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The single best-kept podcasting secret ever!

The single best-kept podcasting secret ever!

Are you like me? 

Become a great listener! 

That’s it!

I know. To become a successful podcaster, I have to become a good listener SA, that’s it?

Well, tell me how so

Well, look at it from many angles, a birds-eye view, a bug’s eye view, as a subscriber, as a listener, as a follower, as a guest, as a host, as a co-host…

And the one common denominator is listening first.

  • What are your subscribers asking for?
  • What are the questions your listeners are asking?
  • What is the quality of the messages, audio, and episode?
  • What message are your guests trying to deliver?

These are just a handful of variable listening cues that, unfortunately, most podcast creators are missing.

Did you know?

“Listening is our primary com­munication activity.
We spend 80 percent of our waking hours communicating. At least 45 percent of that time is spent listening. Listening is central to our personal and professional success of all people.”

The more I dove deeper into becoming a good podcast host. The one thing I’ve heard over and over again from my guest is I’m a great listener. 

Through listening, I get to hear the underline stories. With practice, you can become a great listener and even better podcast, host.

Here are a few quick tips when you are podcasting:

  1. 1st cue is listening for repetitive “keywords”
    For example, when I interviewed the founder of Redfin David, he brought up his “daughter” and “grandmother” at different conversation points. I assembled a connection between his daughter and his grandmother. Not only was it Heartfelt but eye-opening at the same time. 
  2. listen for opportunities to inspire
    For example, when I’m interviewing someone, I already know they have not published a book yet. But as the interview continues directly or indirectly, the guest starts dropping titles of different books, alluding to being an avid reader. I hear the passion for the content and their conviction for the topic matter. That becomes the trigger for me to interject to when can we aspect their 1st book and why the world needs to hear their message sooner than later. 
  3. Listening to when the person starts to trust you
    This is vital; people trust you to help them deliver their message only after the trust is earned. Most of the time, when I’m interviewing someone, the time of the interview is the first time we are meeting. So my formula to let someone know they can trust me is as follows.

    1. I give them a relative knick name when I 1st start the show. This at least lets them know I know what they do. It’s playful so that they can relax
    2. My 1st question is always tell the listener a little bit about yourself and what we are talking about today. This helps them to get the anxious bug out of the way. I give them the runway to tell the listener their high-level overview of who they are and what they do.
    3. Listening to how they describe themselves gives me critical insight into what means the most to them, so I target and zone in on that topic for the beginning of the episode.
    4. Assure them that their message is important. I do this by hinting that I have done my due diligence, by saying I have done my due diligence, or by bringing up something personal about their life that isn’t top level. For example, if they speak more than one language or a hobby
    5. The results of the above formula I being to hear a tonality change, they become more relaxed, they become more engaged at this point; they know this interview will be different because I’m listening to them, not just interviewing them. 

What I would like you to think about and take away from this article is very simple. And Bruce Lee said it best

“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”

Listening is a crucial tool; much like water, it is formless, adaptive, a bloodline, and if you start listening, the answer will present their selves. 

Let’s grab a virtual coffee and talk about additional podcasting for your business. You never know; if you listen you might be able to help you turn your podcast into a lead magnet.

S. A. Grant

Over & Out

#podcast #listen #Marketing #podcasting #Leadgen

The single best-kept podcasting secret ever!

The single best-kept podcasting secret ever!

The single best-kept podcasting secret ever!2022-07-12T05:43:19+00:00

Uncaged Motivation: 91 Days Of Positive Thinking, Daily Journal Prompts, Inspirational Quotes & Thoughts On Success, Leadership & Personal Development: Volume 1

Book Description

Break out of your cell and jump into “Uncaged Motivation.”

This book is depicted in chronological configuration and persuades you to take the time and focus on achieving and journaling your personal goals.

Here’s what you will obtain from studying this book:

  • Motivation and transparency to propel onward on an intention, business, or project that may be dormant, distressed, or yet-to-be inaugurated.
  • An explosion of creativity that you can embed into your life quickly. 
  • Opportunity to execute your intentions. UNCAGED Motivation is a short and easy-to-read that will captivate and stimulate you.
  • Authority to discontinue doing what no longer delivers happiness to you. 
  • A quick and straightforward read that conveys, “Why didn’t I think of that?” regularly and continuously.
  • The teachings that manifest with simple to comprehend instructions. 
  • You will realize that while technologies change quickly, systems do not.
  • Afresh assurance to make needed adjustments.
  • By the point you complete this book, you will be equipped to undertake obligations you may have been setting off to the side for ages.

Have you regularly surrendered a project because of uncertainty or noticed yourself opposing creating modifications to improve, your obligated to read this book.

There is no more valid time than NOW to venture into UNCAGED MOTIVATION!
The only thing you have to do now is to motivate yourself to unlock the cage and hit the buy button before the next haphazard thought comes into your head and relocks the cell, Free yourself become UNCAGED and Motivated!

  • 7 Ways Of Finding Passion For Success
  • 7 Ways Of Utilizing Passion

  • 7 Methods To Achieve Your Passion

  • 7 Ways Of Rethinking Your Passion After Failure

  • 7 Ways To Teach Passion

  • 35 Journal Prompts

About The Author

S. A. Grant is the inspirational author of Become An Uncaged Trailblazer Book Series

S. A. Grant

S. A. Grant is the inspirational author of Become An Uncaged Trailblazer Book Series, a Creative, a Thinker, a Marketer, a Father, and a seasoned Entrepreneur. Grant’s motivated concept-driven, innovative-thinking has proven Successful for his clients year-after-year. S. A. Grant has a strong focus on Live a prosperous, inspiring, more fulfilling, and purposeful life – whether that involves succeeding in business, rekindling your connection with Key Partners, or identifying with who you are.

Uncaged Motivation: 91 Days Of Positive Thinking, Daily Journal Prompts, Inspirational Quotes & Thoughts On Success, Leadership & Personal Development: Volume 12022-07-12T06:24:16+00:00

5 Growth Strategies To Develop Grit (G.R.I.T.)

5 Growth Strategies To Develop G.R.I.T.

The Key Trio; Grit, Fullness Mindset, and Resilience. GRIT is a compelling motive to deliver aspiration. In psychology, grit is a lively, non-cognitive attribute based on an individual’s determination of energy combined with the craving for a critical long-term objective.

There are two contrasting mindsets that we can encounter – fixed or growth.

The fixed mindset requires believing that your qualities cannot be substituted and are set in stone. Meanwhile, the growth mindset acknowledges that you can cultivate your essential qualities through your efforts.

“…there are no shortcuts to excellence. Developing real expertise, figuring out really hard problems, it all takes time―longer than most people imagine…. you’ve got to apply those skills and produce goods or services that are valuable to people….Grit is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it… it’s doing what you love, but not just falling in love―staying in love.”

— Angela Duckworth, Grit: Passion, Perseverance, and the Science of Success

Often, people have a fixed mindset about one aspect of their lives but have a growth mindset about another. Maybe you’ve always thought you were lousy at math and believed that others were born with an innate ability to calculate. However, you are sure about your musical talent and seek events to showcase it as often as you can. You believe that it’s a skill you can develop over time with practice.

Each time you show off your ability and get positive feedback, you use it to improve. You’re urged to carry on studying and improving your capabilities.

With this in cognizance, it’s easy to comprehend why having a fixed mindset holds you behind, hindering you from seeking opportunities presented to you. But how can a growth mindset be improved? The answers lie in grit and flexibility. These three things work collectively to form a powerful trio that sets you up to overcome adversity and achieve success in your life.

Grit involves your ability to do what it takes to achieve success.

However, a further upgrade to necessary grit – GRIT is an acronym that encompasses the five critical dimensions to maximizing your grit potential.

Strategy 1: G = Growth

Most people think about growth in terms of mindset. However, when considering GRIT, it has been shown that growth isn’t just a mindset, but you also can rise above the situation in which you find yourself. You can seek new insights and fresh ideas to improve how you approach challenges and boost your chance of living a successful life.

Strategy 2: R = Resilience

When it comes to GRIT, being resilient isn’t just about bouncing back from failure or obstacles. It’s also about your ability to be improved and strengthened by the adversity you face. The quest aims to respond in the best possible way to anything that may occur right at the moment that it strikes. Each time you face adversity, you must ask yourself how you could respond more quickly and more effectively to the situation, harnessing the power of that adversity so you can learn from it in the future.

Strategy 3: I = Instinct

Everyone knows somebody who pursues the bad dreams and goals consistently or who goes about pursuing them in the wrong way. In time, those patterns lead to disappointment and failure. Therefore, your instincts are essential when it comes to following the correct goals in the right way.

Relentlessness is always powerful, but if that relentlessness is refined, it cannot be beaten. So, step back, reassess the situation, and change your strategy whenever necessary to achieve long-term success. You can tap into your instincts by regularly asking yourself if you’re still striving for the right goal, or whether a better version of that goal has now presented itself. Ask if you can refine your goal to make it more trustworthy and compelling. Whether your current plan of action is truly the best possible way of getting there or whether there are alterations can be made to your approach to help you achieve success more efficiently.

Strategy 4: T = Tenacity

Most people think of unrelenting, persistent effort when they think of the term “grit.” It’s fair to say that practically everyone who makes noteworthy accomplishments will be zealous in their approach. Yet, tenacity isn’t just about persistence and unrelenting effort. It’s about a single wholehearted push and action that allows you to improve your success dramatically. It’s about developing strategic tenacity rather than raw perseverance. How can you hone your efforts so that you enhance your progress?

Strategy 5: GX RX IX TX

The correlation and the combination of taking actions in achieving a growth strategy come only when the attributes of Growth, Resilience, Instinct, and Tenacity are synergized into a system that feeds your ability to progress forward and overcome obstacles. View this as the multiplying effect, the x-factor, the 10x rule. This process is linear but more effective in repetition. Step and repeat, tweak, step, and repeat until the desired results are apparent.

Concluding Remarks

We all face adversity in our lives from time to time, and knowing how to meet those troubling episodes without letting them overwhelm us is key to being happy, joyous, and, most of all, prosperous. Grit & resilience lie at the center of this.

Cultivating grit & resilience to flourish in the appearance of misfortune is a craft like any other. With the appropriate measure of discipline and determination, you’ll find that your capabilities become more robust and more reliable over time so that you can obtain your success.

Action List
Use any and/or all of the 5 Growth Strategies To Develop G.R.I.T.: 

  • Strategy 1: G = Growth: You can seek new insights and fresh ideas to improve how you approach challenges.
    • Are you seeking alternative insights to help better assess your results?
  • Strategy 2: R = Resilience: You must ask yourself how you could respond more quickly and more effectively to the situation.
  • Strategy 3: I = Instinct: You can tap into your instincts by regularly asking yourself if you’re still striving for the right goal.
    • Are your goals still right for you?
  • Strategy 4: T = Tenacity: A single wholehearted push and action that allows you to improve your success dramatically.
    • What action are you taking to push forward?
  • Strategy 5: GX RX IX TX: Step and repeat, tweak, step, and repeat until the desired results are apparent.
    • Have you completed your 1st cycle to step and repeat? If not, time isn’t going to wait for you, so beat it to the punch.

Yours in success, 

S. A. Grant 

P.S. Please check out my FREE Book BECOME AN UNCAGED TRAILBLAZER (Learn How To Release Your Primal Success In 15 Minutes A Day) Vol l for more excellent goal achievement tips and tricks. In chapter 4, I dive into “7 Days To Set Your GOALS For SUCCESS.

P.P.S. Check out S. A. Grant’s inspirational business apparel, accessories, and more. Visit the Boss Uncaged Store


5 Growth Strategies To Develop Grit (G.R.I.T.)2022-04-08T11:23:53+00:00

Take Control Of Your Procrastination In 3 Simple Steps

Take Control Of Your Procrastination In 3 Simple Steps

Are you like me? 

Do you know someone like this… 

…they knock off work early because they’ve gotten everything done on time 

… they’re never late with holiday or birthday gifts 

…and they seem to have the best-planned vacations. 

What’s the secret to getting incredible amounts of things done in record time? They don’t procrastinate. 

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

— Abraham Lincoln

What is procrastination, and how is it affecting your efforts to achieve your most ambitious goals?

A Google search for the phrase “stop procrastination” will return over 12+ million search results.

But do we, as high performers, really understand what it is?

Procrastination is defined as the action of postponing something; usually a task we want to avoid.

Most social scientists believe procrastination is a problem with something called “emotional self-regulation.”

When we associated boredom, anxiety, or frustration with a specific task, we tend to avoid doing it.

The problem is, putting off those tasks that seem awful at the moment only causes stress and more than a little self-loathing when we are faced with the consequences.

How To Stop Procrastinating Right Now

  1. Key to quitting lies in finding out why we have such negative emotions about productivity. 
  2. Do you want to achieve your most ambitious goals, but you keep putting it off? 

Here Are Some Reasons That We Procrastinate

  1. Disorganization – Keep your workspace and home free of clutter. 
  2. Fear Of Failure – Beat this by realizing that even if you don’t achieve your desired goal, you have still gained knowledge. 
  3. Perfectionism – Nip this in the bud by accepting that nothing is ever perfect.

Concluding Remarks

Once you can pinpoint your reason for procrastination, it’s a lot easier to recognize your behavior and call your bluff when you find yourself slipping into old habits.

Now it’s time to kick procrastination to the curb with strategies to beat it.

Action List
Use any and/or all of the 3 Simple Steps below to overcome your procrastination: 

  • Forgive yourself for any time you’ve previously procrastinated in your effort to achieve your most ambitious goals. This can help you move past it. 
  • Accountability. Have someone hold you accountable to keep you on track with your productivity goals. 
  • Take care of tasks you’re avoiding first thing in the day. This will make the rest of the day more enjoyable. 

You need to understand you have the power to change your habits! 

Yours in success, 

S. A. Grant 

P.S. Please check out my FREE Book BECOME AN UNCAGED TRAILBLAZER (Learn How To Release Your Primal Success In 15 Minutes A Day) Vol l for more excellent goal achievement tips and tricks. In chapter 4, I dive into “7 Days To Set Your GOALS For SUCCESS.

Take Control Of Your Procrastination In 3 Simple Steps2022-04-08T11:39:45+00:00

3 Groups of People Who Can Help You Find Your PASSION Better Than Yourself

3 Groups of People Who Can Help You Find Your PASSION Better Than Yourself

When it comes to making major life decisions, people will usually advise you to follow your passion. While this is often the right thing to do, it can be frustrating when you do not know where to start. It can even be more frustrating when you have no idea who can help you find your passion. When it comes to passion, you’re more advantageous in seeking it rather than following it. 

“One of the huge mistakes people make is that they try to force an interest on themselves. You don’t choose your passions; your passions choose you.”

— Jeff Bezos, Inc

Let’s have a look at who can help you find your passion better than yourself:

  • Startup Entrepreneurs
  • Content Creators/Authors
  • Successful People

Learn from Startups Entrepreneurs

Whether they are starting up something new and creative, or they have made significant accomplishments in your area of interest, you can learn a lot from those who are starting up. 

From an individual perspective, the startup approach to product-market research and market validation has useful lessons to people trying to find their passion.

Startups launch their operations by identifying specific needs in the market that are not being met currently. As a person interested in finding your passion, you can gain a lot by identifying the requirements in your life. Simply determine whether there is the demand for that specific passion in your life goals, whether it intrigues you, and whether you are potentially going grow from the pursuit of happiness. Looking at what Startups Entrepreneurs are doing will expose you to different techniques, unique viewpoints, and challenges you to think beyond the obvious.

As you look at what Startups Entrepreneurs are achieving, this could be an excellent opportunity to assess your strengths. Think of whether you can develop skills or whether you are naturally skilled in doing something. Anything that interests you and makes you want to pursue is your passion. Whatever is easy for you to do, but most people have a harder time with is a worthy option to consider. You might find that you’re excellent in helping other people find their passions, once you establish what you love doing. Or that you are more interested in giving back to the community.

Connect with content creators and authors 

The adage goes, “garbage in, garbage out!” What your consuming could be the reason why you are yet to find your passion. Finding your passion requires more effort than just knowing that you need to find your passion. Getting connected to ideal Authors will take you a step closer to your passion. After all, we tend to derive the most inspiration from what we read, listen to, and watch.

Routine Content in your primary area of interest helps to keep you attentive.  Great content developers will not only help you find your passion but also guide you to building it. When you are passionate about something, you will spend hours on end learning everything you can about it. You buy books, magazines, listen to a podcast, watch videos, read blog posts, consume audiobooks, and spend hours on the internet, searching for Insight to find out more. The thing with content is that there are endless opportunities, but only if you put the right amount of effort into finding the ideal Authors with the must fruitful comment that connects to your message, goals, and vision. 

Find Mentors in Successful People

Most successful people know the power of passion and the need to be passionate. Any successful person will credit their success to both hard work and passion for what they do. When you find a mentor in a successful person, they will push you into finding your passion as well. A mentor will show you how they found their passion and how they have remained passionate about what they do.

A good mentor will challenge you to think about your decisions and actions. While guiding you through your steps and help to clarify if you are working towards your goals and beliefs, think of whether you are working with the type of people that inspire you and whether you love what you do. When you have a mentor, they will help you see finding your Passion as a mission.

Never overlook The role of a mentor in finding passion. Successful people understand that desire is the energy that drives people to succeed. Having someone to hold your hand along this journey will encourage you to continue pursuing what interests you. They will assist you to keep pushing even when you feel that nothing is working. Since most successful people have their stories of failure, you will have a source of inspiration and motivation to keep pushing.

Concluding Remarks 

Remember passion Is a form of energy, enthusiasm is contagious. The more time you spend with passionate people, the more likely they will rub off on you. If you are still wondering what your passion is or who can help you find it, start spending time with people who are passionate about something. Although you may not find your passion over time, you will soon start seeing a change in your life and your journey to success. As you spend more time with passionate and successful people, you will begin to learning skills for success and become more confident in yourself. Therefore, start exposing yourself to people and situations that prompt you to find your passion, including startups, content developers, and successful people.

Action List 

  • Find A group, event, and or a podcast focused on Startup Entrepreneurs. Attend a group meeting, go to an event, listen, and review their content. Take Action to use the insights of StartUp Entrepreneurs to help find your passions.
  • Find Content Creators & Authors whose shared purpose is to deliver valuable content. Take action. Subscribe, follow, put their content into use, and find your passion.
  • Find Successful People, and connect to them, follow them on social media, learn from their videos, take notes of there self-help points. Take Action to add their words of wisdom to your daily routine of developing your passion.
3 Groups of People Who Can Help You Find Your PASSION Better Than Yourself2022-04-08T11:46:11+00:00
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