramatically. It’s about developing strategic tenacity rather than raw perseverance. How can you hone your efforts so that you enhance your progress?

Strategy 5: GX RX IX TX

The correlation and the combination of taking actions in achieving a growth strategy come only when the attributes of Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity are synergized into a system that feeds your ability to progress forward and overcome obstacles. View this as the multiplying effect, the x-factor, the 10x rule. This process is linear but more effective in repetition. Step and repeat, tweak, step, and repeat until the desired results are apparent.

Concluding Remarks

We all face adversity in our lives from time to time, and knowing how to meet those troubling episodes without letting them overwhelm us is key to being happy, joyous, and, most of all, prosperous. Grit & resilience lie at the center of this.

Cultivating grit & resilience to flourish in the appearance of misfortune is a craft like any other. With the appropriate measure of discipline and determination, you’ll find that your capabilities become more robust and more reliable over time so that you can obtain your success.

Action List
Use any and/or all of the 5 Growth Strategies To Develop G.R.I.T.: 

  • Strategy 1: G = Growth: You can seek new insights and fresh ideas to improve how you approach challenges.
    • Are you seeking alternative insights to help better assess your results?
  • Strategy 2: R = Resilience: You must ask yourself how you could respond more quickly and more effectively to the situation.
  • Strategy 3: I = Instinct: You can tap into your instincts by regularly asking yourself if you’re still striving for the right goal.
    • Are your goals still right for you?
  • Strategy 4: T = Tenacity: A single wholehearted push and action that allows you to improve your success dramatically.
    • What action are you taking to push forward?
  • Strategy 5: GX RX IX TX: Step and repeat, tweak, step, and repeat until the desired results are apparent.
    • Have you completed your 1st cycle to step and repeat? If not, time isn’t going to wait for you, so beat it to the punch.

Yours in success, 

S. A. Grant 

P.S. Please check out my FREE Book BECOME AN UNCAGED TRAILBLAZER (Learn How To Release Your Primal Success In 15 Minutes A Day) Vol l for more excellent goal achievement tips and tricks. In chapter 4, I dive into “7 Days To Set Your GOALS For SUCCESS.

P.P.S. Check out S. A. Grant’s inspirational business apparel, accessories, and more. Visit the Boss Uncaged Store