Season 2

5 Secret Ways To Help You Take Result Focused and Effective Notes With S. A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E37 (#65)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

5 Secret Ways To Help You Take Result Focused and Effective Notes
In Season 2, Episode 37  of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant pulls back the curtain and exposes his taught process behind note-taking, and speaks to how and why he created his new book.
This is a new bonus episode you don’t want to miss.
A Practical Business Book Lovers Guide On How to Take Actionable Notes, Organize, & Catalog Reading Logs For Success

  1. Choose Your Method
    1. The Cornell Method
    2. The Outline Method
    3. The Charting Method
    4. Bullet/Dot/Quad Journal Method
    5. Mind-mapping Method
  2. Index Of Key Ideas
    1. What Is The Index Of Ideas?
    2. Record Main Points
    3. Planning – Things To Do
    4. Use a keyword to define a topic
  3. Ledger Of Contents
    1. What Is The Ledger Of Contents?
    2. Log Your Reading Entries
    3. Recorded Your Note Entries
    4. Write Down Important Headings
    5. Catalog the title of the book or chapter
  4. Journal Entries
    1. Ask Questions
    2. Give Examples
    3. Use Visual Cues
      1. Visual Learning
    4. Include Relevant Quotes
    5. Leave Spaces: To Write More Information Later
  5. Take Fear Free Notes
    1. Get Creative
    2. New Vocabulary
    3. Additional Reading: Add New Books
    4. Remember That Your Thoughts Matter
    5. Free writing – Additional Notes-free Journaling

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The Boss Uncaged Academy is an online membership community and learning platform for you to get better results by giving you Actionable Growth Strategies in Business Building, Branding, Marketing, Mindset, and Lead Generation.

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

5 Secret Ways To Help You Take Result Focused and Effective Notes With S. A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E37 (#65)2022-01-25T02:02:13+00:00

CEO Of The Complete Man: Purdeep Sangha AKA The Complete Boss – S2E36 (#64)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

CEO Of The Complete Man: Purdeep Sangha AKA The Complete Boss – S2E36 (#64)
“I would say it’s never too late to do something. Ultimately it’s a number of things that will actually lead you to why do you want to do it or do you have a purpose or passion behind it?”
In Season 2, Episode 36 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the CEO of The Complete Man, Purdeep Sangha.
The Complete Man offers private and discrete business and personal performance advice for high-level male corporate executives, business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals, and men from all walks of life. Purdeep’s personal mission is to help men grow their businesses massively, increase their personal fulfillment in life and improve their relationships with their wives and kids.
Purdeep started his journey towards success in corporate America. With an upward trajectory towards the CEO position in focus, Purdeep worked in many areas of the corporate footprint to be seen as a more well-rounded executive. But instead of continuing on this path, Purdeep decided to jump ship and transition into his own consultancy agency, which aligned more with his passion.
“And then one day I just literally was tired of it, and I said, I’m done. I walked into work, and I quit, and I started my consulting and coaching firm and haven’t looked back since. In our consulting practice, we work with many different industries, and in many different areas, from marketing to operations to all the things that I talked about before. But my passion is specifically coaching entrepreneurs, executives, and professionals, specifically men.”
Don’t miss a minute of this COMPLETE BOSS episode covering topics on:
  • The importance of including family in your morning routine.
  • A beautiful story on the power of familial influences.
  • Why Purdeep chose to focus his consulting business towards men.
  • And SO MUCH MORE!!!
Want more details on how to contact Purdeep or how to join Creators Learn? Check out the links below!


Just speak to your Alexa-enabled device and say, ”Alexa Open Boss Uncaged.”

Also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon, Google podcast, and many other popular podcasts apps.

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E37 – Purdeep.m4a – powered by Happy Scribe

I’m going to pronounce your name right.

Purdeep, Just as it’s spelled.

Corner corner. All right, 3 2 1. Welcome welcome back to Boss Uncaged podcast. On today’s show, we have a special guest. His name is Purdeep. But I want you guys to really understand my nickname for this man is going to be the complete boss because that’s part of his branding. Right. As part of his story is part of who he is. And as you listen to him deliver the content on this particular episode, you’re going to see why I call him the complete boss. Without further ado, Purdeep, the floor is yours. Who are you?

Hey, thank you. I really appreciate you having me on your show. Well, who am I? Well, in simple terms, I would say I’m just a regular guy that that tries to do his best every day. I’m a father of two young kids. I’ve got a seven year old and five year old and got a beautiful wife. I’m an entrepreneur, also a son. i am brother and I just try to live every day as I can but as I had an interesting upbringing, you can say I was raised by two immigrant parents who moved here from India with next to nothing. And and they basically taught me how to be successful in a lot of ways. But they also struggled and I learned from their struggles. And the way they worked is really a key reason why I do what I do, because I saw them work with sheer work ethic and they they created a successful life. But there are some things that they were challenged with that if they had just made some minor tweaks. And I think that’s why I do what I do in terms of helping entrepreneurs and professionals, their life would have been a little bit different. You can say, especially my dad. My dad is a big reason why I do. What I do is because, you know, he worked his butt off of and was very strong man and his had a business. And so he was successful from that perspective, but he was never really fulfilled with life. There’s something missing for him. And I could tell and I could see that. And as a result, he also struggled with alcoholism. So there were parts of his relationship that is missing with my mom and just not having his family around because majority of his family was in India, back in India. And I think he was trying to make up for certain things. And and he worked a lot. And I think his life kind of represents a lot and a lot of ways how a lot of entrepreneurs work is that they end up spending a lot of time in their business to provide for their families. And along the way, they end up sacrificing themselves and their happiness and their level of fulfillment. And so I took a look at basically what I really wanted to do in life, because I spent 14 years in the corporate world and I was very tactical. You can say my goal was to be a CEO of a major corporation. And I and I went into different areas of business. I like pretty much every division, from sales to marketing to operations to customer experience to innovation, because I wanted to be that ideal CEO. And then one day I just literally was tired of it and I said, I’m done. I walked into work and I quit and I started my consulting and coaching firm and haven’t looked back since. But ever since then, I’ve kind of narrowed it down. Our consulting practice, we work with many different industry businesses, many different industries, and in many different areas, from marketing to operations to all the things that I talked about before. But my my passion is specifically coaching entrepreneurs, executives and professionals, specifically men and I chose men because there’s not that many resources out there for men. There’s a lot of female entrepreneur groups, but not that many specifically for men that help them balance or business and their life to live a holistic life because it’s easy to go out there and get business advice. But blending that business progress with your family, progress with your own personal life, progress is a whole different ballgame. And so that’s really what I’m passionate about, because to sum it up, my dad’s goal was to hit sixty five. That was his milestone was to that was the time when he was going to say I did it. I came to this country with next to nothing. I raise a successful family, I have a successful business. And he was never going to retire, but he was going to take his foot off the gas. But he because of his alcoholism, he struggled diabetes and because of that heart disease. And he died from a sudden heart attack at sixty four and a half working alone. Really interesting situation. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. But there were some challenges there. And I look back and I said, I don’t want to I don’t I don’t want to see any other guy live that way and not sacrifice and suffer. So that’s that’s what gets me up every morning and driven to do what I do.

I mean, yeah. I mean, I think you’ve given us like a complete insight right now. I guess people start to understand why I signed to lead them down that road of life calling you to complete boss. So let’s take it back a little bit. Right. If you could define yourself in three to five words, what three to five words would you choose?

So, yeah, absolutely so a visionary, I’m a leader and a driver, you know, these are these are three things that I’ve I’ve really ingrained into my identity and very purposefully, because that’s how I live. I’ve I’ve lived like this for the most part of my life. There were times when I did not and I didn’t feel aligned with who I was. But this is why and my mission is really to help men, specifically because I think a lot of men have lost their path. I have lost their ways. I look at some of the key leaderships and, you know, I can make fun of poke the bear a little bit because I live in Canada. But, you know, in the US political system, for example, we lack a lot of leadership. And I’m not saying it’s not lacking in Canada, but we just have very poor role models for men in general. So that’s why I I’m looking at the future in terms of what we need to do from not only a business standpoint, but a society. I’m there to help men and coach men and mentor men along the way. And I’m all about results because, you know, it’s great to be motivational there. There’s a lot of motivational speakers and it’s very easy to do that with social media these days. But unless what you talk about, what you teach or share with your audience, unless you have a system in a practical way for them to actually execute it, it doesn’t really mean anything. And so those are the three core elements that I live by.

So I mean and part of that, I mean, you brought up that you are here to help men. And I think I remember it was episode 46 on your podcast and you were talking about like pain and men in general. And you had brought up I think it was like a proverb. It was a Buddhist principles of suffering. And you related it towards business, if you don’t mind. You kind of touch bases on that. And I think that’s part of your premise of what you’re doing with men, right?

Yeah, absolutely. So I think that the Buddhist proverb that you’re talking about is sacrifice is resistance against pain because and it is prolonged resistance. So a lot of us, especially men, will continue to do the same thing, trying to get different results. And we’ll just do it out of sheer will and we’ll burn ourselves out if we have to. But that ends up creating suffering and that’s not what we’re meant to do. And pain is not a bad thing because pain is a teacher. It’s there to tell us that’s something we’re doing is not right, our path is not right, or we have to adjust ourselves internally to align with that path. And that’s what pain is there for. But every time we resist that, we are not growing as individuals and we keep hitting that wall. And the more we hit that wall, you know, it’s just like first time we’ll get bruised. Then after we might break something, then we’ll get bloodied and then eventually it’s like, you know, you just feel down and out. And so accepting that pain is important. And that’s the same thing for business, because if your business is going is not going well and this is this is something that we’ve seen with covid is if you were suffering as a result, the covid. Yes, there’s challenges because of the regulations, the government had to shut certain things down. And so I can understand that. But if you’re still suffering a year later, then you have to say, okay, you have to choose a different path and say maybe we’ve had to take people through. We’ve consulted businesses and shifting their entire business. They’ve had to shut down their entire business and restart into something else. If you’re a true entrepreneur and business owner, that’s something you may have to do because that that is that is a different path that you have to choose. So it’s important to take a look, because everything in business, for example, is relatable to your personal life and and those the same lessons apply. And my wife and I, we have this conversation all the time. And this is more philosophical, but it’s more practical as well as that. If you don’t get the lesson the first time when it’s a small lesson, you’re going to keep getting bigger and bigger lessons until you change your ways. And so I think for for example, this past year has been a big teacher for a lot of businesses, business leaders to say got to do something different.

Yeah, yeah, definitely so I mean, talking about, like, more of the psychological aspect of like pain versus pleasure, like what’s the the best versus the worst experience you’ve had since you’ve created your business?

The best experience I have, and I have this on a consistent basis is, is when I see my clients and I see the changes not in their business, but in the personal lives, that that for me is what keeps me going. When men say I can see their confidence and how they take that confidence in whatever. So the business isn’t doing well. So they’re taking that lack of confidence into the relationship as well and how they live. And so for me, the biggest pleasure is seeing when their lives change their stronger and their relationships with their spouses, they’re showing up better as fathers. So that that’s what keeps me going. Pain for me in business. In all honesty, I don’t I feel frustration more than anything. And actually, let me pinpoint it, because this is this is very, very transparent from this perspective. My business doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t get me down because I know there’s ups and downs. But I do get frustrated when I’m spending my work hours and my business. And there’s one particular area that isn’t going well at times is the digital marketing side and and that for me is frustrating because the way of structured my business is that we don’t do the digital marketing in-house because I don’t believe that gives us a competitive advantage. And so anything that doesn’t give us a competitive advantage based on the way of structuring my business, because it’s high margin, the business that we do from a consulting coaching standpoint, I, I only have a handful of employees, everybody else’s, whether it’s outsourced or contractors or whatever that looks like it. I’ve done it very purposefully because I’ve created a lifestyle for myself. And digital marketing is one of the areas that I’ve said, okay, it’s not something I want to have in-house. There’s guys it’s going way too fast. It’s moving way too fast of an industry. So I’d rather have the best of the best, but even the best of the best sometimes don’t perform. And the promises are there, but the results aren’t necessarily so. I get frustrated because a lot of the digital marketing agencies are paid for by service or for service, not on results and that kind of piss me off a little bit because I’m I’m all for paying a lot of money if I have to for results. But I just don’t like it when agencies promise something and they don’t provide the results. And unfortunately, I think we see a lot of that because it’s one of the easiest things to get into digital marketing. Right. Anybody can become a so-called digital marketing expert overnight. And so I think that’s that’s my biggest pet peeve right now. And my challenge in the business is a digital marketing side is definitely.

And you brought that up because on one side of my business, I have a marketing agency that kind of deals. And you’re definitely right. There’s there’s pros and cons. And I’d like to explain to a client that this particular service is going to be X amount for X amount of time just to set it up and to create that content and develop that content without saying that is going to be a guarantee. Now, you can point them in the right direction, but there’s no guarantee because to your point, the market is constantly changing, the algorithms are constantly changing. So as on on the agency side, our objective is essentially to build up. So that way at least you have enough content to flood the market and hit the X, DEVICE and these and make the shifts if that needs to happen. But I definitely agree with you. It’s kind of like imagine if agencies were paid on results. How many agencies will exist? Yeah. So there’s going to be your business structure a little bit, right? I mean, are you more S-CORP LLC, a C-Corp?

Yeah, well, our structure is a little bit different here in Canada, so it’s L.L.C., it’s an incorporated business. Yeah, definitely. And I do that for a reason is because mainly for the legal liability, because any incorporation, there’s limited liability from that standpoint. And then we have other offshoots structured underneath that because we have a division for consulting, we have a division for coaching. We’re also creating a division for M&A mergers and acquisitions.

Yeah, that’s a pretty pretty cool. So what system do you guys have in place that kind of help you overcome some of the hurdles that are presented to you on a day to day basis?

Well, our big premise, one of the biggest things that we focus on because my background is in innovation is really creativity. And that’s I’m a big driver in that. So we internally as an organization, focus on creativity, two things, creativity and results, actually, history, teamwork, creativity and results. Those are our three main premises you can say that we operate on. We have to work together, positive atmosphere. We’re there for each other. And then creativity is very important. It’s one of my favorite passions as well, and it is one of the core aspects of business. You have to again, if you take a look at Peter Drucker in terms of one of the probably the most famous business management consultant that ever lived, he talks about business. You have to be good at two things, marketing and innovation. And my background that’s formerly academically as well, is also an innovation. And and I just love it. I’ve I’ve been a student of innovation for years, but we focus on that because any challenge can be overcome through creativity, through the process of creativity, through the process of innovation. So if people learn that if your employees learn how to be creative and innovative because it is actually a process, then your business will thrive because it’s the businesses that get stuck in their ways, in their thinking, and that ultimately, you know, people say that technology, it’s not technology or regulations and in some aspects, regulations can kill a business. Right. We have seen that. But it’s the people that will actually drive the results of the business, whether it thrives or it doesn’t thrive, because technology is based on people know everything you do in business. Your systems are based on people. This is something that we consult on, is we we have a three pronged approach, which is people, strategy and systems. And those all three of those elements are very important and when we used to consult in organizations, we used to start with strategy first because that was one of our strong suits as well. And we would go in, we would say, OK, well, what’s your strategy? What do you want to accomplish? Where do you sit within the competitive market? But we’ve changed that now and we focus on people first. And that’s the first thing we take a look at. What is the leadership like? What are the skills of the people by what’s a culture? You know, do you do you have the right people on your team, all of these things? Because when you have the right people, then your strategy is that much more effective and then your systems are that much more effective. And so that’s that’s kind of how we operate internally. I think the biggest thing that drives us to overcome challenges is a constant desire to be creative.

Yeah, it’s kind of cool that that you said in lieu of looking at like the big household name brands like Bill Gates, for example, Steve Jobs, for example, the underline behind their successes were essentially being highly creative and having the ingenuity to adapt and change and modify the world around them without hesitation. So I definitely commend you for being in that state of mind and creating that kind of work ethic. And there’s definitely a powerful thing to have in your back pocket.

Yeah, I appreciate that. And just on that note, I feel that’s really important that you pointed those gentleman out and and they, you know, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, all those guys, even Bill Gates, for example, you know, it was there, you can say creativity, their innovative approach, and it was their ability to market. You know, we don’t look at their them as individuals and see how good they are as marketers. But they’re phenomenal marketers. They are the best of the best marketers. And I’m not talking about marketing tactics in terms of how you create digital media content. We’re talking about how do you present an idea and get people sold on it. Like we take a look at Elon Musk. He’s brilliant at that. And, you know, he just the Tesla truck, hundreds of thousands of units, and they don’t even have a production line stuff. Why? Because he was he’s good at marketing. And I think if people get good at marketing in innovation, they’ll do their business will definitely thrive.

Yeah, definitely. So on this journey. Right. I mean, obviously, you’ve been in this business for a period of time and somebody that maybe just found you today maybe like, oh, my God, who is this guy? Came out of nowhere. He’s overnight success. But in reality, it probably took you twenty years. How long have you been on your journey to success?

Oh, I’ve been on my journey to success for. Because this everything that I built, so I’ve been in the world of, you can say, human potential and personal development since I was in high school, early age, because I started studying neuroscience excuse me, and performance psychology at that time. And that was the underlying driver of everything that I do at this point. All my business success, for example, throughout the corporate world, and now is all based on who I am and the skills that I’ve developed in terms of human potential, not necessarily the business like I’ve been to six different business schools. That’s the easy stuff that is done, is the easy stuff. It’s how we manage ourselves and how we manage our employees as leaders. That’s and how do we get them motivated? How do we understand the challenges? How do we get them to execute effectively if you can get really good at that? That’s that’s the that’s what business success is really comes from. But this has been a long time in the making. Like I literally reading thousands of books, for example, literally spending thousands of hours, tens of thousands of hours developing myself as a human being, as a person, as a leader, as a man. That and feeling and going through challenges, whether that’s on the personal side or the business side, because there was a time that in 2008, for example, my real estate business just plunked and it took me a number of years to to to recover from that. That was a big hit. So it’s a it’s a long time. I would say business development or the development or growth of a business is directly in correlation with the growth of the person leading that business. And I think that’s what people need to understand. For me, it was a long time in the making.

Yeah, I think I think you bring up a solid point, it kind of reminds me of another episode that you guys recently did with Episode 53 with his name was X and Story, and it was a power of story. So I think what you just did without even thinking about it, like you kind of define the power of a story by answering that question about your 20 year journey. So if you did want to kind of dove into that just a little bit more, I mean, like, obviously you have marketing, you have profiles, you have all these different outlets of marketing strategies.

But in each one of your particular marketing sectors, you’re telling a distinct story.

Yeah, absolutely, I think, again, it goes to reaching out to the audience and what each each person what relates to them, because the one thing I’ve learned is that especially in the coaching world, it’s really interesting because I’ve had people reach out to me because of one particular thing that they’ve heard, whether it was a story, even story of my challenges or my father’s challenges with alcoholism. And people reached out to me and said, you know, that’s something I’m struggling with. Can you help me with that? And so I think people we are again, this is the cliche is we’re dealing with people and that’s that’s basically what it is. So but and every single thing, everybody on the surface wants something different. Some people want money. Some people want more flexibility. Some people want a better team. But underlying all of that, underneath all of that are very similar needs that everybody has. And if you have a story that meets those underlying needs, then you’ll be able to meet their surface level needs as well because no one comes. It’s interesting that a lot of guys don’t come to me and say, excuse me, hey, pretty boy, I want to have a better relationship with my wife. But underlying they do because their business is struggling because they don’t have a good relationship with their wife. And if they can figure that out, then their business will thrive. So it’s all about connecting to someone’s underlying needs.

So definitely a cause and effect. So would that cause and effect? Right. I mean, obviously you have I always ask this question because I think obviously you had a journey. But if you can go back and change one thing, what would that one thing be?

That’s, are you are you asking from a business perspective or life perspective?

Well, for you, I kind of feel like they’re your balanced, right? So they’re essentially one and the same. You’re saying if someone’s having a problem with their wife that’s affecting their business, they have a problem with their business affecting their wife. So I ask that question generally like that to kind of see what your take would be.

Yeah, I would say if there was one thing in business that I would do and I could talk about personal to the one thing a business would be. When I first started the coaching consulting firm, I focused a lot on our systems, meaning that what we were going to deliver to our clients, not enough in marketing, because I want to make sure that our clients were getting results and that we had a great not just a good product, a great product and service for our clients. Like I wanted us to be the best, which was not the I would say the best approach because we didn’t miss out on I would say, well, maybe we did miss out on some opportunity, but we didn’t grow as fast at the beginning as we could have. And I think that’s the one thing. So we focus and I see this a lot in the coaching and consulting space where people want to focus more on the product and service rather than actual marketing. And the analogy that I use is Elon Musk. He didn’t have a perfect prototype when he went out there and sold a Tesla truck, actually was somewhat defective and he sold hundreds of thousands of units because his marketing was awesome. So I think that’s the one lesson I learned is whatever we do, regardless of how good we are, we always have to focus on marketing and we always have to be on top, on par with marketing on the personal side. And this is something that’s very near and dear to me is I probably would have I wish I would have understood my dad a little bit more. Well, and I think that’s what it is, because I because of my dad’s challenges and I started to take a look at why people do what they do at a young age, like I was literally under less than 10 when I would wonder why would my dad drink that much or, you know, why is he talking like that after he drinks and and I started to try to figure him out, then that’s really what got me interested in male psychology, you can say. And but as much as I I learned throughout my years, even as a young adult and I had learned, you can say psychology around men and women and men in society, I didn’t fully understand my dad. And it wasn’t until probably even now these excuse me, my voice is going off today. But even now, these moments that I have when I look back, I experienced something or feel something and I’ll be like, I’ll have this moment. I’ll be like, that’s how Dad felt. Now I understand. Now I understand what he went through. Now I understand why he said what he said or did what he did or made that decision. This is complete sense. I wish I would have been able to go back and at least say to my dad, I understand at that time, because as men in particular, we don’t reach out a lot to other people when we’re when we’re struggling in business, whatever that is, because that could be a direct hit to our ego. My dad didn’t have a lot of people that he he would go to. And I felt for him because in a lot of ways he was alone. But I wish I would have been there a little bit more to have said that I understand.

I mean, that’s definitely some interesting insight. So, I mean, that kind of brings me back into, like, your entrepreneurial background. Right. So I think you kind of alluded to this a little bit. Who else in your family was an entrepreneur? And and because of that, do you think that’s a factor to your current success?

Well, I would say my family as a whole wasn’t very entrepreneurial, except for my my parents. So they were a big factor for me because I and we were in the agriculture business. We still are. And so when my parents had their business, they were actually doing very well, not only from a work ethic, because of work ethic, because they worked their butts off, but because they just had to work smart and they had to they were actually they treated their employees really well. So what I learned is other people in the same industry were having challenges and they weren’t making the same amount of money. And I was wondering like, what’s going on? What are my parents able to do this and be successful when someone has the exact same type of business and they’re not doing well? And so that’s when I started to take a look at business and it really came down to the leadership style. So I wasn’t per say about the tactical components. But how do people lead in businesses? Because I took a look at my parents leadership and people always wanted to work for us. And to this day that they still do they would rather work for us than other people in the industry. And and that has had a major impact on me because rather than just the business, it was more about how do people lead businesses. That was a big element. I have other cousins, for example, that are successful in business and they’re much older than I am. And they were successful. They built very strong family businesses. That’s something that we work with on the consulting side, coaching side as well, because I think there’s a lot of strength in family businesses if when done. Well, I know there’s also challenges that happen, especially between generations. But I’m a I love family businesses because it gives an opportunity for the family to work together for individuals, the siblings as spouses, to work together and create something greater than then you can say public businesses, you know. So that’s kind of in a nutshell. If I answered your question, hopefully I did.

Yeah, you definitely, definitely nailed it. I mean, I definitely like your particular answers to the questions because not only are they detailed, but again, you’re also telling your story in a very powerful fashion. So I definitely appreciate that. Moving forward, how do you I mean, obviously you have a connection with your dad, so obviously that makes you by default big into family. How do you juggle your current work life with your family life?

Well, it really comes down to aligning values and everything that we do. Everything we make our decisions on is based on our values as men. And this, again, is something that my grandfather taught me at a very young age. And my grandfather was in the military for decades and the British Indian army. And he was also a very spiritual man. His father, my great grandfather, was a spiritual and a religious teacher for 50 years in India. So we grew up I grew up in a very interesting household with very masculine discipline men, for example. My dad was also a police police officer in India and my grandfather teaching me the world of discipline with the world of of spirituality and belief. And both my grandfather and my dad were very strong family men. That was what they lived for, was for their family. And I just I just grew up in that. Even though my dad wasn’t perfect, he was always there as a as a dad for me. There was not one moment where I could say if I asked for something, he wouldn’t be there to give it. And so I just grew up with that, I would say. And when when I got married, here’s what my dad said to me. He actually sat me down and we didn’t have these deep conversations very often. But he would say to me, he said he said to me at that time, and I still remember it because this is what I’ll share with my son. And when that time comes for him, he said, you know what, your friends, you have other things that you do. You have other priorities. But now that you’re getting married, your wife and your future kids are your number one priority. That’s what you as a man should hold most important. And so our values and my grandfather was very much into values and principles as being a man. And so that’s what’s being ingrained into me today and I think that’s the one thing that keeps me going in terms of the decisions that I make because I’m very strong with my values. Family is very up there when it comes to my decision making. And I always take a look, how is this impacting my family? And so the work life balance is always a tricky one. It’s never perfect. But I’ve structured it to a point now where I know where my limits are. And I’m also reminded I’m just like every other guy. I’m reminded by my kids. I’m reminded by my wife, my kids all the time that, you know, and my son, he knows he’s seven years old, but he knows how to push my buttons. He knows how to get a response out of me because he’s like, Dad, what’s more important, your work or us? And you know that that gives me a sign because that’s like, OK, maybe I’ve been working too hard during the week or today that I just need to spend a little bit more time with them. And I think we know as men and and just women, too. I think we know when we’re out of balance, something just doesn’t feel right. But the way of structured my life now, I’m very you can say it’s very structured from the perspective. I know when I’m working and I know when I’m not working and I just don’t cross those lines. And here’s why. A from a fulfillment perspective, because the way our coaching works and the way I work with men is I’ve learned that here’s here’s what people want in life, especially men. Men want to perform at their best. Men want to achieve their goals and aspirations because there’s no other point in performing if you’re not going to achieve something. But the one thing that also missing is the fulfillment aspect. And so a lot of guys will perform and achieve and they’ll go back into that cycle of performance and achievement without going into the cycle of fulfillment, which is actually taking time to enjoy why you’re working so hard. And when you actually enjoy that fulfillment aspect, you actually perform better and you achieve more. Well, that is what completing the cycle is all about. And so I would be a total hypocrite if I didn’t do that myself. But I was coaching and teaching other people how to do that. And I’ve caught myself many times where I’m saying I’m not I’m not fulfilling my life like I should be. And so I have to pause and I have to step back. Then I should do that. Like, for example, yesterday was Family Day in Canada and it was a day off for the kids, a day for my wife. And I had the choice because there’s a number of things that I should have got done. But I just said, you know what? What’s the point? Like, you know, there’s always going to be days where I could do work. This is Family Day. My kids are off I’m gonna do that. So it’s just setting those priorities nice.

Yeah. Yeah. I definitely, definitely appreciate that. Answer it kind of to your point. And if you’re talking to men and you’re talking to family man, I think that resonates through and through to our core, not just on an intellectual level, but to our hearts as well. So it’s balancing both out greatly. So it seems like you have a very strict regimen to a certain extent. So what are your morning routines like?

Sure, I’ll give you a play by play. So my morning routines are fairly similar except for a couple of days. So I get up in the morning and typically up about five. And then the first thing I do is meditate because that’s important, because your brainwaves to be going at a meditative state at that time, then I’ll actually read. That’s the next thing I do. And then I go into a mini creative session and. And then I just spent some time in terms of brainstorming some ideas for the day or for my business, and then I’ll actually go and exercise, and so then I’ll go work out. And that’s when after that, then my day will start. I’ll shower and get ready, and then my day will begin and off I go, except for Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, where my when my wife is actually at work. So she does 12 hour shifts those days. She’s in the medical field. And I, I get the kids ready in the morning. So those days I actually I do my meditation, I do the reading, I do the creativity. But then I sneak into my kid’s bed for about a half an hour. I have a daughter and a five year old and a seven year old son, and I’ll spend about 15 minutes each and I’ll just snuggle with them because that is important to me. It fuels me for the day and it’s important for them because now they get to snuggle with me and there’s nothing there’s nothing in between. There’s no work, no other disturbances. It’s just me and them. And then I get them ready, drop them off at school. And then then I come back and I work out. So the typically my morning routine is is is that nice.

Nice. I think I would say people fall as far into the trap when I asked that question, it’s a Segway to why I decided to create a Boss Uncaged book club. And one of your definitions was you read books. So my next question is, is obviously a three part question. One is, what books are you currently reading right now? Two is what books helped you get to currently where you are. And then obviously three is you have your own book as well. So I want you to kind of plug that book and kind of tell us a little bit about that book.

Yeah, absolutely. So what book am I reading right now? I have a copy right here and it’s it’s called The Siri Guru Granth Sahib. And this book is the volume one of the Sikh Bible. And so my background is Sikh it’s it’s a very small religion, you can say, in India, and the reason why I’m reading this book is because it’s actually a translated version of the original language, because I can’t read it. It’s just a completely different language. But the Sikh religion and I’m a religious person from the philosophical standpoint, for example, but I’m also very spiritual. The Sikh religion is very much about a way of life rather than just a religion. So they don’t really classify themselves as a religion per say. It’s more of a way of life because they believe they believe that every every person should have the right to believe in their own religion. And that’s that’s the main thing. And so I’m reading this book because it’s all about philosophy. It’s all a way of life. And a lot of the things that my grandfather taught me as a young child in terms of how to be a man, how to be a strong man, how to be a principled man, how to live with values, because there’s two most important things, and I’m going to say religion, because that’s how it’s technically identified, the Sikh religion that are the main principles of life. One is Simran, which is basically looking from within. So meditation from within, because we are universe starts from within. And that’s a big concept of the principles I use in the complete my book, which I’ll talk about here in a little bit. The second one is what we call Sawa, which is giving to others. And so I’m going into this, now as I’m reading this, I’m connecting all the dots of what my grandfather taught me and the religious text and how I’m living today. So it’s actually really interesting for me because I’m like, now I see why I do what I do and this is connecting to this, the books that have led me to where I am in terms of Help Me, the first book that I’ve ever i read from you can say a self-help book, a personal development book was “As a man thinketh” and “Think and grow rich”. Those were the two original books I read decades ago. From there, there’s a number of other books. I think the main important thing, like the “War of Art” is another one, I think is one of my favorites, for example. yeah, yeah. Like just just brilliant concepts out there. While there’s so many books, I’m just going to look at myself if there’s any other ones that really stand out for me.

Yeah. I mean, I know the reason why i asked the question. I’m looking at your library behind you and I’m just like, yes.

Yeah, Those are the ones that really stand out. I read more technical, sorry. I was turned around. I read more technical books now because I’ve built a foundation of, you can say, the general principles of self-help and now it’s actually more refinement and mastery. But I would just anybody out there, those are those are really good books to read, I think, especially for men as a man thinketh, which kind of leads me to why I wrote The Complete Man book, which is my newest book that’s out and just released at the end of twenty twenty is because it was it’s a it’s literally decades of work. All my, it’s a compilation of everything that I’ve taken from the personal development world, you can say, as well as some key aspects from the business side, because it is specifically for men more geared towards businessmen, family oriented businessmen. But it’s basically taking all of the elements of being a man and fleshing that out in a very practical way so that men have a handbook or a guideline and certain steps that they can take to improve their life. So the subtitle of the book is Achieve Ultimate Performance, Fulfillment and Victory in every area of your life, not just one in every. Because we as men want to be successful in all aspects, but a lot of us are not because we focus too much in one area. And so this helps. There’s another element to this book as well, which is the state of men today, because it is almost a negative to be a masculine men, to be a strong man. It’s this whole concept of toxic masculinity and men being leaders. No, I’m all for women being leaders. I’m a total supporter of that. That’s actually a key principle in in the Sikh religion is men and women are equal. But I also believe that men are leaders were drivers and there’s a biological and neurobiological aspect. And a lot of guys are confused today in terms of what it means to be men, like am I supposed to be the leader of my family or is it is it bad to be too masculine or how do I raise my children? Do I raise my son as a son and my daughter is a daughter? Like, do I treat them differently? Am I supposed to remain neutral because society is all about gender neutrality now? So I clarify a lot of the stuff from my perspective in my research in this book to give men more clarity in terms of how to live a more. Functional, successful and happier life.

I definitely commend you for one for writing the book, right to taking the time to kind of illustrate again another powerful story about what your book is going to help someone achieve. So I definitely I look forward to get my hands on a copy of it and read it myself personally. And I also make a recommendation on the book club for it as well.


Great. So moving forward. Right. I mean, you’re one hell of a journey. Took you decades to get to currently to where you are, but your journey is far from being over. I mean, that’s one of the reasons why I’ve deemed you to complete boss, because you are like a complete individual, complete business person, complete man and the complete package. But where do you see yourself in the journey? I think that you’re constantly growing. So where do you see yourself in 20 years, 20 years?

Yeah, it’s really interesting. If I take a look at my ultimate mission 20 years from now, my end goal is my kids will be older, you know, if they’ll be with me at that time. We’ll see how how close they are. But in between there, my goal is to travel the world with my family and educate my kids on the importance of life, the importance of nature, the importance of different cultures and respecting what we have and teaching other people the same. So as we go and building animal shelters around the world, I’m a big animal lover and I believe that we should appreciate and return animals as they are. And so whether that’s endangered species or just abused animals, mistreated animals, that’s a big thing that I’m focused on. So in 20 years, that’s where I see myself from a mission standpoint is doing that. I still see myself working with men and consulting. My goal in 20 years is to be the leading consulting agency for professional men. That is my goal specifically for men, family oriented men where they can go and they can say, I just want to have a better life in general. I want a better business, I want to have a better life. And we are the main organization that supports that.

So I think that that’s another good gateway into this. This next question. Let’s say I am 55 years old and I’ve had a long career in corporate America and I’m at that point in time to where I’m thinking about retiring, but I don’t want to stop working. And I want to kind of get into business. I want to become an entrepreneur. What words of insight would you give to me on this journey moving forward?

Well, I would say it’s a it’s never too late because we work with men even in their early 70s, for example. And so if you desire to do something, do it, because ultimately it’s it’s a number of things that will actually lead you to it’s OK. Why do you want to do it? So do you have a purpose behind it? Do you have a passion behind it? And can you be driven can you be motivated to follow through? And I think those especially at that age, you know, if you’re fifty five, you’ve been in corporate America, you’ve built, let’s say, a nest egg or some kind of stability where you have the option of moving into something different would highly encourage you to do it, because especially in the later years, I see a lot of men that have been successful and work, but it’s not their passion. And in their later years, they’re like, I wish I would have done something different. So that is a perfect opportunity to actually do it. And if you have a skill and expertise, it’s great because one of the fastest growing industries right now is consulting and coaching in North America, it’s massive. If you have a skill, now’s the best time to actually go out there and share that skill with other people because people are willing to pay for it. The biggest piece of advice, I would say, if you’re going to start a business, is to start a business around. The foundation should be solving a problem. I see a lot of people trying to be innovative and stuff like that. That to me is is kind of like it’s not the best strategy at the beginning. It’s kind of like I look at that for the the guys that are starting from the garage, young kids that have the time. You have a decade or two to be able to build a business if you entered later in your years, you want to solve a problem and you want to find a problem that’s out there. And if you’re in the corporate world and you’re a leader or you have specific expertise, you’re already solving a problem and guaranteed if you’re solving a problem for your current business, there’s another business out there that has that same problem. So find those problems and solve them. That’s the easiest way to start a business.

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Definitely. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great insight. So how can people find you online? I mean, obviously you have multiple different platforms. What’s the best way to get in contact with you?

Well, the the best way is just to you can reach out to me. You can go to my website pretty saying a dotcom and in the corner or there’s a contact form there, too. You can email me, I’ll respond directly or you can connect with me if you just want to follow some of my work, you can connect with me on Instagram or LinkedIn, I’m not so big on Facebook anymore, those are the two main platforms just recently, a few weeks ago, got on the clubhouse to to have a voice on there. So those are those are the main platforms. Instagram and LinkedIn are the two, two big ones.

So do you have any offerings or services that you would like to to leave our listeners with?

Yeah, I’m super excited because we are updating our coaching programs for men this year. And the one of the ones that I’m super excited about is complete mastery for businessmen. So it’s specifically for businessmen. It’s 12 weeks long to get them from point A to point B and help them achieve the one goal that they want to achieve within the first 90 days. Whatever it is, however big it is, that that’s what this program is designed to do. And also the Complete Man book is out, the audio book is out. And for your listeners, they can go to and use a promo code victoryseventyfive. So that’s just one word completemanaudio.Com, victorseventyfive and get they’ll get seventy five percent off the audio book so I’m excited about that.

Nice, Yeah definitely. Definitely. Definitely. I appreciate you making that offer available to our listeners. So just going into the bonus round and it’s kind of like I’m still recapping like everything that you’ve been saying and taking mental notes, it’s kind of like that’s the drawback of having a podcast, like you’re listening and you’re engaged. But I’m like, what? How’s my pen and paper? Like, how can I take notes and still look into the camera at the same time. So bonus questions, right? If you could spend twenty four hours with anyone dead or alive, uninterrupted for twenty four hours, who would it be and why?

Definitely my dad. It would be my dad because he passed suddenly and I the reason is because I’d like to see him again A but B because he had a wealth of knowledge that I wasn’t able to get from it because I didn’t think he was going to pass so soon. I wish I would have been able to get more of our family history, more of his experience, of his life overall and his life in India, for example. He had a wealth of knowledge and get to know more of our our background and our roots, because with my father passing, it’s like that whole life, like I have no clue who is who or where our background is from our origins. It’s like I have the little snippets that he’s told me, but it’s like our entire family history is gone. So that is one thing. But I think it’s super important because as we move forward and we progress in life with technology and business, whatever it is, we also have to remember where we came from. So that’s something that’s very important to me.

Yeah, definitely. So I like this question because you’re a family guy. So I’m going to tell you right now the answer that you can’t use. I’ll say the answer for you’re ready, right. Your significant achievement to date. Would I always say if you’re a family person is always going to be your kids, right. So outside of your kids, what is your most significant achievement to date?

Hmm. Oh, I would say who I am as a person, that that for me is what I’m proud of the most. There are times that I struggle with that as well. But that is by far the most that I’m proud of, because, again, I go by the principle of what my grandfather taught me. He said people can take they can take your certifications away. They can take your home away. They can take your money away. They can take the shirt off your back. Because he experienced that. He literally experienced those challenges growing up in India and poverty. But he said the one thing they can’t take away from you as a man is who you are. And that for me, that statement stood stuck with me for the longest time. And and everything that I have or don’t have in this goes to the principles of the complete man. I am so comfortable with who I am as an individual. I’m continuously growing. I’m not perfect by any means. That’s not what I’m saying. But I’m so content and peaceful with who I am as a person, as a man that I feel fulfilled from that perspective because some and I’ve experienced it because in 2008 I took a massive hit. But I can I can I can lose my worldly belongings and I can still feel good. I think that’s what I’m most proud of.

Yeah. Yeah, that’s what you I mean, it’s like we just met for the first time in this podcast. And just by hearing your answers, I would not expect anything less than the answer that you just gave me. I mean, in the short period of time I’ve known you. So I definitely appreciate that. Now, that’s the time where, you know, the microphone, the floor is yours. I mean, during the journey of these questions, any questions that may have come up that you want to ask me?

Yeah, I would love to actually know more about your journey. You know, I’m excited I should have you on our podcast, too, so that’ll be great. But I guess one of the questions is what’s your mission with your podcast and your listeners?

So I have a two fold structure, right. On one hand, it’s small business owners, entrepreneurs and telling their stories much like your story, because there’s someone else out there that may hear your story and be influenced by what you’re saying. And that’s why my platform is diversified based upon multiple principles of business structures. What the target audience is 100 percent entrepreneurs and business owners. That’s that side on the other side. You know, I survived a stroke about two years ago, had a full stroke and kind of woke up out of it like I’m going to make a hundred percent recovery. And now I want to say, OK, what am I at that moment? I was like, OK, what am I leaving behind? Obviously, you have insurances, you have money, you have all these different things. But I’ve always been a guy that’s more so building businesses behind the scenes was never in the forefront. And I’m like, what am I leaving as a legacy for my kids? What am I leaving behind to influence my grandkids?

So I decided, like, I’m going to take these two and merge them together. I’m going to be able to give back to small business owners. I’m going to be able to give the stories of the people I’m interviewing that gives back to you kind of use marketing. And then I’m going to have a legacy of all this evergreen content that’s forever going to be online for my kids, my grandkids moving.

That is awesome, I love that, I didn’t even think about that, but that is that is an amazing way to leave that because that trail, that all your podcast, series, all of them are going to have a story to tell. That is that’s amazing.

Yep, yep. Yep. So, I mean, if you have any other questions, this is a time. If not, man, first of all, I want to say I appreciate your team reaching out. It was kind of like everything happens for a reason. I’m happy that we met. I’m happy to had an opportunity to interview you. And I definitely welcome you and welcome our audience to definitely take what you said and take action on what you said, not just listen to it, rewind, relisten, take notes and then take action.

Yeah, I think the only other thing I would and this is an ask I would say is for the audience. If you do have something that you’re challenged with, please feel free to reach out. I think even if it’s not from a professional standpoint and say we’re going to engage and working together, I’m more than happy just to give you some insight in terms of how to deal with certain situations or improve certain things, whether it’s in your business or your personal life. The other thing, too, I would say is if there’s any suggestions that you may have for me as an individual in terms of topics to talk about on a podcast or just in terms of a coaching program or whatever that looks like. I love to hear from people in terms of what they’re challenged with, because ultimately that’s what gives us value for us to be able to provide better products and services for the people that we serve.

Yeah, yeah, I definitely think I mean, the fact that you left it open like that is a good thing. And again, listen, if you have opportunity, I would definitely take note and fulfill that request. And I’m going to fulfill that request. I mean, just by hearing you talk and just seeing that what you have, I think you and I offline to talk about very different things that we can package together to facilitate that to both our listeners.

Yeah, awesome.

So, I mean, I definitely appreciate it man as they grant over and out.

CEO Of The Complete Man: Purdeep Sangha AKA The Complete Boss – S2E36 (#64)2022-01-25T01:52:05+00:00

Director of Strategy Of Creators Learn: Renee La Tour AKA The Finance Boss – S2E35 (#63)

Also Available On

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

“Sit with yourself and take inventory on what’s really important to you.”
In Season 2, Episode 35 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the Director of Strategy at Creators Learn, Renee La Tour.
Creators Learn is a learning program that provides its users the exact steps to launch their own equipment finance business & mentor its users to success.
Renee has a passion for travel and, with her partner, built a business to support this passion. Currently based out of Malaysia, Renee’s entrepreneurial spirit allowed her to walk away from the typical 9-5 and create the life of which she always dreamed by running her business from anywhere in the world.
“So it’s like a well, and once you get that well pumping, at least for our business model, then it just kind of flows. It’s a nice steady flow of business that comes our way because we put that work in on the front end. And because of that, we have the lifestyle where we only need to work a few hours a day at most.”
Don’t miss a minute of this episode covering topics such as:
  • A mindfulness approach to the morning routine
  • Don’t ignore the tax code and how to set up your business
  • Creating business systems that serve your passion
  • And so much more!!!
Want more details on how to contact Renee or how to join Creators Learn? Check out the links below!


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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E35 – Renee La Tour.m4a – powered by Happy Scribe

Your first name?

Oh, my first name is Renee God.

OK, what was your question?

I was going to ask you the same thing because it was like S.A grant and I didn’t know, Grant was your last name.

You Grant is my last name. So my initials are S.A. And it just makes it easier. You could call me S.A. My my first name is actually Shanoll, but nine out of ten people jack it up the first time. So I just S.A Grant is fine if you just want to go with that.

That’s funny because I’m from Arizona and S.A has its own meaning, if you didn’t know.

Yeah, Yeah on the West Coast, definitely it is the whole story behind that as well to why they called me S.A. Since I was younger too. All right, so we’re rolling there, we’re rolling here. All right, so if you’re good to go, I’m good to go.

Yeah, as long as all the audio sounds OK for you, your audio is pretty crisp. Just listen. Yeah, I don’t hear any history or anything, so we’re good. All right, so 3 2 1. Welcome welcome back to Boss uncaged podcast. On today’s show, we have Renee. And so Renee came kind of way of matchmaker, which is an online. It’s kind of like it’s weird. It’s kind of like you have dating websites and then you have dating for podcast websites where you can kind of find all the podcasts or so she reached out and I think her background is going to be great for for for you guys. I think she’s going to give you a lot of insight, a lot of details on how does she get to where she currently is, but without me taking any of her thunder. Renee, welcome to the show.

Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to be here and excited to connect with you and your listeners.

Great. Right. So, Dive it, I mean, like, who are you?

That’s a loaded question, right? So I don’t like to associate myself with labels so I could sit here and give you some superficial stuff, like I’m a woman. I’m, you know, the 30 I don’t even know how old I am at this point. Thirty three thirty. Do you know I am a traveler, you know, all these things. But really, it’s it’s quite superficial. Right. So really, at the end of the day, I’m someone who is driven by living my true spiritual self and giving all of my gifts to the world. So whatever that looks like, I am a vessel for that for that energy. So really, I’m a human having the human experience. And I’m a being. I’m a spiritual being here on the planet, sharing it with you and all the other amazing, beautiful people here.

I think that’s a pretty solid Segway for like, if you could define yourself in 3 to 5 words, what would those 3 to 5 words be?

So. I would keep it really short, I most spiritual being, I am a set of energy that, you know, I am so fortunate to be here, right. We hit the lottery because there’s a one in a trillion chance that we would be here right now. So I’m really just a spiritual ball of energy.

Nice, nice, nice. So it’s kind of cool. I mean, right now you’re like overseas. You’re in Malaysia currently right now. Is that correct?

Yeah, correct.

But let’s just talk about I mean, like like how did you end up in Malaysia? Like I mean, like, what are you doing there. Like what is your business learning. What’s going on.

Sure. Yeah. So I love to travel like most people. I love vacationing. I always enjoyed going on vacation and going and hanging out the beach and taking my two weeks vacation. I was never that person who had all all their vacation up at the end of the year and couldn’t figure out what to do with it. So in my past I. I had the whole nine to five thing so we could talk about that if you want to. But that that was my past and I had to choose the route of entrepreneurship to have more freedom of my life. You know, when I made the decision that I’m going to have my life, have my life fit, my lifestyle that I want and not wait for it, I wasn’t going to work my butt off until I could retire and then live my life or OK, I need X number of dollars in my bank account and then I can go live anywhere in the world or whatever it might be. So I instead went the other direction and I, I said, OK, I need to design my, my life around the lifestyle that I want and I knew that trouble was always very high on that list because travel gives us something that nothing, nothing else does. When you can explore the rest of the world and see with your own eyes and your own experience energetically how other people are living in the rest of the world, there’s nothing quite like it. And also with that is nature. You know, there’s so many beautiful things to see, so many different plants and animals, and I am just obsessed with it. So that also drives my desire to see the world and to travel. And it’s not for everyone. I hate when people make assumptions like everyone wants to travel. No, I don’t think that’s the case. You know, there’s people don’t, though. So for me, that was important to me in life. And once I once I started taking time with myself to realize what’s really important to me, why and what do I want my life to be like every day, how do I want that to feel? I started designing my life around that. So once I had the the freedom to take a vacation whenever I wanted. So it wasn’t just the two weeks a year. Then I started traveling a lot more. Right. So so my partner and I would go and we would travel Europe for three weeks at a time or we would go on a road trip for six weeks at a time or, you know, we would take these long trips and we started to realize because we start to run our business and so, you know, we have we have a business together. So we still had to keep things going. No one was going to take care of that for us. But we realized our business was was so tight and we had all the right systems in place, we could run it from anywhere. And once we realized that, it gave us the freedom in our in our mind to think, OK, we can live anywhere. We don’t have to just go to places for a couple of days or a couple of weeks. We actually can live wherever we want. So I started off slow and that’s always my advice. I know people just kind of dove right in and they just move overseas and they just figure it out. And I think that’s awesome. But for us, we started. So I’m from Arizona and I was living in Scottsdale and we had all this stuff so we can get into the minimalism thing. But that’s a big piece of my journey. So once we have the ability to take, again, live anywhere, we just went to San Diego for three months. So the summers in Arizona are pretty Butte are pretty brutal. And that was our first kind of thing, is like if we’re going to leave Arizona because I love Arizona, actually, I was just going to leave for the summer. So then we just started with that. So it was three months in San Diego and that wasn’t very far. It was only a six hour drive or whatever. And then we we after that we thought, well, why would we go back home? You know, we really don’t need to. So from San Diego, I think we went and dropped our cars off back home and then we hopped on a plane and went to Central America. And so we were in Central America for five or six weeks. And then we went back home and were like, OK, this is cool, let’s stay home for a couple of months and then let’s go somewhere else. And then so then we hopped and went to on a road trip and we were on a road trip and the and the West Coast for six weeks. And then, you know, so we just kind of started. Integrating travel more and more with our lifestyle and here we are now in Southeast Asia, and so we just again kind of like keeping an open mind and just kind of letting things happen and being OK with uncertainty and being OK with with just living with the contents. The contents of my backpack has allowed me to really live anywhere. So that’s how all that went down. So now is Southeast Asia specifically? We were traveling through Asia last year, so we left the states in January and we were in Hong Kong and in Thailand for two months. And then we came over to Malaysia and because of covid, the whole country locked down. So they said, OK, foreigners, you can stay because normally I think we could stay in Malaysia for 90 days and our plan was one month. So they could say they could they said you guys can go ahead and stay, but every other country was locking down. So we were thinking, OK, what are our best option? So when family and even the embassy, the US embassy was emailing me like, you need to come home right now, know, get back to the. We decided to stay, we thought this was going to be the best place for us. We didn’t really know what was going to happen. Nobody did. But I had a I had it I had a thought that the states would kind of handle it differently than than Asian countries because it’s a different culture and we could talk more about the different cultures because it’s very interesting. But it was handled differently. And I’m grateful to be here. It’s a very lovely country. We can talk about Malaysia because I really love it. But it’s been a year that I’ve been here. So I’ve been in Malaysia longer than I’ve been home. I haven’t been home for this. So a lot as long of a period as I have been in Malaysia, probably in the last four, four years, three or four years. So, yeah, it’s quite interesting.

It is. So I mean, so thinking about like like our audience. Right. So, I mean, they’re listening to you, they’re hearing your story. And I’m sure everybody is like raising a hand, like, where do I sign up? Like, how can I do that? So you talk a little bit about your business. I mean, obviously this has to be funded. So, I mean, how are you funding it? Are you using the travel as a business or what is your other business that’s funding the travel?

Yeah, yeah, I think that’s the most important question. It’s like I said, people think, oh, let me just go travel first, let me go live in another country and then I’ll figure it out. I’ll teach English or I’ll freelance or whatever. But I didn’t. that wasn’t on my journey. The business came first. So my partner and I have an equipment financing company so I won’t get too technical. It’s really quite simple. I people here financing and they’re like, oh, you know, but it’s actually really simple. We partner with equipment sellers who are selling equipment to offer their customers financing to buy that equipment. So instead of paying 50k for, you know, the the ultrasound unit or whatever it is, they instead pay five hundred bucks a month, whatever the monthly payment is. So that’s what we do as a business and over the years. So my partner has I think he’s going on like seventeen years in the industry and I’ve been involved for five years in the industry and I didn’t have any background in the financing space. So I just go feet first and learned everything I needed to learn. And it wasn’t much really. It’s just having conversations with people and giving people, you know, telling people, hey, this is what I do. Let me know if you if you or your your customers need that service. And that’s really it. It’s not even crazy. And then just figuring out, OK, what systems do we need to have in place so that we’re not working in the business day in, day out. We’re more working on the business. So, you know, right now it’s early in the morning, Malaysia time. I went through my emails after I did my, you know, my morning meditation stuff. I went through my emails and I spent maybe five or ten minutes on work today. So that’s all I spent on work today. And I don’t want to make it seem like, oh, that just happens overnight. You have to put the work in on the front end. And that’s what we’ve done. So it’s it’s like a well, and that’s I feel like it’s the same with any business, with any entrepreneurial journey. It’s so well. And once you get that well pumping, at least for our business model, then it just kind of flows. It’s a nice steady flow of business that comes our way because we put that working on the front end. And because of that, we have the lifestyle where we only need to work a few hours a day at most I think, again, like I said, I sent a couple emails out and that’s it for the day. So there’s not a whole lot I have to do to keep that business going. It’s a very lucrative industry. So if people are interested in the industry is very lucrative. It’s not like we’re, you know, churning and burning through through transactions and only making a couple hundred bucks. It’s it’s actually a very lucrative industry.

So is it more like secondary lending? So if they wanted to go to the bank and the bank denied them, then they will come to you guys and do your network of individuals, whether as investors, angel investors or whatever else, you have opportunity to then say, OK, this person is going to lend you the capital to buy the equipment and then you’re going to be pay them back over a period of time. Is that currently the situation roughly?

So it’s a little different. So a lot of people do model their business like that and they go after small business owners. Right. So they’re going up to Suzy, who owns who owns the café on the corner and say, hey, Suzy, do you need any business lending because maybe your bank didn’t qualify you or whatever the case may be. Will we take a different approach again? And it goes back to having really Trump type systems is we partner with the equipment sellers. So the bank really isn’t involved because the customer’s getting the financing through the person they’re buying the equipment from.

Got you. So you cut out the middleman? Pretty much,

exactly. Yes. You got it. You got it. There is no there’s no banks involved. There’s no person who can’t get lending. You know, these are actually really qualified deals because we’re very niched on who we partner with, with equipment. So the people who come to us for financing, most of them are are really great as far as, you know, them being qualified for our programs so because of that, yeah, we’re not competing with the bank or or trying to give them lending that nobody else can or trying to find. You know, it’s really not the case. It’s usually the case of great, great business owners that are just wanting they want their equipment. So, you know, we get them funding within a couple of days or a couple of weeks.

What kind of equipment you got to talk about. You’re talking about like like like giant cranes. You’re talking to more so like farm equipment. Like what range of equipment or is it? There’s no limitation.

There’s no limitation. So pretty much anything. The only thing that’s kind of off. Kind of off limits is is stuff that is like adult adult industry or, you know, things like that, things that maybe there are some legal things with, but otherwise, you know, all of the above. Like you said, it could be that construction equipment, farm equipment, a lot of medical equipment, dental. Veterinarians, all kinds of people can be cafes, restaurants, all kinds of stuff.

That’s interesting. I mean, you go all the way from like constructions, like you said, all the way to, like, supplying coffee blenders for coffee manufacturing companies.

Exactly. And the cool thing about it, like whenever I do talk to people because I love I love this industry so much because you can imagine it’s giving me such freedom you do need. And that’s why I love that you asked about this, because I think a lot of people, if they’re just dreaming like, oh, I want to live in a different country or whatever, I mean, it’s not for everyone. I do want to say that it comes with its challenges, but people aren’t thinking, well, how am I going to pay for this? Right. That’s the most important question. And so and it has to be if it’s going to be a business that’s going to be taking you 12 hours a day or 10 hours a day or even eight hours a day, it’s really it’s not going to work. It’s going to be very challenging because you’re not going to be able to enjoy your life. Like, what’s the point of living in it in a completely different country with a different culture and so many cool things to explore if you don’t have time for it, if you’re spending your day, you know or even think about Malaysia. We are it is Wednesday morning, a little after 6:00 a.m. So how would I have worked on my business if it was taking eight hours of my day and it’s based in the US, it would have been impossible. Right. So you have to you have to have a business that you can run remotely. And so you have to have something that you can work with creatively. So so that being said, you know, I think the biggest piece of it, whether it’s something like this industry, I’m obviously very passionate about sharing this industry because of all the freedom it’s given me. But whatever that industry is, you know, has to be something that, you know, in the next couple of years looking at. It could be something that you’re working on and not working in.

I mean, that’s what I would love. When you reached out to me, I was like, I definitely want to get you on the show. Can I get a sense, your passion? I know once you start getting into diving into that like the meat and potatoes of this particular topic, I know you are going to shine. So, like, just understanding, like, business, right? I mean, everybody on the show is either been a business owner or an entrepreneur, and our listeners fall into that same category. I mean, obviously, everybody’s probably thinking at this point in time, like, how was your business structured? Is it an LLC or is it a C corp. S Corp? Is it overseas accounts? Is it us, a company like how is it structured?

Yeah. Yeah, great question too. So it is structured as an LLC taxed as an S corp. I’m not giving any legal advice, I just sharing my experience. So if you’re making over, you know, everyone has a different opinion about this. I’ve had different CPAs. If you’re making over 30, 40, 50K, you should, you know, convert over to being taxed as an S-corp. You can take advantage of those tax benefits. A lot of people don’t think about this. U.S. citizens have. I think that there’s there’s so many misunderstandings about taxes and the tax code, and a lot of people are scared of it. But you really should, as a business owner and entrepreneur, embrace the tax code. It is designed for you as an entrepreneur. You know, if you’re if you’re a small business and you’re going to be a medium business or, you know, you have big, big dreams for yourself, the government actually supports you because you are doing things that they’re incapable of doing. And so make sure that when you’re thinking of that tax code in all of the deductions and everything, that you can be taken advantage of as an entrepreneur that is designed for you. It is not against you, it is not. So they can audit you. You know, it’s not the big, scary boogeyman. I just think there’s such a misconception about that. So, yeah.

Yeah. So you alluded to having a partner, like a life partner, business partner. So everybody that is either married or have a significant other is always either they’re completely scared shitless whether they want to work with a partner or not. But not only are you working with your partner, you’re overseas with your partner. So traveling with somebody is a completely different ballgame. Working with them is completely different. And also being your significant other is completely different. How the hell is that working for you?

Yes, yes. Oh, my God. So this is hilarious because I never thought that we would be working together. I mean, that doesn’t sound like fun. I would always meet these. I would always meet these couples, you know, married couples or whatever that are running a business together. And I’m like, oh, my gosh, how are they not, you know, chopping each other’s heads off? You know, how does this work out? And so when I when I got on board, I’m going to be honest with you, it was rocky because we’re both alpha personalities. And that’s going to be common right in the entrepreneurial world. You know, you’re driven, you take charge, you’re a leader. And so when you have two leaders, there’s already kind of some friction in the relationship. And then now you’re working together and like you said, traveling together. Oh, my gosh. Like I have all these funny stories about, like, what are you doing? Kind of thing. So I was so starting out, I never thought that this would be. That it would even be it was kind of out of my mind, like, no way that that’s not going to work out, but if you have the fortitude to get over those first couple, like for us, it was like the first six months. And I kept thinking to myself, knowing the opportunity, like once I funded my first deal, I was like, oh, I’m in. Like, this is this is awesome. Like, you know, it takes that like you got to have that win. And once you have that, you’re like, Oh, man, I’m not going anywhere. And having that fortitude the first couple of months being two alphas is like. We need to just communicate. We need to communicate if for me, like I have to get off my chest, I’m not good with holding things in. So if he did something that bothered me, I want to have that dialog and I want to be able to communicate and same same on his end, like, I want him to communicate with me. Like if things aren’t working out, we need to talk it out. So it’s really having those uncomfortable conversations to communicate and make sure that everyone’s on the same page. Everyone’s happy that this is we’re doing all the right things to work together. And that is in business. That’s with a life, that is with traveling. You know, we the good news is, like both of us are very comfortable with uncertainty. And to be able to travel to be a business owner, you have to be comfortable with uncertainty because you’re taking a lot of chances. You’re kind of putting yourself out there. You don’t know what’s going to happen versus just saying, OK, I’ll go work this job and get get paid a paycheck. And that kind of feels secure, you know, so you have to be OK with that uncertainty. And luckily, Jim and I are both on the same page. So I think it’s important that both people in the relationship are are kind of on that same page. And it’s OK that, you know, maybe there’s days or time periods where you’re not on the same page. But if you’re communicating with each one to one another and letting the other person know, hey, this is how I’m feeling right now, this is not you’re not making me feel this way. I’m feeling this way. It all comes back on me you know steam over your you know, you’ve been on the line. I don’t know if I could curse on your on your show.

This is business I mean curse comes with business, believe it or not. Right. So

Great. Like like Katt Williams says steam of your motherfucking self. And so we always have a joke in our household like, well, you know, I know you’re feeling that way. Let’s reframe the language. You know, I’m feeling this way because of the situation. Let’s talk about it and let’s talk about what your what your actual intentions were and what you actually were trying to accomplish with when you said this to me or when you handled it this way or whatever, because automatically our minds go to, you know, survival mode in attack mode like, oh, you know, in my other half is trying to attack me. He’s trying to you know, he’s trying to do something to me. He’s you know, I have to go back into safety when reality, you know, that person because you chose that person. That person is a good person. That person has a good heart. They have your best intentions in mind. They’re struggling with something and it’s coming off of a certain way. And now it’s bouncing off of you, struggling with something and now you feel a certain type of way. So just talk about it and talk about, OK, I feel this way. And this is why I want to hear your side of the story and and know where you’re coming from so we can move forward.

I feel like my audience, we should all get like like where can we transfer and wire money to go? Like we’re sitting on your couch and you’re like helping all these people that’s currently probably in that situation. And you just kind of defined very clearly what they should be versus what they’re probably currently doing. So I definitely appreciate that insight. So let’s just move this forward a little bit. Right. So it seems like you guys have a pretty solid system. How do you guys overcome hurdles when they’re presented to you?

Yeah, so really, for me, it’s just one step in front of the next, and when one little saying that I have for myself is what’s the next best thing? What is the next best move? Because otherwise, if I think about whatever hurdle it might be or whatever a perceived struggle or whatever it might be, I can look at that and feel immediately overwhelmed, immediately weighed down immediately heavy. Or I can take a step back. Take a breath and think think about what’s the next best thing and one thing that I have to practice that I struggle with because I am you know, I’m driven, I’m motivated, I’m I’m a professional, is relaxing and taking my time because not everything needs to be addressed right away. So if there is a hurdle, like, for example, in our business, we have a lot of times where deals will will, quote unquote blow up. You know, if if something comes out of the woodwork or or we didn’t know this piece of the of the puzzle. And now we now we know it and we’re like, oh, that that kills the deal, that the deal is not going to get done and things like that happen. Well, if I immediately reacted and I’m like, OK, we need to take care of this, this needs to be done and off my desk and I got to make sure everyone knows I’m on top of this a lot of times. And it’s been proven because I’ve made those mistakes. It comes to bite me in the ass. It comes to bite me. And I overreacted. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I wasn’t thinking holistically. But instead, in the scenarios where I’ve taken a step back, I’ve shut my laptop and maybe I’ve drafted an email, put it in my dress and shut my laptop, go on a walk, go, go have a meditation, whatever it is, and come back to it. I’m then thinking clearly and I’m thinking about, OK, what’s the next best step to handle this struggle or hurdle or or maybe we’re going to lose the deal or whatever it might be. And I’ll tell you, it’s just something so simple. It sounds so basic, but it is life changing and always a challenge for me. I will say I’m not perfect. I still have those days where I’m like, Ah!!!

So anybody, you know, they’re looking at you just like, wow, like she’s traveling. She’s figured out how to essentially make revenue whenever she decides to make revenue. It seems like your overnight success, like this shit just happened yesterday. You just hop on a plane and you flew over there and it was darn Covid and it was like, how the hell did she do it? But in reality, you know, most journeys take twenty years. How long did it take you to get to currently where you are?

Oh, I love that 20 years journey. I love that. So, yeah, no overnight success, but close. Yeah, let’s move on. One thing I want to talk about, because I think it’s important and I know people try to try to discount their past, right. They try to discount like, oh, well, I’m moving on. I’m on to better, newer, better things. I had ten years experience in local government, so that is the furthest thing that I could think of when it comes to entrepreneur, you know, entrepreneurial journey. But the funny thing about it is I see so many overlaps and I’m like, OK, and spiritually. And that’s the funny thing, too, that I. I love talking to people who aren’t by definition an entrepreneur. They don’t own their own business yet because to me, the entrepreneurial journey starts in your spirit. And I always had the entrepreneurial spirit. And the reason why I know that is because whatever I did, I took ownership of it. It wasn’t me passing it off to somebody else or, oh, this is just an organization I work for or whatever the case may be. I took ownership of that. I was like, this is you know, I’m part of this. This is my project. I was accountable. I, I always have that spirit about me. And those ten years in local government taught me so much. And even though I, I started realizing later in that 10 year career that it wasn’t going to be a good fit for me long term, I’m like, OK, you know, my spirit started catching up with me. Like, this isn’t this isn’t the path for you. You know, long term. I was always so grateful of where I was. I never have reflections on the past and think to myself. Oh, what a waste or oh, I was working for the man or they were keeping me down, I never have a victim mentality, I never did then and I still don’t. I think that was so crucial for my development as as a young person. I started that. I started when I was 18. If you kind of do the math, I started that career really young, you know. So I’m just so grateful. I worked with really amazing people. I worked for worked with people of, you know, very. Virtuous, grounded people. So anyways, I don’t even know if that answered your question.

I mean, do you I mean, you talked about, you know, obviously 10 years before you even got to where you currently are, you were doing something completely different, was completely outside of the box of where you are. So and factoring probably like another five years or so to kind of make that transition. So I would say at least 15 years. So it seems like, you know, obviously you are a type personality. You have the mindset of a hustler. You have that business mentality that that come from like genetics. Did your dad or your mom have an entrepreneurial background or did it just something that you grew into?

You have beautiful question, and I think this ties into, you know, answering your your last question to is who you surround yourself with. So no it no genetics. My I can get into, you know, the family background. There’s no, you know, really, again, no business owners. And my dad wasn’t in my life. My mom was a single mom. She worked three three waitressing jobs to to keep a roof over our head in our one bedroom apartment for me, my three siblings. So she was a hard worker. And I got a lot of those those values from her as as as seen her doing whatever she could to just survive, but really was just surviving. I didn’t growing up, I didn’t really see a lot of people thriving. So when I was growing up, I was the first in my family to graduate high school. I was the first in my family to go to college. I was the first in my family to take the entrepreneurial journey. And then, as you know, as I’m going through my journey, I’m telling my mom, hey, you need to start a business with this, you know, and I’m helping her file her her paperwork so she can start, you know, taking advantage of tax write offs and actually making her her journey into an entrepreneurial one. So it really is who you surround yourself with. So, you know, in the last five years, what I did is I totally you know, once I made the decision like this isn’t this isn’t the government, the government, although a beautiful one, I don’t want to discount that journey. It wasn’t the right for me. I totally immersed myself in the entrepreneurial world. I started going to it was mostly all women meet ups because those women were sweethearts. You know, I feel like, you know, it wasn’t like these networking events where it’s all, you know, competitive or whatever it was, all these women entrepreneurial groups. And there I know that this is throughout the whole United States. If anyone wants these resources, there’s a ton of free resources out there. I don’t know how many free in-person events they’re doing, but they’re doing a lot of virtual events. If you’ve ever heard of AV I think it’s called AVI or it’s like through the through the SBA website, they have a bunch of different non-profits who can give you mentorship, who can you can do like these. I know they’re doing virtual events, but when I was doing it five years ago, it was like in-person stuff. And so I just started getting into that, even though I didn’t know, like, people would come over to me. And it was my turn to pitch what I was doing. And I would say, I don’t know yet. You know, I’m just here to learn from all of you and and see how your how your businesses are set up and what you’re doing. And I don’t really know what I’m going to do yet. So it was it was more about being around the right people, even though that wasn’t in my past, you know, that wasn’t something that I learned from my family at any point at any age, you can decide who you’re going to surround yourself with. Right. And get into those circles of people in the same mindset as, you know.

Definitely interesting. So it seems like you’re overseas, right? So obviously juggling the work life balance. So how do you currently juggle, like, your hustle with your family life?

Yeah, so I do want to go back to pumping that well, because I did and like you said, it’s like it’s not like overnight success and I just work a couple of hours a day. Look at me now. It’s like, you know, you have to pump that well. So I, I wanted to make sure that the business was trump tight because time zone differences. Oh, it is. It’s no joke. And now I know I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal, honestly. I was like, OK, we’re going to be because we had taken trips to Asia for I think the longest before this trip was three weeks. And that was kind of like three weeks isn’t so bad. You can kind of manage and be able to keep everything going. But we knew that we were going to be here for at least three months. So with that, I was like, OK, that’s a big difference. But I still was kind of like, oh, no big deal. So I do want to touch on pumping the well in the beginning. Right. We had our business trump tight when we were living in the States. So even back being in being in Scottsdale, I you know, people would joke with me like you live the life of a retiree, like you’re going to go play golf or you’re going to go to you know, I would go to matinees because I’m like, why am I going to go to the movies at night when it’s packed? You know, I’d rather go to matinees. And so I’m sitting in my partner and I are sitting there in the matinee with a bunch of gray hairs. And it’s it’s lovely. There’s no one else there, you know. And so I already had the business Trump type living back in the States. So coming out here and having the crazy time zone difference, the main thing has been. Making sure that, again, the systems are tight so that there’s nothing taking all of my time because there’s really there’s no other option, I’m literally asleep when the business is running. So if I don’t have my systems trump tight, there’s no way that this can happen, you know, so I am desperately trying to find business and anything that comes my way. I’m going to have to be up at night answering those people’s emails, answering phone calls, you know, hey, call me any time I’m available all the time. Well, how is that going to work? If I’m if I’m asleep, my sleep is number one. You know, I’m getting my eight hours no matter what. So my sleep is number one. Nothing. Nothing’s going to compromise that. So how would that work? What I have to make sure that I’m very niched and everything that I do. And I think that as an entrepreneur, we make the mistake on which I think is is a beautiful mistake of having an open, open heart and an open mind to say, I’m going to hustle and I’m going to get anything that comes my way, anything that comes to my net. I’m going to see how I can make money from it. And so and that’s it’s a great mentality because you’re being open, you’re being open minded and especially depending on what stage of your business you’re in or what stage of your of your entrepreneurial journey you’re in. But for me, in order to keep things Trump tight, I have to stay laser focused. I have to I have no other choice. I could not be taking this avenue, taking that avenue. I really have to stay laser focused with my business. And because that business was set up that way from the beginning, I don’t have the trouble of getting all of these bad leads or dud deals or anything like that, because the system that we’ve set up is so Trump tight. I don’t really have to worry about that. So to answer your question, all that work was put in on the front end all the work of making sure that the business is running itself. It had to be done. It had to be put in place. Otherwise, I wouldn’t I would be going crazy right now. I wouldn’t I would be back home. I would be like, this is impossible. I need to be on the first flight back home.

So, I mean, obviously, you talked you mentioned systems and structure at least a dozen times as we started. And right now, I mean, it’s five thirty PM Eastern Standard Time. So your time is like, what, six thirty a.m. around that time? So I want people to really think about this. Right. So like, what is your morning routines, your morning habits?

Yes. So for me, again, depending on how your business is set up for me, I kind of have to be an early riser, right? I can’t be sleep in it. I mean, yeah, I can if I wanted to. But for me, you have to know what works for you. Right. So for me, I like being in bed. I like having my, you know, what I call digital sunset. So my digital sunset, if that’s around like six or seven at night, I know that I’m golden for the next day. So my morning routine starts the day before. So the day before, I’m making sure that I’m not going to be up all night on my phone. I’m not going to be up all night trying to get to things. I need to be comfortable and OK with saying, OK, that’s it for the day, let me enjoy my evening. I’m just going to have read a book. I’m just going to sit and enjoy the sunset in Sunset Goes goes on really late out here, so, you know, enjoy the sunset and do all that. And that will make sure that I get to bed and my my brain is totally decompress and I will make sure that I’m up when I want to be up. So I like being up around 5:00 AM is perfect for me. And that’s, you know, your body will get conditioned to whatever it is. So four, five a.m. is perfect. My body wakes up if I need to set an alarm. I have like a little a little fitness tracker thing. I only use it for an alarm because I don’t like the blaring alram, but if I need that, like just in case, like if I want to make sure I’m I’m going to be up just in case my body’s telling me otherwise, then I use it. But the majority of the days I’m not using an alarm. My body just likes to wake up at that time. When I wake up, I do some breathing for me and for me it varies. So I I’ll just give you what it is right now, because next month it’ll be something different last year with something different. Right. Because I will get bored doing the same thing every morning. So right now I’ve had. When I wake up, I’m having these, like, anxious thoughts, so I’m thinking to myself, OK, there’s some anxious thoughts that come up first thing in the morning. What can I do to have a hold of that and make sure that I’m getting myself into a positive, a positive vibe and positive thinking. And so the first thing that I do when I first wake up is I’m going to do some I do some breathing, some really. Really. Deep breathing, so whatever, you know, that’s for me, it’s a kind of sick, so I take six, six breaths in and then I hold for a few seconds in six breath out, and then I’m just like counting on my fingers because I want to do it 10 times. So it’s like for me, I have to have the discipline because otherwise I’m going to just say, OK, I’m gonna do heart set on breathing and I’ll go, OK, done. Moving on. You know, I’ll just kind of like, you know, plow through it and it’s not going to have the same effect for me. So I have to have the discipline. Like I’m going to sit there for six, you know, heart center, deep breathing sections. So I’m going to count on my oh my fingers, those 10 sessions. So that’s what I’m doing now. And having those those breathing exercises really helps me even more than the meditation. So into that, I’ll go into meditation or tapping. If you guys know anything about about tapping, I can get into the weeds about that. It’s some people kind of it’s very, very. But it can really work if you’re having some some self talk in some language, things that are going on in your thinking that you want to get a hold of. So you can you know, for me, I do some tapping or some meditation, whatever I feel like I need that morning. I can get into the weeds here. I love essential oils. So I go in my essential oils. I, I have I have to keep it really simplistic because again, I travel with the content contents of my backpack, so I only have a few right now. So I go into my essential oils and whatever I need that day, I rub some essential oils on myself and I take a big a big whiff of that. And that really helps helps me get centered and grounded. And that just helps me have the the energy around me that I want that energy of of of peace, of serenity, of a feeling calm and not feeling, you know, again, this is motivation, this drive. That’s those are good qualities. But sometimes they can get the better of you. So my morning is all about kind of being more grounded and being centered. So right after I have that essential oil love with myself, then I go into some stretching. So one thing with me, I have to move my body. I know that’s how I feel optimal. So I just do some some quick yoga. Sometimes I, I’ll pull up an app on my phone and do a class down. Dog is a great one if you’re looking for something that can give you all different kinds of classes for you to do at home. But I’m doing that at home, so I’m just doing a quick stretching. It can be a day where I want ten minutes or twenty minutes or whatever, and then after that I’m ready to go. Then I’ll get on to my coffee and onto my emails and onto all that good, good stuff that needs the stuff that needs to be done. But the first half hour to an hour of my morning is really about me and about getting grounded.

Well, that is definitely pretty cool. So it’s not like I mean, just hearing you speak and like hearing you’re a ball of energy. Do you ever have an opportunity to, like, read or listen to audio books? And if you do, which ones do you listen to on your journey? Which ones and which ones are you currently listening to now?

Lovely, Huge, this is huge because for me, you know, like we talked about having the influences in my family or my friends, I didn’t have that. You know, I didn’t have the the family entrepreneurs and everyone kind of lifting each other up. And I didn’t have other friends who were running businesses that I could talk to or anything like that. Right. So I relied heavily on books and and people who aren’t necessarily in my sphere of influence. I brought them in. And that’s the beautiful time that we live in right now. Where at your fingertips you have access to anybody and all of the beautiful, beautiful people who are with us on this on this journey of life. So for me, this is like, you know, to anything Tony Robbins, I’m serious. Like, I know that there’s some people who may roll their eyes or whatever. He he really has changed my life. Like, I had the opportunity to go to one of his events and think it was two thousand thirteen or fourteen. I can’t remember the year, but going to that event has just was life changing for me. So if you have the opportunity to do I think he’s doing virtual events now, if you have the opportunity and now it’s kind of cool because your whole family can be there. So I think that’s awesome. It’s really just life changing. But any of his works, so I love his all his books like, um, Unleash the The Giant Within Personal Power. I mean, they’re all really, really beautiful books. And those really did help me on my journey and going through things that really got me centered about what’s important to me, my life and my why. Another person who is is great with all of this work is Dean Graziosi. I’m not saying his last name. Right, but he he really does have a lot of great like just tactical tools that you can use, and I think a lot of his work complements Tony’s. So those were people on my journey that were really pivotal for me. And then, believe it or not, I used to love listening to Marie for Leo. I would just like listen to her because I was, again, spiritually, I was like already on this entrepreneurial journey. But I would commute to work either on the bus or driving, and it would be, you know, I would be there for like an hour sometimes, you know. You know, I would spend like three hours commuting. So I would just throw money for Leo on because I connected with her. You know, she’s very feminine. And she was all about, you know, having a business that you love. And so I would just listen to her all the time. So if, you know, those are just the ones like in the beginning of the journey, that really helped me kind of have that my, you know, kind of creating the mindset and and and creating those those stories and making the connections in my brain like this is possible for me, too. And it made me feel, you know, it started making things become a reality for me and not just some very, very concepts or dreams in my mind. And now go ahead.

No, I’m just I’m just I’m listening to your list. I mean, it’s definitely I’ve been to some of Tony’s events before, and it does change. You kind of go in there kind of like a naysayer at times. And before you’re leaving, you’re hugging and high five and everybody. And it’s like he completely changes your DNA before you walk out the room. So definitely I would take heed to what you just said about Tony for sure.

if you want to go. And then from Jim Rohn, you go back to his teacher and you go back and you get your way to Jesus. So if you want to go there, you go there. But but there’s nothing new under the sun. We’re all taking we’re all pulling inspiration from each other. So if you’re looking for the next new book or the next new shiny, really go back go back to these people. I mean, we’re in a beautiful opportunity where Tony’s alive right now while we’re alive. He can’t go back to joining Jim Rohn live or Jesus live or whatever, but go back to those people, because that is really foundational. Those those those stories and those insights that they give. I mean, I really don’t think you need to be searching for anything new and kind of nay saying the people who are out there and really laying the foundation for the other people who can give you a lot of juicy stuff, too. So, again, whoever you resonate with. But that’s just. Yeah.

So, I mean, obviously you have systems in place like what software are you guys currently using that you would not be able to do what you’re doing without.

Oh, love it, love it. So one of the big ones is Zapier, so if you are integrating your platforms, because a lot of times you have this big tech deck and you need to integrate all of them. Zapier huge. So I started using that pretty much when when I heard about, OK, Zapier, we’re going to be integrating our systems and having things automated for us. So that is the the biggest one for me. And then HubSpot, if you’re I mean, I hope no one’s still using a spreadsheet. If you are, hey, more power to you, but you can totally like believe it or not. So. So we’ve used Salesforce in the past and it was like huge and and for me, clunky. I’m a minimalist. I like to keep things very, very simple and straightforward. If you are using Salesforce and that’s working for you. Great. Tried it way too clunky. I tried first sales for CRM again. It was like way more than we needed to do. And believe it or not, I’m using the free version of HubSpot. I’m not even using a paid version because I don’t need it. You know, I run I run the just some side of the business very minimally. I think when people think about systems, they need all these complex things and they need all this tech. And really you don’t because it’s what is it going to do? It’s just going to create more business, more work for you, more busy work for you. Oh, now I got to put in all this data because I need to track all of these things. But do those things move the needle? Do those is that is that tool, that new shiny tool that’s out there that someone’s talking about? Is that going to move the needle in your business? Well, and so I always have to check myself because I love tech. I love new things, like I love it, but I have to check myself like, oh, I don’t need that I don’t need a sauna. I don’t need Monday. I don’t, you know, so I’m really just my top three would be Zapier, HubSpot and Trello. I love Trello for when we still have media, even though there’s two of us, we still have team meetings every every Monday. We’re having our meetings because we want to make sure we’re on the same page. Everything’s getting done. Everything is is working swimmingly. And so we use Trello for keeping track of all of our projects and everything in between.

Nice, nice. So let us say somebody is looking at this this podcast or listening to it and they say she’s eighteen years old and she’s like, oh my God, her energy level is crazy. She travels, she’s making money. I want to be this woman. What words of wisdom would you give to them to continue them on the journey to follow in your footsteps?

Beautiful. Very simple. Sit with yourself. And take inventory on what’s really important to you, because at that age or at any age really were influenced by the people who were surrounding ourselves with were influenced by the things that we’re spending our time on. And we think because society tells us what’s important and what’s not and who we are and who we aren’t. And really implant’s all of these ideas on us. But if you just take time for yourself and you just it takes discipline. It really does. So if you need to do like a 30 day challenge of sitting with yourself, you can call whatever you want. You can call prayer, you can call meditation, you can call it just sitting, whatever. You could have music. It’s all up to you. There’s there’s no rules. But just sitting with yourself and taking inventory, you know. Hey, hey, Renee, what’s what do I love what’s important to me. What lights me up. You know who you know what really gets me going in the morning or what, you know, and you just kind of take an inventory of what’s important to you. And then from there, you’re going to start seeing a connection in your brain of seeing more of those things that are important to you and say no to the things that aren’t fitting into that story. So, you know, in that kind of then starts playing into where your time is spent and it’s really going to have a ripple effect. But I do like to just start really simply just sitting, taking inventory.

Nice it’s a beautiful way of putting it. So how could these people find you online? I mean, do you have a website or your social media? Like what’s your handles?

So I am not on social media again, you know, I’m very particular about how I’m spending my time and how I want to enjoy my life so you can find me on LinkedIn. So LinkedIn is where I hang out. Otherwise, I mean, I haven’t you know, we can get into the social media thing because I think it’s a real problem. But for me, it’s all about purpose. So I only get onto platforms where I have purpose. And so on LinkedIn, I am not there to show off. I’m there to show how and so you can connect with me there. Otherwise, I haven’t really found value yet and being on the other platforms other aside from showing off. So that really doesn’t serve serve me or others. So you might catch me on on Instagram in the future. But for right now it’s it’s LinkedIn and that’s really where I’m there to serve and feel free to send me a message. You can connect with me directly if there’s any way I can help you again. I’m here to serve. So whatever that looks like for you, you let me know and I’m here to be of help or perfect.

So going into the bonus question and I think just by hearing you speak, I’m thinking you can probably have a pretty interesting answer, right? If you could spend twenty four hours with anyone dead or alive on uninterrupted for twenty four hours, who would it be and why?

So this is going to it could be so many people, right? It’s like. It is because because because we’re talking about and bring it up, it’s going to be Jesus, it is because he you know, and here’s another book that I’m actually currently reading, and this is like off the radar book. I don’t even know how popular this book is. And I’ll send you a link because I know I’m going to mess up who it’s by and I’ll get into my answer. I don’t want to forget. So it’s called Think and Make It Happen by Agusto Curry and we’ll link to it. But but the reason why it would be it would be Jesus is because I want to know, I want to know what was really going on and I want to know. I want to feel what I know he was teaching and and what he was teaching is self love. And I know that, you know, for me, that was always my interpretation. My interpretation was always about self-love, like any one of the parables or the stories or or everything that happened in Jesus life. It all came back down to that. It always came to that. So I just want to have that conversation, like confirm this for me, jesus, me. Am I interpreting this story right? Because other people, you we can get into the weeds on how people want to interpret the story. Right. But for me, that that was that’s always been my interpretation and beautiful. I mean, some of the most magnificent stories ever. And if you’re interested in that book, I love how this is Jesus. Like, I think he’s a psychiatrist or a therapist of some sorts, but he he ties in all of these stories into the Bible. It’s not it’s not a it’s not a religious book. But he ties it all in on how Jesus was our mentor and Jesus was our basically the most ideal of how we were supposed to be, how we’re how we’re to be living life. And and that would be that would be a joy. It’d be an interesting dinner tight? .

Definitely interesting, definitely definitely interesting. Well well, this is the time where, you know, the people that I’m interviewing on this journey of this conversation, probably a million everything that popped into your head and maybe some questions have arrived that you may want to ask me. So the microphone is yours. The floor is yours. Ask me any question that do you want.

Awesome, awesome. So. One thing that I’ve kind of been thinking again, because, like, I kind of shared how, you know, what I do in my morning routine and to make sure that I’m setting my mind right what it is. Do you have, like, a couple of words like I have? Really like two words that I say to just get me get me centered, and it’s it used to be now and now it’s being here now, being here now to make myself realize that I have all the I have everything that I need, everything that I need is right here, you know, so it helps me with my gratitude and it helps me helps me realize that I just need to take the first step that’s right in front of me. So my question to you is like, do you have that, you know, two to three words that you say to yourself when you need to kind of check yourself?

Yeah. So, I mean, just like any other entrepreneur, some days you wake up and you’re your high as hell and want to get up and take over the world. Some day you wake up and it’s kind of like bragging. So for me, when I wake up, one has only one word and only one word that deserves from me every single time is legacy. Like, I’m not doing it for myself. I’m doing it for the legacy of my kids. I’m doing it for the legacy of other entrepreneurs behind me. And the more and more I got myself into the the structures that I’m building, into the podcasts, into the systems that I’m developing, it’s I’m leaving behind a message for somebody else to come behind me, take it and run with it.

Awesome, I love it, I think that’s a great note to end on.

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Well, I definitely appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule this early in the morning. Your time to get on the podcast.

Great. Happy to be here and happy to connect with you. Beautiful, beautiful conversation. Thank you.

Great. S.A Grant over and out.

Director of Strategy Of Creators Learn: Renee La Tour AKA The Finance Boss – S2E35 (#63)2022-01-19T02:19:17+00:00

Founder Of bCast: Tom Hunt AKA The Serial Boss – S2E34 (#62)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

“If you can be strategic about what you choose to work on because you’re naturally predisposed to be good at it, and if you can make that reframe, then I think you either cut your time to success or increase your chances of success by like 50 percent.”
In Season 2, Episode 34 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the Founder of bCastTom Hunt. Tom lives up to his Boss Uncaged title of being a The Serial Boss. S. A. and Tom unpack a series of business endeavors, from male spanks to being showcased on the Dragons’ Den, to doing a Tedx Talk, creating a platform similar to Upwork, and finally finding his calling in podcasting marketing through his development of bCast.
bCast is a podcast hosting platform for high-growth businesses. With the help of bCast, businesses can grow social engagement, traffic, and revenue whilst building deeper relationships with their customers.
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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E34 – Tom Hunt.m4a – powered by Happy Scribe

Record here. All right, we are like three to one. Welcome welcome back to Boss Uncaged podcast. Today’s guests, I would give them like my guests nicknames and I would nickname him the serial boss. And as this episode starts to unfold, you know exactly why I’m calling him the serial boss. So without giving out all his his his accolades, why don’t you go ahead and give us a small introduction to who you are?

Thank you for the intro. I also love the background behind you, t Moc star just tried and failed at times, and finally, it seems like stuff is finally going well.

So I want my audience to understand, first of all, he’s modest as hell, right? I mean, let’s just talk about some of his his accolades a little bit. You’ve done a TED talk, right? You’ve been on Dragons Den. So keep in mind, he’s over in London. So those that don’t know what Dragons Den in is the originator of Shark Tank. Shark Tank came from from Dragons Den. Right. In addition to that, you’ve created and sold five companies in this span of time.

And one of the companies is, is how you and I got connected. So people that don’t know, like my current podcast is hosted on B-cast and we’re speaking to the founder of B-cast. So now that we kind of got the formalities out of the way, right. Like how would you define yourself in three to five words?

Online entrepreneur, slash marketer.

Definitely interesting. So let’s just talk about I mean, obviously there’s just multiple different facets to your to your journey. Right. And I think on Dragons Den, you were kind of like the male version of Spanx. You were kind of doing like male leggings that not correct.

That they’re 100 percent correct.

So, I mean, this is talk about I mean, like like did you all we’re always into fashion or it was just something that you saw a niche in the market and you jumped on it.

This is like as per the star of this interview. Right. I just was just throwing shit against the wall. This is actually the very first entrepeneur thing that I did with my two best friends. We were living together in London. We used to wear skinny jeans because I was like, think today. And for some reason we were like we saw a newspaper article saying male leggings with the next big thing. So we kind of went to our local market both and female leggings off eBay and then drew on our logo, which was male and started selling me things. I don’t think we sold any in the first eight hours on the market. But then we I had an idea to apply to Dragons Den. We by that time we we did we got some actual leggings made in China, had a website, a place Dragons Den got on Dragons Den, and then we actually only saw the business in 2013. So the business was alive for like four or five years. We didn’t sell that many leggings in total, maybe six thousand pairs, well over five years. There’s not too much. And so that was one example of of throwing stuff at the wall. So what did I learn then? I learned about how to find products. I learn about CEO, I learn about driving traffic, paid, spend. And so it’s just part of this online entrepreneur journey, really. I’ve done like we we didn’t lose money. We put a tiny bit at the start and we did take money out throughout the journey. So we didn’t it was pretty profitable financially in terms of the amount of time we spent. It probably wouldn’t wouldn’t be profitable at any reasonable hourly rate. But there were definitely learnings there that have helped me today.

So, I mean, like you said, you just don’t sit on the wall. You’re trying to figure things out. But, you know, in that central failure, you got some really core examples of learning how to maximize, how to market a product, how to find a product. So, I mean, how did you end up on a TED talk, Ted?

So, again, this is 2014, I think both of these things happened in that year is the same thing. I was really just like browsing. And then as I can do that, I can do the TED talk. So I just plied with my I actually leverage the legging thing. So this is a learning if you have like one good piece of media coverage, you can leverage and others. And so I said that we’ve got a Dragons Den. I want to share my learnings. And I was just reading it like throughout the last six years, I’ve read all the time, so I getting into, like, self-help. So I understood starting to learn these self-help concepts, which are actually relatively basic things. But for me, because I was saying UserSpacE thought this was like life changing stuff that I want to know which it is true, but it’s just wasn’t as groundbreaking as I thought. So then I went and did a talk on one of these concepts, which is, as we’ve already discussed today, the importance of just trying and failing and failure doesn’t really exist. It’s just a reframe of learning experiences. And so I applied to try to leverage the lagging thing, got excited. Did the FedEx talk? It was a great experience. Again, what were the learnings there like? Obviously learning that material really well, but also learning how to communicate effectively. And you can watch it if you Google next time you find it. And I don’t think the talk is that good, but it was a great experience again.

Hmm. Yeah. I mean I mean, to your credit, during that TED talk, correct me if I’m wrong, I think you had made a paraphrase to The Matrix, and I think it was knowing the path and walking the path. It’s essentially two different things. Right. But I mean, you’re living that example. I mean, like you’re learning the path as you’re walking the path and you’re you’re breathing and you’re living the example of what entrepreneurism really is and you’re doing it. So I definitely I mean, the fact that you’re on the show, I appreciate you even being here. And it’s going into like more like your business modeling. Right. So you did a TED talk. You did off. You know, you did the Dragons Den. How the hell did you end up in SAS platforming and creating a podcast environment for hosting?

I mean, we are going to be here for so long if I take you for every step. What happened is so I was still working Accenture. I did the thing. I did the tech thing I was building. I set my whole goal. It started on the 14 to leave my my job. And so I had to build a business I couldn’t code. So I had to it had to be something to do with marketing or services. So I did have experience in outsourcing. I was doing outsourcing in the corporate world. So I basically started a small company that was a service company where we would have a team of people in the Philippines and then charge those people out for double their what we pay their salary for. So I started that and eventually quit at the end of 2014, had replaced my salary and a team of about eight people in the Philippines and like six clients who were paying for those people. And so then I was like, OK, I started traveling around the world to grow this business, and then I read a book and said, we’re going to jump into the book part here, a book called The Millionaire Fast-Lane by M.J. Marco. It sounds like quite a scam title, obviously an incredible book. And so that book basically says that you can build you get rich by building systems. And you if you do really wanna get rich, the system has to be scalable that the person system, which is what I was building, is can scale. It’s quite hard scale. So then I was like, OK, I need to pivot from this to a software system. So we started building virtual valy, which is probably my greatest business success, maybe maybe behind Famie because of the moment. But that was the service business but transitioned into a marketplace so you could go find your own person from the Philippines, pay them and track their time through the platform. So it’s like Upwork, but just a Filipino virtual assistant. So I started building this. Launched it grew that. I think I was overworked and burnt out, I worked like I was living in Poland on and just working all the time. And so what happened is we grew revenue with okay, but I think I just kind of bowed out. My emotions were fucked. So I bailed out too early, I think. So I ended up selling it, not felt it was Five-Fingers like not life changing at all. And because I wanted to move on to a slightly different model with a different co-founder, I built this one on my own and it was bootstrapped. So it was quite stressful. So that was my first foray into software and then since then, that takes up like 2016. Since then, I’ve grown or started and grown other small SaaS products, but none of them have really worked. And then we get to 2019. And so here I take a break from the entrepreneurial world. And there’s a company who I invested in. I went to be their head of my generation, which if I had a marketing and the small sales people. So I joined realize they can’t be appropriate. I’m a terrible employee, but we started a podcast which did really well. It’s now, I think, the number one download a podcast and sales ops and the service we built to the machine we built the podcast was very effective and very profitable for that for my employer. So I decided to leave and then give that service business or start the service business of building the podcast for other companies. So now that’s an agency called Fame. We did. We have 11 clients where we do the same podcast system and again, if we go back to the learnings about people, if you only get rich or you want to be successful, you need to build a system people systems can scale, but the hard scale. So I did a software system. So as we’re building Fayoum, we were paying other podcast hosts to to use the service. They weren’t doing exactly what we wanted them to do. And so we actually met a guy from a I have a I read another community called Mark that is really just a blog and an email. And so as I was. Starting to grow fame, I love marketing, so I was writing studies about how society had grown, and so I emailed that list saying to anyone, I want to build a podcast because I have this agency, I have clients we want to build pokerface just for this specific type of podcast. And so I met Neil, who’s on that list in Nelspruit, because as a separate corporation to fame. So now I just split my time between fame and big famous agency because this is Fast Company and there’s a community that’s just like a blog post every two weeks or something.

I mean, I think you just kind of define like a blueprint of like how you can take one product and scale it into another product and one could be software, the other one could be a service, and how they both could work with each other and feed each other. So I just wanted to frame a little bit more. Right. I mean, obviously you have B-cast B-cast is the whole thing platform, which, you know, Boss uncaged is hosted on. How how does fame help with that platform? How do they fit into each other?

Yeah, that’s a beautiful question I think is so, so important for B2B entrepreneurs. If you have a service company, you can build software to help improve your margins. That’s probably the first reason why they should. So you’re building up software to improve your margins, but you’re getting feedback from the people that care and they’re paying you agency clients. Then if you have a company, I’d also actually recommend providing services as well, because that gets you into the client closer than you are if you just give them software and so you can learn and then improve the product that way. So for us, fame came first. We wanted to improve our margins and I just wanted to build a house company because I loved it. And then I was learning about how SaaS companies grow and we’re kind of diverging here. But that for me, if you can do these three things, this company is going to increase the likelihood that you’re going to grow. First is you take your niche down in a growing market. So podcasting is blowing up. We we’re taking this slice of podcasting and we call the market. And so we’re riding on this wave, but we have niche down folks that have two of them. So ride the wave, but then also a niche down. And then the third one is, can you somehow get the people that use your software to expose other people, the networks, while they’re using software? And so these three things came together for me to be actually podcast, I think can consume this. We have the agency, it’s growing. We have niche down and there’s some vitality. So that was another driver, that was another reason why I wanted to start Fast Company. We like transitioned the kind that we had on the because they were the first customers, essentially, and we used the learning that we were getting from running this podcast process to feed into the product to improve that, to make it specific for this process. So Peak-hurst benefits from fame because we get the learning from the clients, we also get the revenue from fame because every phone line is paying for because of famous paying, because and then fame benefits would be of obviously because we improve our margins and. We haven’t actually done this yet, but in the future, we can potentially up sell the same service to big ass customers, so they do fit together quite nicely. The traditional wisdom is that you should focus. And my problem, one of the reasons I don’t think I’ve achieved success earlier is because I don’t focus. I do too much stuff. But I think. If you if you do have an agency, my memory is different for different people, but it’s working quite well now because to grow, to bootstrap stuff, it takes time, mainly because Google takes a while to love your domain. And so if you are trying to push something fast forward too fast, you you get the results in time and then you get disappointed and then you stop. But if you have these multiple things running at the same time, it a be more interesting. If you’re doing three different things and you’re giving Google the chance to start ranking you and give you love. So. That’s one of the things that I think maybe isn’t best just to focus on one thing, and then if you have the Sas-on software, now you have the SAS and the service, the. Complimentary, you still are kind of you focus on the same issue, which is how can we get away or how can we get B2B marketers profit from a podcast? Right. And so we’re doing that with the software and service. So it’s good if you can align that because you just get better at solving that problem every day, whether through social service. So that’s what I would say about that.

Yeah, I think I think that there’s definitely ingenious. So the same platform. Essentially what you’re doing is that you’re coaching podcasters on how to scale and to monetize their podcasts, but then you’re supporting it with the actual software that’s going to help them do that. Because if people don’t understand or have that use, because because it’s essentially like a marketing platform for podcasters, it’s like and every time the beautiful part of B-cast that we can kind of submit and say, hey, guys, we love what you got going on the road-map. But here’s something else that we want to add and we can put that request in. And sure as hell, within a period of time, that request shows up in the application like.

Well, yeah, we are. It doesn’t happen with every request we have to filter through what is going to add the most value to the most customers, and that is also serving the right customer for us. Right, because we have to prioritize this market. Otherwise we’re just going to be up against Lipps in our anchor, etc.. And just to clarify, we we are service, so will pass and will actually do the work to grow the podcast.

So when you talk about doing the work, are you guys essentially creating the marketing content, the marketing strategy, or you guys actually like producing the podcast?

Yeah, we often podcast. We do everything. Oh.

That’s definitely I mean, the one stop shop with two different sides of the coin that worked together, so that’s definitely great. And I definitely one, I appreciate the software. I appreciate the service and just have an opportunity to kind of pick your brain about this is definitely, definitely eye opening. So kind of just moving along with this podcast, like, what’s the worst experience you’ve had on your entrepreneurial journey? I mean, you’ve done a lot of different things, right. But obviously you’ve been hit with hurdles. And what’s the worst when you’ve been hit with so far?

I think that after we after I did. That was that after I saw that, I had a co-founder and we went through a raised bit of money and went through an accelerator in London, and we we were pretty inexperienced. So we were like very good at executing, but not good at choosing what to execute. So we basically spent a year where we were executing really fast like stuff DeLillo’s and boxing, but never really found the right thing to to build on. And so that was an incredibly frustrating year because we could see that we were good at doing stuff. We weren’t doing the right stuff. And so that’s that was quite a low point. I think they’ll say 2016 17. So I would. I think it is obviously I recommend a bias towards action, but there is something to be said for having strategy and showing that you’re taking action towards something that is going to be valuable in the long term for our customers and ultimately for you, because otherwise you just can’t spend six, seven years feeling like I did.

Well, yeah, I think it is one of those things, right? I mean, you’ve not necessarily feeling your feeling forward, right? I mean, you have to kind of put yourself out there or jump over the fears, jump into the market, ask the hell out of it, see what happens. And then by that, you recover and you get back up. And then you wouldn’t be where you are right now if you didn’t feel right.

That’s true. But it’s quite hard, pretty brutal. Like to go through that process and maybe in another, like, go universe, I wouldn’t have thought of it. So it’s better to try and get do the right thing first, I think. But if I understand your point.

Well, I mean, continue on that topic. But if you could time travel right and go back, what’s one thing you would do differently if you could do it all over again?

I wouldn’t spend more time planning on what I was going to work on. I used to just like have an idea, spend two months on it and they give up. So I try and be more strategic with how I invest my time.

Hmm, interesting. So now that you have, like all these different tentacles in the synergy is working in a compounding effect in the scaling is starting to happen. Like, how was your business structured? I mean, are you s-CORP, a C Corp LLC?

So we’re back in the U.K., so because there’s a limit to corporation fame, the limited corporation, actually the first multi-blog is like in the same corporation. And so I in all of the same sas multi-corporation Corporation, the corporation is split between myself and my co-founder and we don’t neither have raised any money. So out of the two corporations I own, like close to 75 percent, I think less than that. And so we have complete control over what we do.

I had a chance to interview Hello-Woofy, which is another platform that kind of does marketing share and the co-founder that he’s really big into raising capital. So did you have to have it? Any equity raises? Did you have any angel investments or you guys are 100 percent self-funded?

Yeah, we haven’t raised any money, so we felt like we’re the service business. There isn’t really a need for it. You put it scale slower like we have we’ve been operating for. A year and a half. And then because we if it’s very hard to build a gas company without raising money. If you don’t have the skills in-house, fortunately, male is a very experienced developer, I’m a relatively experienced marketer, so we do have the skills in-house is still hard, though. If you’re going up against very established competitors to build a product that is good enough to release onto the market. If you bootstrapped. So we did raise money essentially from ASIMO where we left on Deal, and then we got that cash and then we have to support the customers for life. And that’s helped us build get the product to where it is today and has also had to do with marketing as well. But aside from that, we haven’t raised any outside money,

so I’m going to be happy you brought up Absolom because I mean, obviously Absol Mo is for people that don’t know what Absolom is obviously, go look it up because to your point, it’s helping fund small startup SAS companies, the software platforms that may not be in existence if Absolom wasn’t there to fund them without doing an equity raise. So in that process, I mean, what did that look like? I mean, a lot of times we hear about we’re going to get capital, we’re going to get equity. But you’re saying that you use at Sumo to pretty much like do a pre-sell or to sell the product. How did that work?

Yes, I saw you work with them, they help you create the deal, you get a life and you give them 70 percent back, what you’re really getting is what you really if you look at it financially, you’re really borrowing money and you’re paying it off for the rest of your life. So you’re you get this upfront fee, but then you have to pay off the users in terms of support. And so the cost for the rest of your life. so it’s not free and it’s not the magic pill, but it does get you a lot of customers, a lot of feedback and a lot of exposure in a short period of time. And obviously the cash up front to reinvest in the product. So for us, we we raise about seventy thousand dollars and got about a thousand users from that experience. And so we can take that money to hire a developer high poor people spend on marketing, etc.

Nice. Nice. So, I mean, it’s a win win situation. But to your point, I mean, I think that’s why most lifetime deals that come from Sumo have a timer associated to them for a small period of time. So is it more so? Is it time or is it do you have a cap of, hey, we have one thousand licenses that we want to or two thousand licenses or is it more so we have 30 days or 60 days. Which one is it?

Usually you can actually choose. So with our deal they we thought it could be longer than 30 and they could basically choose when when I wanted to stop. So when I saw selling they’ll they’ll take it off.

Nice, nice, nice. So the dove into it, I mean we always hear about someone being perceived as the overnight success, like somebody looking at this podcast and they’re hearing your story about your TED talk. You are on Dragons Den, all these different accomplishments. And they like like this is the first time they’re hearing about you and it’s like your overnight success to this person. But in reality, if I took you a period of time. So how long did it take you to get to currently where you are on your journey?

Seven years of working, like a lot like in the last year or two, maybe about less than the start, it was like working all the time. I, I, I was living in Poland. I didn’t have any friends in Poland. I didn’t go back to England. I just worked. So, I mean, you just have to pay the price, right. You have to get good. And the way you get good is by doing it, doing a lot of work. And so yeah, like the only reason something’s not working now, whether it’s a business or whether it’s your tennis skills, is because you’re not good enough, because you haven’t done enough like on a cause and reps. So basically, if it’s not working, you just have to do it more. Now there is some space and room for talent, I guess, and you’re naturally predisposed to be good at stuff. I think I am naturally predisposed to be good. I like working with people and understanding people. So marketing and building teams, if I wasn’t, maybe I would have taken longer than seven years. So it’s good to have an idea of an understanding of where you are naturally good and then try to do more of that. So the learning curve is faster. But that fear, the real answer is you just have to spend more time doing it.

And I think also to add to what you just said is you have to be ambitious because I mean, somebody may look at your journey and been like he only did it in seven years. And I’ve been working for 15, 20 years, and I’m now like getting to that level. So I think part of that is like, you are a motivated individual, right? I mean, you’re doing way more than the average person is willing to do to get ahead. So in that right, did you come from an entrepreneurial background is like your mom or your dad or anybody in your history have entrepreneurial hustle and where do you get it from?

No, my my parents were weren’t entrepreneurial. I didn’t do anything entrepreneurial until the lagging thing I mentioned earlier. I think it came because it’s either because I have an older brother that I subconsciously competing with. So that’s part of it. And I think I’m competing for my mom’s attention, you see. So she she’s hard to impress. And so I think subconsciously I’m trying to be my brother and impress my mom. So that’s what that’s really a deep driver. Aside from that, I think I used to play sports. I’m quite competitive. So they the motivations, I think, for for working so much.

So in your current partnership, I mean, obviously there’s always opposites attract. Right. And you guys maybe similar. You may be opposite, but in any business that has partnership, there’s always some kind of conflict or difference of opinions. How do you guys kind of work work with that? And what kind of personalities are you guys on the same spectrum or are you guys opposites?

So with me and Neil. I think we work with quite effective working together. He is very technical. And I’m probably the opposite of that. We both have similar goals. I think that’s the most important thing when you’re working with both parties. What are you trying to achieve? And if then it becomes easier to make the decisions because you’re both trying to achieve the same thing. And so then you can have a rational discussion about what is the best route to the thing we both want. So before you get into a business, partnership is very important, understand or someone else wants that is going to smooth the rest of the journey from there. So I think what Me noted did quite well is that we understood we did want to raise money. We wanted to bootstrap. We wanted to go to X amount of millions of dollars per year. And so we have few arguments because we that’s still what we both want. And so we can be rational about what the pragmatic steps to get us.

Interesting. So. On the journey, right, I mean, obviously, there’s always difficult to juggle time so currently, how do you juggle your work life with your family life?

Yes. So as I mentioned, I’m working less so I don’t really work in the evenings. I don’t really work at the weekends anymore. So I’ll work from early in the morning till five or six or seven, and then I just won’t work. And so the evenings and weekends are pretty free and open. Fortunately, my fiancee is also an entrepreneur, so if not, who have that many time challenges with that, I think the older I become, the importance of rest is become so clear, like you can’t work hard forever. Otherwise you’re just pretending that you’re doing work. You’re not actually doing any work. So in taking those breaks is super important.

So, I mean, what are your morning habits, your morning routines, currently?

Yeah, so it’s very it’s the same every day. And so I’ll get up between five and seven depending on how late I went to bed the night before, and then I will take the dog for a run and then I’ll come back inside and then I’ll have a shower and then I’ll make a fruit tea. Now get dressed. And then I will meditate for five minutes and then I’ll write down my goals and what I’m grateful for in the book and see the book here. He has a book that this is today. So this is the girls. This is what I’m grateful for. And then I have the trailer so you can see I’ve got three left. And so then I’ll start working and I’ll try not to open or email from one or two hours so I can actually do stuff. And so Monday to Tuesday is fame in the morning in that time, Thursday to Wednesday, Thursdays, because in the morning at that time, Friday is normally content creation and then from like nine or so, it opens like an email. And I have to do other stuff. But that’s the process that I’ve been operating for like three months, and it’s working quite well.

Nice. I mean, so obviously you have structure and you have a system. And I mean, that’s part of the reason why you get to get so much things done, because you have a system. If you have structure, do you think that you always had that? Is there something that you grew into over a period of time?

No, I like the reason why the structure works is because you are for me anyway, and I think most people you have a very limited amount of willpower. So you you have to have a one or two hours of actual time where you can do good work. So you going to spend that deciding what clothes are going to wear or like how you’re going to get to work or whether the bus is coming on time? Are you going to spend actually doing stuff? So I the whole thing has been engineered so that I don’t really have to think until I sit down for this once two hours of work, because I know that my ability to actually do stuff after that, after that has been depleted is like like. Seventy five percent decrease in effectiveness, so it’s been engineered that way, and I have learned that over the years, like as well as learning about self-help or whatever you mentioned before, I learn about productivity as part of that is actually you find a super interesting. So that’s the core for me. The the core tenet of productivity is protecting what I call the golden hours, because that’s what’s going to ultimately if one of my goals for this year is that just make sure you do the wants to go hours. And if you do that, the goals will come, because these are the things that’s condition you can put in place to ensure that you actually do the stuff that needs to be done.

Well, definitely. But I think earlier you alluded to like like the books and you’re talking about productivity. You’re talking about systems. So, I mean, correct me if I’m wrong. I would think that you’re an avid reader and just by default, that you’re getting this content from your life experiences and from additional information that you’re pulling in. And if this is true, what books are you currently reading and what books have you read to get you to currently where you are?

Yeah, so I think I go through phases with reading, I think it started with, like very classical business books, like books about wealth and self-help. Well, then it will put you into marketing books and arts and systems books. And more recently, it’s been more like finance books because I’ve been learning about that. To pick out some that have been most impactful, the millionaire Fast-Lane, as we discussed earlier, I think The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins is like a crucial book to read, and then another one by a biologist called Matt Radical, The Evolution of Everything. These are not really business related, though. In terms of business and marketing, I think saskatoons books are the best. So it’s like a fundamental read, but I would just die if someone is listening. I probably start by reading something that you’re actually interested in and and you kind of then your your tentacles will spread as you grow. So maybe that book will mention another book and you’ll read that then that you’ll find another book. And so I wouldn’t try to force you to read something you’re not interested in. This is more important than you are reading then the quality or what you are reading.

Definitely. So, I mean, obviously, you’re on a you’re on your direction is north. You’re running a bull market, you’re on scale right now. Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?

Yeah, a fifth grade point, I think, in 20 years or. I don’t I don’t know, like right now the business is growing, I’m enjoying it, I’m learning stuff, we’re making money. So I don’t feel like I don’t feel that. I feel like I need to change from that. Do I think I’ll be running these businesses in 20 years? Maybe it like because right now I I’m improving and I’m enjoying enjoying myself. I suspect I have other interests in 20 years, maybe I’ll be doing something else. They’ll still be probably in business. Maybe I’ll be in a different area, the marketing. But right now I’m just happy with the journey that we’re on and the growth we’re experiencing.

Yeah, yeah, definitely, I mean, this is great growth, and I think you guys are definitely creating superb product. So again, I’m a user, so I definitely appreciate what you guys are doing. So did the government do it? I mean, obviously, you’re into SACE, you have a SACE platform in addition to B-cast. What other software that you would recommend that you would not be able to do what you do on a daily basis without.

So I think. The agency and in the past three years, Trello, Slack and Google Drive, and we don’t pay for any of them, and they work together really well, obviously for day to day conversations. Trello for tough as Google Drive for storage, though, three things, a like game changing if you refuse and where you need guidelines on how you use them. Deepti, put I whatever lengths do you have labels for your credit cards? So you have a folder structure. So we like militant about these things. But if you slowly improve how you use those three things over time, you’re not paying anything for free. And they’re incredibly powerful and they all interact with each other. So that’s the that’s like the the the golden triangle, you could say, of business software. Aside from that, we use like Fresh-desk again, we don’t pay for access to the communication. I think a big thing for certain businesses, Ancestors’ says, is how can you eradicate unnecessary costs? Because if you can do that, you can bring your prices down and then you can get more clients and then you you have more revenue, you can cut more costs and you can get more clients. So that’s the like the flywheel that Amazon uses. So we like maybe on Tight-Fisted, but we differ in our cost, especially on fame, because we can they enables us to win so many more clients so easily. So aside from that, for because we use healthcare for tickets, which is good, we do pay for that. Unfortunately, aside from that, I don’t know how much else we pay for, obviously, because we use. I use email, Octopussy emails is very cheap email software, AAA, ACARS is the one that you should have to pay for their response to my podcasts, I have to say. But honesty is really good software. So that’s what the bulk of our tech stack.

Nice, nice. I think that you just brought up something I was just thinking about, I probably had to submit it to you, to your team. I was thinking about Trello. Like integrating Trello into B-cast would be really interesting for organizing like general content directly from a podcast by uploading it and having it organized and cello on the fly would be definitely interesting. So, yeah, I mean, and you brought some much about what you said and I was like that. That’s pretty. That’s pretty interesting. So looking like like your platform. Right. Like. Wood, what’s your optimal goal and kind of where do you see B-cast going down the road?

So we’re just trying to build the of which best serves the market, our definition of success is not someone who’s a digital marketing manager or somebody who wants to grow the podcast so that they can profit either from the podcast or from their business. So all we do, everything we feel like, every decision we feel to the effect, is this going to help the marketer? So it’s how would you support is how what features we build is what blog post we write. And so that’s that’s the guiding light, the non-stop. And we know if we get that right with more and more marketers are starting to podcasts, it’s our definition of matter. More and more people are coming to podcasting, looking to profit. Then we know if we get that right, we’re going to build a sustainable business. So that’s what we do like we did. We’re not too concerned with Mar the moment of you want to see it going up. But what really matters is, is a product and proving are we getting better feedback, are we getting good reviews? Because we know if we keep doing this and ultimately we will be able to be able to pick out it was not to be a massive software company that will be out to build a good fast growing stuff, a company that everyone loves, that that’s the goal. And we’re going to do that by creating building stuff that helps the market.

So I think you just alluded to something else that maybe take about another question. So you’re talking about your ideal marketer by your definition. So in the platform, who’s the person or who is the ideal client for that platform?

Yes, so it’s not a definition, it’s a Moctar. The definition we use is somebody who’s looking to grow their podcast and also make a profit from the podcast or from their business. So it’s a person who, let’s say, has a small agency and they want to use the podcast to get the attention of their clients and also build the relationships. So that’s that’s an example. It’s also someone who has a job, started a podcast on the side and wants to get an extra five hundred thousand dollars a month of income through the podcast. So someone who is looking to grow get their audio content, more people and also ultimately make a profit.

So let’s say 20 years old and I’m looking at this podcast and I’m hearing all the things that you’ve done. And I’m just like, holy shit, this guy is great. I want to kind of follow in his footsteps. What words of advice would you give to me for me to follow in your footsteps. Continue, entrepreneurial journey.

Yeah, I think it’s two to think that it’s like choosing what to work on and then working on the thing. So regarding choosing what to work on, I would start to try and think about yourself. What are you naturally predisposed to be good at or interested in? That’s a thing. And just start like start there because it’s going to be easier to succeed. And then instead of actually doing the thing you have to start looking at, you have to understand, as we’ve discussed today, that if you have to reframe in your mind a failure to a learning experience and say you didn’t specifically say, OK, I learned from that and so if you can be strategic about what you choose to work on because you’re naturally predisposed to be good at it, and if you can make that reframe, then I think you either cut your your time to success or increase your chances of success by like 50 percent. And so I had I think I was very good at reframing, but I don’t think I was very good at choosing what to work on. If I started podcasting agency back then, I started podcasting back then you’re right, maybe they would have failed because they didn’t have the six years of experience. But maybe I would have also been at this for like three years so that if you understand those two concepts, actually those two concepts, I think you will be more likely to be successful faster.

So I think take take a little bit more of their rights or to say, I’m hear what you’re saying and I’m going I’m going to get out there and I’m going to take the risk and I’m going to do it right. And I want to create a space platform like like what’s the like the first thing that I should know that I should be doing to start a platform.

Start a service company first, so I understand what the problem is that you’re solving or trying to solve, and I can solve it somewhat, but with the person and then from that one, once you have revenue, you understand the problem, then I would only start automating parts of that.

But you look at it from a standpoint of has a problem, your service is currently the solution, that how could you turn your service into an automated system to help complete that service?

Yeah, I like assassins’ service business to do exactly the same thing. They’re solving a problem for a person. And so the person actually doesn’t care if a person, another person is solving that or if a computer is solving that or if a microchip is doing it. And so that’s why because you spend a year solving a problem with by building a microchip system. If you’re not actually if it’s not viable, it’s not a viable business. If you’re a service company, you can make money and you can learn about the problem and you can learn to see if it is a viable software company in a very fast. And so we kind of did that right, because we had we started growing podcasts for businesses with a service and then we started automating parts of that process with because.

Nice, nice. So in addition to that, I guess what you’re outsourcing, could someone contact your outsourcing company if they wanted to? This they develop an application or develop some software.

I don’t have the outsourcing coming anymore. We shut it down in 2015. But it’s like getting stuffed if you can get. Piece built very cheap by going to work, et cetera, using a team offshore. Maybe I can’t talk about quality, but it’s very easy and cheap to get that done, to build something that’s like quick and dirty by a few thousand dollars.

Got you. Yeah. I mean, starting dirty is definitely better to start to not start at all. So I definitely appreciate that. So going into like how could people get in contact with your being like what’s your social media profiles or what website would you want to send them to.

Yeah. So I was active on LinkedIn. So you just had on LinkedIn. If you want to chat about fame, fame, or if you are considering a podcast that we’d love to have you ever because we have a 14 day free trial because in the Emami Automaton, I’d die a perfect perfect.

So going into the bonus room. Right. And I think that this particular question that you’re going to have something pretty interesting to say because you had so many, so many damn achievements to this point. So what is your most significant achievement to date?

Very good question. I think maybe it. I feel most proud of building the on`line marketplace, so it was bootstrapped, I would like twenty five. I was traveling around the world. We built this online marketplace. The managed payments that track time, we got eighty three people, people on the supply side, we got like 20 people hiring Filipino virtual assistants. So building that proves that and like getting it to a point where made money and then selling it, I think was probably the best thing I’ve done in the entrepreneurial world. I know. And it was the best thing. But I will say the thing that told me the most nice.

So another bonus question for you. If you could spend twenty four hours in a day with anyone dead or alive, uninterrupted for twenty four hours, who would it be and why?

Probably Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin creator, maybe no good answer, because if not one person. But yeah, I think that that’s a credible innovation. But it’s also not just the innovation, but the way in which innovation was delivered to the world is very, very clever.

Yeah, I think even still to this day, the marketing strategy behind it is still mysterious. But the compounding of that that one situation that they created so long ago, we kind of see the result, if you bought into it 10 years ago, is night and day difference. So definitely I mean, to your point, I think it’s it’s we don’t know who the person really is. It’s kind of like a phantom phantom group of people. Yeah. So, I mean, going into closing, I mean, this is an opportunity where, you know, whoever I’m interviewing, I give the microphone, the floor is yours to ask me any questions that may have come up while we’ve been talking.

What’s the goal with this show?

Well, the show is twofold one one hand is, is to help and to inspire other business owners, startup companies, startup entrepreneurs find their way. I mean, just what you deliver today can give someone an experience that they may not have thought about. An opportunity to figure out things just by hearing you speak on the other side of it is for me to kind of create a legacy, to leave behind information for my family, for my kids, my grand-kids and any other entrepreneur that I may know I may cross paths with down the road to have an opportunity to look at these pockets episodes and see that everyone has different journeys and different opportunities. But the end result is still the same as entrepreneurism.

Nice. I love it. I think you’re a great host. I love the production. I love that. I told you I love the bar already. So now I really enjoyed the discussion. I’m sure the podcast is going to do some great things in the future. And we’re honored to have you on because,

yeah, I definitely appreciate it. And I’ve been on different host providers before, but I think B-cast is definitely coming in on the ground floor and just seeing you guys and seeing the exponential growth and seeing like the little details of the strategy behind like the inserts. The inserts to me are like like the best thing that you guys added, because now it cuts down on editing. Like, you don’t have to edit in and out when you have insert. And I think the next thing you guys are going to release is a middle insert. Correct. And that changes.

Thank you so much for the feedback that you’re 100 percent right, that that is the most powerful feature is for is really great. And we’re actually not sure technically about the material, but we’re going to try everything we can to do it. But yeah, that is a very powerful feature for anyone. Listening is basically let’s say you have a webinar next week. You have twenty five episodes in your backlog. You want to edit, you want to get people on the webinar and you have this backlog getting hundreds of dollars a day, a week. So withinside you just record a 30 second edit and in three clicks and like 20 seconds you put that at the end of any number of the episodes for those next seven days. So superficial and the same, if you have a sponsor, then you can just put that in for one month. So, yeah, that you’re right. We need to I need to talk more about that. And we do often need to get the material in there because that’s like one of our the highest recommended features. But thank you for bringing that up.

Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I think with the mineral will be great then you can kind of do any other ad spots. And I think another feature that I saw on the list that I liked was putting like a Be-role, like being able to select a section of the podcast and roll it in the front so you can kind of get like the highlight of this podcast would probably be you talking about B-cast and then do like a 30 second Be-role before we get to that insert would be like, that’s another cool feature to cut down on editing as well.

Yeah. Nice. Yeah. So I mean I definitely appreciate your time. I mean I think this was a great episode. You drop lots of golden nugget and news and information and just if you’re listening, I would definitely rewind it, listen to it a couple of times because it was some time that you said some things that are so inspirational and motivational to kind of get jump started and just get your ass off your couch and get started. So I definitely appreciate your time and I look forward to seeing your next answers.

Thank you. I feel it’s an honor to come on. I really enjoyed the discussion. And yeah, if anybody has any questions, then just email me tonight on Monday.

A perfect fit. S.A Grant over now.

Founder Of bCast: Tom Hunt AKA The Serial Boss – S2E34 (#62)2021-07-12T21:25:05+00:00

Boss Uncaged Is Celebrating 25,000 Downloads and Tons Of New Announcements: S. A. Grant & Alex Grant MIDSEASON RECAP – S2E33 (#61)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

The show is back for another mid-season recap. Boss Uncaged is celebrating its 25,000th download, many new announcements, an overview of the great guest on the 1st half of the season, and Revealing A few new in-progress projects. The tag team of S. A. and Alex Grant go into their plans to keep the momentum going in the second half of season 2.

We can’t wait to see what else is on the horizon.


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• Celebrating 25,000 Downloads while focusing on the next landmark of 100k downloads: let’s get up and go get it

• S. A. Grant will be Speaking At Success Champion Summit:
About the Badass Business Summit: The Badass Business Summit takes place live and has one goal…helping you get in the right mindset and give you the skills to grow your business. It’s the one business growth event you can’t afford to miss!

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• A Guided Book Journal For The Uncaged Boss: A Practical Business Book Lovers Guide On How to Take Actionable Notes, Organize, & Catalog Reading Logs For Success (Pending Amazon Approval)

• Plus More…


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Boss Uncaged Is Celebrating 25,000 Downloads and Tons Of New Announcements: S. A. Grant & Alex Grant MIDSEASON RECAP – S2E33 (#61)2021-07-12T21:17:56+00:00

Founder & CEO Of Flawed Masterpiece: Joy White AKA The Masterpiece Boss – S2E32 (#60)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

“I would definitely say prepare financially. I would say have some financial resources in place so that you don’t take the leap and then have to jump back into something because, you know, you just can’t afford financially to not have income. That can get you pulled right back into something that you know is not right for you.”
In Season 2, Episode 31 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with CEO & Founder of Flawed MasterpieceJoy White.
Flawed Masterpiece is an urban wellness and lifestyle brand centered on healing and emotional wellbeing
Want more details on how to contact Joy? Check out the links below!


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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E30 – Joy White – powered by Happy Scribe

But over here, we are reporting. Audio’s good. All right, three, two, one. Welcome welcome back to Boss Uncage podcast. On today’s show, we have Joy White and I’m trying to figure out, like, the best way to give you guys a little sample of who she is. But to kind of just give you a little I’m a little her kind of, you know, bust a bubble in a little bit deeper. But she’s a lawyer by trade, right?

She’s also a mom of two different kids. Right. And in addition to that, she’s always been on this journey to follow success. And on that journey, there’s forks in the road. So she’s at that fork in the road now to where she’s jumping from being a full time lawyer into her next journey. So without further ado, Joy, why introduce yourself to our you?

Hey, everybody, so, yes, so Schnall or a grant, not sure what to so describe me well, I mean, I am all of those things in a lot of other things. So definitely CEO and founder of Masterpiece, new business venture that I just launched. Two days ago, also an attorney for a 16 year old mother of two boys, 16 and 13, and just a lot of other things, but that’s the high level. Gotcha.

So if you have to define yourself in three to five words, what would those three to five words be?

Three to five words, I would say. Kind of a balance between conformity and rebellion, and so that’s right, that’s right, ambitious. And. A strong tide of faith, so kind of really purpose driven, so that’s more than five, but. Yes, purpose driven, yes.

So let’s dove into this business model, because obviously, I mean, most people kind of understand the definition of what a lawyer is and obviously they understand there’s different segmentations of being a lawyer. So let’s start there. Like, what kind of lawyer were you? And then this jump into, like, what is this new business venture?

Got it. So civil employment attorney. So civil means not criminal. And so I primarily have done defense work with me representing the company, the employer. And so I’ve done that for 60 years. I’ve also done business litigation, Anitra, securities, commercial litigation. So essentially representing large companies and corporations and sometimes smaller employers. If this is in litigation, meaning they’ve been sued in court, there’s no criminal charges involved anywhere. So that’s what I’ve done for 60 years.

I’ve done that in a big law firm. I’ve done that in two small firms that I founded and helped manage. And I also did that at in a medium sized firm. Most recently, I was the V.P. of Legal Affairs and general counsel at Morehouse College. So I then I was doing that for the last four years.

So with everything that she just listed, you can kind of here like she’s the epitome of the corporate structure on one hand. Right. So I want you to pay attention to what she’s about to say about this other business unit, on the other hand. Well, that’s one I like. Less like the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde continue.

So the new business is called for M.D. And this is something that I’ve been thinking about for years. I would say probably in the last five years I’ve felt compelled to share my story. So that’s where this all started for my personal story, which is something that unless you are close to me, been in a relationship with me or kind of my family, you would have no idea what my personal story is. And it’s very different than kind of what I, you know, have shown kind of on my corporate side.

So I’ve been feeling compelled to share that story for the last few years. It’s a flawed masterpiece is the culmination of that. But the purpose is to empower other women. So it started with joy. Share your story. And then for me, that is important. And as part of my masterpiece, I do share my story. But the more important part is to empower other women and girls that can see themselves. In my story, I felt like my story is not this is not out there.

Like there’s no one who’s talking about this. And so what this is, is about accepting your flaws. It’s about things that you perceive to be flawed and or society. You can be flawed. So that can be mental health. That can be mental health diagnosis. That can be a history of abuse that can be coming from a single parent household. So you got race, class, gender. You got it all mixed up in there. If anything that is perceived to be less than that.

The flaw and then the masterpiece is essentially, you know, and I I guess talk about it later. But everybody is is amazing. Like everybody’s unique, everybody’s individual. There are no rules. And so part of this is based on my first 40 years on this earth, I lived according to rules that are bullshit, like there are no rules. And at some point you realize there are no there are rules. And so why don’t I show up authentically?

Why don’t I show up in my whole self, not in the 10 percent of myself that the world and my family and my religion deem as acceptable. There’s another 90 percent. And it’s about showing up in that way, expressing yourself, loving yourself, and then kind of living in your fulfill that that’s what flawed masterpiece is about and about seeing the beauty in it. Like it’s not acceptance in a hey, this is the fucked up shit, but let me accept that.

No, it’s like I am fucking dope, like I am amazing. That’s the point. A flawed masterpiece, because there’s a lot of stigma associated with a lot of the things that I’ve experienced in my life and even in the conversations where it’s about let’s get rid of the stigma, let’s minimize it. It’s still about let’s accept it. You know, like, hey, you know, I mean, this is unfortunate, but like. No, but bad like own it like own it.

Like superpower like I am. I have superpowers because until you fuck with yourself you can’t fuck with nobody else. Like that’s really what it is. And that’s what I learned in my life, is that these issues are way more critical than practicing law, which is amazing in the. An amazing accomplishment, and I’m proud of it, but that’s not the most important thing. So that’s what makes.

Please, I want you guys to understand, when I first met her, right, she was kind of like extremely tailored. Right. And I understand that she had like a little hood swag to her, but she kept the hood swag in a box, like in a cage. Right. So and over the years, it’s kind of like, you know, I was always like the cursor and like, fuck this and fuck that. And she was always kind of like, you need to tone it down a little bit.

And now she’s completely out the cage, Bosson Cage, and she’s completely just like, fuck it completely like, fuck it. So I want you to kind of break down, like, the name of what Florida stands for. You heard her as a lawyer. You want to say she knows what she’s doing, but you just saw her passion. It’s like, what is she passionate really about? So you go out and break down what Florida’s abbreviated for sure.

Self, what is an acronym. And so the F stands for that. L is let that shit go. A is except reality. W is Lussac, I think like Martin and bad boys like his ear. So w e is embrace healing and this and B is the book. So that’s, that’s the acronym and it’s, it’s, I can explain what each of those me for the most part it’s kind of self-explanatory, but it’s also a process. So it is kind of f is like fuck society, fuck culture, fuck you family, fuck whoever, whoever, whatever makes you feel less than and fuck you making yourself feel less bad about that too.

So it’s really about a process to all of those things. So that’s what that’s about, you know. And then l and this is big L is let that shit go. And for me that means let go of what you thought your life was supposed to be like, like let it go like. So a lot of people like oh I understand. Feel it, that’s what it means and what it means once to have said fuck that to whomever, whatever.

However, then it let go of whatever you thought it was supposed to be because, you know, I’ll share some of my story later, but my life did not go according to plan, despite all the many accomplishments and all the wonderful things that I had. But it still didn’t go according to plan. And part of this process is releasing that, like releasing your attachment to this is what my life was supposed to be like, like let it go, because you really can’t get to living your love life until you let go of whatever life you thought you were supposed to be live in.

And so that’s what let that shit go a is a reality for me. What that reality is, look in the mirror like look in the mirror and look at yourself. Who are you really? What is your real life? What’s your life you thought you were going to have. But what is your life? Because for part of me, I denied a lot of things in my self. So it wasn’t even so much about hiding it from other people.

It was more about me denying it and just, hey, I don’t know who that person is over there. That ain’t me. I’m this person. And so it’s kind of like except reality like except. It, which isn’t necessarily bad, it could be some bad shit. It could be bad, but that’s not really the point. The point is just be real, like just with yourself. What is your life then? W is with that.

And so for me, is all these mindfulness meditation, reflection, journaling going out in nature really is going to be different things for different people, but it’s really about getting present and not president to accept reality. The slow down. Like, I just have a mindfulness meditation probably five years ago and it has completely changed my life. And I am a person of faith. I’m a Christian. I have grown up in the church and I don’t denounce that in any way.

I still have all of those views that I feel. But there was some other shit that I needed to kind of I need some other tools in the kit and I didn’t have them. And so for me, mindfulness meditation, self care, journaling, boundaries, like it’s the whole kit and caboodle. You need that shit, like you need that. That is something separate and apart, in my opinion, from religion and your religious belief. Yes, separate.

Getting kind of in touch with things, building your mind when I had a kind of silent the talk, the chatter in your mind, but that’s the small version. So that’s what loses all that stuff. And then embrace healing is a big one. And again, this is a process. So you have already said, fuck that, you’ve let it go. Hey, this ain’t my life. You the reality. This is my life. Now, you have done meditation, journaling, you’ve lost the nature.

You’re planting flowers, do whatever you an art color and drawing whatever you need to do. And then you get to E and E is embrace healing and feels like really healing. And so everybody, you know, people have different experiences in their life. Everyone no one is immune from life happening now, there are some things and you know, and again, when I say trauma for me, I it’s definitely tied to my own trauma. So I am not professing to understand every type of trauma that can exist in the world.

And I can appreciate that my trauma had to do with mental health, with surviving physical abuse, sexual abuse, absence of the father, classism, misogyny. I mean, I’ve had it all. And for me, I never feel I could have rejected it because again, if you don’t accept reality, heal anything, you won’t confront. And so that’s why I got accepted back there and then get quiet and be still something you can move to healing and healing.

You can do self healing depending on what you got going on therapy, coach. I mean, to me, I depend on the severity of the trauma. I recommend some professional helping with that, some kind of like a professional, because for me, I didn’t deal with those things and those things showed up. And so, you know, if you don’t deal with Edgett, I talk about it. It’s like mold’s or something. Like you might not see it at first, but by the time you do see it, it’s a problem and it can kill you like literally like it’s that powerful.

And until you confront it and deal with it, you will never live your best life. That’s the reason I say embrace, because healing is a journey you’ll never be healed with an easy. It is a process that, frankly, will go on your entire life, but you got to at least be willing to start the process. And so that’s why the church has embraced it, because it’s like just be open to it instead of what I was in, which I was not open to it.

And they don’t want you to at started the process and you have fucked culture and society. You have let go of your imaginary life that you thought you were going to have. You accepted your real life. You learned how to you know, whether, you know, jonel reflect introspection. Now you have embraced healing and you’re on the healing journey. Then you get the disease which is dealt with. And the point I just like the term dope in general, but it’s really about like I am dealt with.

But like Schnall will tell you how I am, most people agree I’m making no, but like I have always been dealt with that and a lot of other people that struggle with some of these issues. So have they like like everybody in their own right is dealt with like anyway, like everyone’s unique, everyone’s the individual, everyone’s valuable in whatever whatever they have to offer the world. And Delta Force is really about walking in that walking your full authority of who you are in all its texture and color, that that’s what does like it’s own it own your your doneness in its totality.

So that’s what so I mean, I think you alluded to a couple of different things. And one thing I want to bring up is, like you’re saying, you have so many different bad experiences and you found a way to turn those bad experiences into positive outcomes. So what was the worst experience you’ve encountered on your journey to creating this new business?

Good question. I will tell you, and on my journey to creating this new business, the hardest thing was finally getting support for the vision. You know what? This business is kind of a it’s not just a hybrid hybrid. It’s like three different things that coaching kind of in the personal development phase, it is event. So, again, wellness events and seminars and things of that nature and in its product, those wellness products that promote self care.

So, hey, when you’re doing the Lussac stuff and you’re embracing healing, what are the different products that you can use during that price? Candles, then aromatherapy journals like things that are kind of support you in that process. So those are three different things, like three different markets, so to speak, against. And I’ll tell you, my background is is black as an attorney. So I went straight through school, but I’ve never done anything but practice law.

Ever, and so the process of saying, hey, this is this vision that I have, I want to bring it for OK, but I don’t know how to do any of this. Like, I don’t know how to do the work product. I don’t know how to plan events. I do know how to mentor and support women and coach women. So that is something I have always been passionate about. OK, turn that into a business like coaching as a business, three different areas that I don’t have any experience and event planning in the product and not formal kind of this is my way that I’m going to make money in terms of the coaching.

And so trying to find help, frankly, and people to see the vision and help me execute the different pieces was very hard because I got a lot of pushback. Like, you can’t do that like three different markets that, you know, market sectors and target. I’m like, oh, I know my target audience is like, I know who that person is because it’s me and nobody’s talking to me in all of who I am. People talk to me as an attorney.

They may talk to me as a trauma survivor and they talk to me as a Christian, but nobody’s talking to all of me. And so part of what I wanted to offer to the culture is, hey, person who has this myriad of things going on that don’t fit into a box. I want to talk to you. I want to I want to serve you. I want to serve you in coaching. I want to offer, you know, which creates an environment that speaks to all of you is support all of you and have you in like minded environments with other people who are all of these things and then have products that you will really value and appreciate and that will kind of enhance your quality of life.

So I’m very clear on what I wanted to do. But when I took that to let me find a coach, let me find a mentor, let me find somebody to help me brand messaging, marketing. I got a lot of pushback and I thought it was very hard to and really still have a lot of pushback with people like this is how I can support you walking through this whole process. So that was hard because I’ve never. I mean, it’s terrible.

I’ve never had to rely on anybody for anything to execute, like, so I’m a big that’s a hard target. People like I win right there always have. And this was hard to hit the goal because I did not want to limit my vision to what I already knew how to do, because they’re small, that’s living small, but trying to execute on the vision when you need other people to believe in your vision because you just don’t know how to do it.

Like, I don’t know how to make a product. I don’t know how to plan events. That is actually I have a vision and bring it forward. But people were not I won’t say not supportive, they just didn’t see the vision. So people I think a lot of people were supportive and like, I will help you, but you need to do this. Like your background is a lawyer. You’ve done all these things. Leverage that like that’s what you need to leverage.

I’m like, yeah, I mean, I get that. And that’s kind of a that’s a part that a lot of people take, you know, hey, I’m a lawyer. I want to pivot into coaching how each other I was included in what you know, I’m sure I will offer. But what I’m passionate about is that woman or young woman, mid career woman that has never had permission or felt that she had permission to show all the way up or the woman who has trauma that she has never dealt with.

And she thought, hey, I can outrun this shit with accomplishments. Like as long as I say like a hundred miles ahead of this, it’ll never catch up. And then if it catches up, but act silly, trying to execute tangible pieces, segments of this business to bring it forward, you know, you need people to help you with those things. And that was not I didn’t get a lot of support and that, again, I supported.

Hey, Jack, you in the business fine. But you can do all three of these things at once. You get this. These are three different businesses. You can’t launch great businesses. I’m like, oh, I can live. It’ll be one business, one target audience, three offerings to that audience. That makes sense to me. And that’s what the hell Bob Massie’s is. But. It was it was hard to have someone help me bring it to market because I didn’t really have that support.

So I think it is ironic. I mean, we’ve known each other for about ten plus years at this point. And hearing you tell that story, part of that story is, is my story. Like, I’ve had multiple different coaches and all the coaches told me to streamline my process, to select one thing. And anybody that knows, like my career wise, I’ve jumped into being there every expertize known to be a man. Right. And I’ve juggled all of them at the same time.

So I hear where you’re coming from. So in that right. Like my question for you is understanding that you want to launch these three businesses. Right. You need help growing them. And, you know, obviously, I have an agency that can support that. So my question right right now live is, are you willing are you willing to dedicate the time is going to take because one business may take one to five year. So you need to multiply that by three different businesses and then factoring all of them into one fund.

Right. A prime example is like I have my salary, three sixty and that’s marketing I have and paid, which is more so entrepreneurial giving back. And I have my say grant, which is more consultant, but I had to separate these brands and then find uniformity individual of them. And each one of them talks to a different audience with the keystone between all three is myself. Does that mean. So for you to step out from being a lawyer and stepping into the space of an influencer, you’re going to have to like it’s going to be a long road on a treadmill and you’re going to give you a water bottle.

I can give you some fruit snacks on the way, but you have to keep running like there’s no stopping once you get on this path. So my question is, are you willing to do that?

Of course. So, yes, I am willing to do that. But I do want to offer something, you know, in the rules that say this is also about mindset. So there is there is a part of that that is about limiting belief. And that is something that I discovered and it transformed my life. And I bring that up because I honestly believe and this is just me, you can do whatever the fuck you want to do once you decide to do it.

And I’m I do I have to think I want to do it like that the other day. And it’s not to reject advice. But here’s the thing. I’ve done it. I’ve done amazingly. I’ve done things in my life that a person who’s had some of the experiences I’ve had shouldn’t be able to do. Like, there’s a lot of people that that way there. And so when I think about the energy, the time, the effort, the grind, the hustle that I had put in to get up to this point, only for that to be 10 to 15 percent of who I am as a whole, definitely prepared to put in the work.

I’ve done nothing but do that in my life. So that’s I mean, that’s just kind of how I’m built anyway. But but. Something I want to offer, I guess, is that I did not discover that there was this world of, you know, not blinding actually like people making tons and tons of money and living the life they believe, you know, and helping tons of people. And it’s not tied to one hundred hours. You know, all this craziness.

Like, I remember when I first left and I was shocked that people were doing stuff at five p.m. in the day. I’m like, who are all these people out live and live at five? Because I was working until 1:00 o’clock in the morning, two o’clock in the morning, 3:00 in the morning. That’s all I have ever known. And as a as a professional, as a mother, as a and so part of my kind of what I want to offer in my business and kind of at least a different message is no, the you don’t have to do all that, which you have to decide that you don’t want to do all that.

Like, I want to present options, like you can do what you want, how you want. You have to work no matter what. You have to be passionate and dedicated no matter what. But this idea that if I take all these hours, all these years, all of this, I reject that. Like, I actually reject that because that actually contributed to a lot of my suffering. And had I known that there there’s a whole world of people that don’t do that, like a whole new world of people that do not, you know, define themselves by how many hours they work or how long it takes them to get to.

You know, there’s just a different world. And I believe you can just decide to do that. I strongly believe you can just decide and then you work towards it, but you work towards it in a way that is like I believe this is possible and it is possible because I believe it’s possible and I’m going to do it. I, I use that kind of energy before in a box, like in a space that was defined for me. So I’ve always had that attitude.

It’s just it was not an expansive view and it wasn’t authentic to me. And so now it take that same attitude that you always had and apply it to this new business and this idea that Brian culture cancel. Black women are superheroes. Black women can be single moms and doctors and lawyers. And, you know, they can wear the pink and everything fine and they can do all that. And no, but that no, because that is that’s the fuck that that’s the first part of that, because they’re suffering there.

For me there was. But I didn’t feel that I even I didn’t have time to deal with that suffering because I had to keep going, though, for my unique story. That is part of why I kind of push back when when people are like, hey, you know, you got to be I’m like, I already did that. Like, I did that version. And I will continue to do it, like but in something that so actually serves me and serves my wellbeing, it takes into account of the holistic.

Truth of who I am, and I don’t think. It gives me any list, like I don’t kind of receive the hey, you know, you got to go back to the beginning, which was a lot of feedback. I got be like, hey, you know, your quickest way to go to market is use for your degree, like use your clout that you already have and use that to, which makes sense. No question. And by the way, I feel prices lost, so I’m not giving up my degree and I’m choosing to serve people that I want to serve as plaintiff’s employment work.

Now representing employees after spending 16 years representing big corporate employer, I’m now like, I’m going to represent who I want to represent and support that. So that’s just kind of a switch. But I just want people to believe, especially people who have felt less than are unworthy. I just want them to believe there is no path to what they want to do, how they want to do it, and that you also don’t have to grind. And that’s tricky when I say you don’t have to grind.

And I know that’ll be misconstrued, but that’s coming from a pipe, a person that’s coming from someone who’s like, hey, I got to work 300 hours I to work 200 hours and I’ll get no sleep. I’ll get nothing like that. So that’s coming from a person who’s lived their life like it. Certainly if you are a person that, you know, sleeps a lot and rest and try to relax and maybe you need to get something yourself.

So this is relative to my kind of world view, but I need to take it back a notch in terms of the grind, but up a notch, I guess, in terms of what is available to me and who I’m able to serve and not, you know, kind of not limited because that’s where you come back to the these are three different businesses. This is the person I want to serve. Like, there’s a person, there’s a persona, so to speak, that I want to serve and I want to try to serve that person in totality now like that, you know, piecemeal, I want because I feel like I want to be the person that I needed 10 years ago.

I needed to see some visual of something or at least the action that, hey, you can take care of yourself. Meaning healing and all that and live a badass life, make lots of money. The you can do all those things. And in. No, that that’s available to you as an option to set as a goal and then shoot for that. That’s what I want to offer. And so that’s my resistance ballots then take five or six years because I needed this person 10 years ago and I don’t see any body out here.

Is apathy that hostile to this person? Again, that is the intersectionality of a lot of different stuff.

Yes, I think it could definitely happen. And it comes down to compounding. And I’m going to tell you a little story about it was that with my networking group and his name was Eric Decker. Right. And he had a video company and he was like maybe having twenty two. He was very young being in a network. So he was going to network meetings and trying to get deals and close deals. And he was running pretty successful video company.

But in his heart he wanted to be a YouTube right. Which is kind of different than editing videos. So he then decided exactly, roughly about one year in a month ago, said fuck everything to your point. That’s right. And then he became a YouTube one year later. Now he has one million subscribers. So anybody that’s a YouTube move would understand. Like to get to one million subscribers. That’s not an easy damn thing. I’ve seen a a million that are like.

Fifty thousand. Ten thousand subscribers him, to get to your point, it could be done, but also that he put into it and I’m just watching this video like the way he feels, the stories that he told. I mean, this dude drop a damn yacht in someone’s pool like shit like that. Like he went across state lines on a skateboard from California to Nevada on video. So he went to the extreme and worked to build up a following.

So if you’re going to go into that space work I’m talking about, you’re going to have to one. And I know you’re not going to want to hear because you’re I personally, I understand that. But you’re going to have to be coachable in the experience to get the information delivered to that audience as seamless as possible with the less resistance as possible. So, you know, you don’t want talk about being a lawyer. Fuck that. Don’t talk about being a lawyer.

Whatever you’re going to do on the visual side, you’re going to go ten times into that space to deliver that message, to grow that audience really quickly.

So I understand. Yes, I do. All right, I see that you see that. So dove into the next question. I mean, obviously, you’re a lawyer, so you understand the legalities of things behind the scenes, like how is the business structured? Are you like LLC, EZCORP, C Corp?

Mm hmm. Yes, I am LLC and then doing business that so. And the reason it kind of goes to your point, I envision that there could be a world where they do have the breakout, like the the event from the coaching from the private. So I understand that. And so it is an LLC and right now the whole business is a DBA at Fraud Maccabees. And all of these kind of lines of markets are under board masterpiece. But I created it that way so that if I need to create a disk at some point, a different brand name deba for the product versus the event versus the services and the personal coaching and development.

That that’s why I set it up that way, so you had the flexibility to run all of the businesses if they show up all under one business. Now, I also still have my law firm that has to be a separate entity. So it is also an LLC. But law firms cannot share or kind of be in a business venture where there are non legal services provided. So I have to LLC one for my legal practice and then one for kind of all other things.

Gotcha. Gotcha.

So, Mark, I know you’ve been on your journey for a while and we’ve always perceived someone’s success as an overnight success. But really behind the scenes, it takes 20, ten, five years. There’s a period of time that that takes somebody to get to that point. How long did it take you to get to where you are currently?

I mean, I’ve been practicing law for 16 years. This is my current venture, flawed masterpiece. I have been working on that formerly working on June 20 20. So six months, six, seven months now, I felt cold and compelled to share my story. Five years ago, it actually took me until June 20, 20 to be willing to do it. So I was very resistant to being fully transparent and fully authentic. It kind of once I decided like, all right, it’s time.

June 20 20, Still Life Business, January 31, 20, 21.

So on that journey, what’s one thing that you would want to do differently if you could do it all over again?

I would have wanted to be more. I get more focused on getting the right people on the team, like, you know, and this is tricky, getting the right people. So if I talk to one person and they don’t see the vision, OK, this is the wrong person, not the vision. Is that what the vision needs to be, though? It’s probably being more committed and dedicated to finding the right people. Like my vision is my vision.

Now, being coachable is different, and I agree with that. You try to give me take my vision, not open to that. And so what happened is when I got pushback from certain people, I was like, fuck it, I’m launching this business and I’m proud of what I believe and I will grow and evolve. But I think if I could have done something different, I probably would have felt it, you know, given myself more time to find people that were experts in messaging expert and product expert and whatever that bought into the vision.

So it’s not about changing the vision because the vision is the vision, because I feel like I gave my vision. But just being more committed and dedicated to trying to find people and just keep going, hey, you’re the wrong person. Hey, let me interview yet you’re the wrong person, too, because I will tell you my visual perfect example for the brand. That person that her name is Matt Taylor. Amazing. I was able to articulate my vision and she got it.

And that’s what the visuals are that are on the page of my my website that I mid-band like that. That is what I wanted to show. And I have a Spotify playlist, my brand logo. Like I was able to articulate my vision to create those very interesting, the people that have creative backgrounds, which again, I don’t come from that world, I come from LA. But the creatives get it, like when I articulated, hey, this is what it sounds like, this is what it feels like, what it looks like.

You know, they got it in my with my logo looks it it shows and demonstrates what I meant for it to show my, like I said, my visual, my pictures that are very powerful. I believe they show what I meant for them to show and where I got stuck with the messaging and the kind the you know, I don’t know, like do people like products, event planning. That’s where I. Definitely didn’t know how to do it myself and was not able to find people that that got it because like I said, for the visual, the logo, all that they got is they’re like, yes, I understand.

It makes perfect sense. This is exciting. But, you know, trying to find folks that. To execute, because, again, I’m all about execution as much as I am about vision and passion. And so the execution is hard when your vision is bigger than your skill set, your your personal skill set.

And me and I look over your website and to your point, I mean, definitely I think the images definitely stand out. And to your point, the one thing that you’re missing is copy. It’s like wrong copy. You depict the visuals because again, when you’re thinking about search engines, you’re thinking about the technical, you’re talking about algorithms behind the scenes. A lot of them are not reading images. They’re reading the content on supporting the images. What’s the story behind the images?

What do people right. Where are they landing afterwards? So I think that’s something that definitely in your next phase of this, working on messaging will definitely do so. So this is go a little bit back into your entrepreneurial background. So I’ve had an opportunity to meet your mom and I can see that she’s Azi personality, right? She has she has a vision of how she wants things to be done. And obviously that’s carried over to you. Right.

So are you from an entrepreneurial background like besides from your mom being a personality? Where are you going?

Well, that’s a good question. So, no, I am not from an entrepreneurial background at all. So everyone in my family is, you know, professional, you know? Well, no, I’m not going to say this, but no entrepreneur. I am the first. And I have a cousin who is an entrepreneur. Now, I’ll tell you this. It could be easy for my dad. Right? So I did not seen a lot of time with my dad growing up, but he was an entrepreneur.

And so, you know, there’s this whole world nature versus nurture, all that. But I think perhaps that that kind of in me. But it was definitely not something that was anywhere. It was never presented to me. So I never saw any entrepreneur ever, just like I never saw any lawyers. So I decided to be a lawyer before I knew a lawyer did. And I decided to be an entrepreneur before I knew any entrepreneur. So, yes, that’s bad.

Got you.

So talking about your friend a little bit know you talked about you have two kids, one 16 and one 13. Right. And for the longest, as long as I know you’ve been a single mom. So my question is how to how do you juggle your work life with your your family life? I mean, like like how how you do that?

It goes to what I was saying earlier, I guess, about mindset. And, you know, let me use some of this superpower shit that I clearly have towards you, should I want to do, because honestly, I don’t know how like I’m 40 now. I’m going to be one. And when I look back over their lifespan and kind of my career up to this moment, I have no idea how I do those things. I mean, so, yes, I’ve been a single mom the entirety of my time.

I was there for two years to my youngest son, Dad. So my boys have different dads. And so the whole time I was married for two years total, I had my oldest then my third year of law school. And so my career track kind of track is eight. So I have never been a professional and not been a single mother. So it’s all seamless. It kind of is just right there together. So I’m that known adulthood without kids.

I have it no matter. My career went without kids, so it’s kind of that’s all I’ve ever known. I think it’s my drive that pushed me to just you know, there are some unhealthy things about that. But I think maybe my drive in my kind of ambition, like I’m kind to be an ambitious and kind of driven person. And then I have kids and I have a vision of who I want to be as a mother. And these are I do to shit like this, you know.

So I never really tittered other options, which for the record, is part of my message. Part of my message now is, hey, there are other damn options like that that I would say majority because it’s my journey. But there’s consequences to pushing yourself that hard. And they show up in a lot of different ways, though. It’s on the one hand, I don’t want to demonize my journey because it is my journey and I’m proud of what I have accomplished.

But there are a lot of things when you’re focused on your career at the highest level and you’re focusing on parenting at the highest level relationship, clearly that you know. So that’s a problem. I don’t know. Well, but here’s the thing. Relationships with others, but also relationship with yourself, which is, again, expensive and only discovered recently. And that’s why I feel so driven to share that message. Like how you feel matters a lot and you don’t develop it necessarily when it’s all kids, all work.

Those are the only two relevant because you ain’t in there. You are nowhere in the, you know, half amigos here. Half of me goes there. That’s how I got here. And that’s part of what I’m trying to dispel is, hey, there’s other ways I’m determined that there will be other ways to reach success that don’t equate to kind of sacrificing your own well-being.

So on that journey, so it seems like you’re coming to awareness of like this time and understanding your time management. And on one hand, you were just completely if this twenty four hours of the day, you’re going to try to figure out how can I squeeze twenty five hours out of one day? So what is your morning habits and your morning routines look like?

That’s a good question. Yes, that’s a good question. So my morning routine that has evolved over time is I spend an hour in the morning, I get up, I read a devotion in the little Bible and I read a few scriptures and a devotion. Then I do. I meditate. And so sometimes I do a guided meditation. Sometimes I do kind of guided like visualization, which is different than meditation, but always something that involves getting thinner and kind of in tune with my inner self.

I do that. Then I journal, I do a gratitude journal and I that’s kind of the definite like every single day I do that. And then after that it varies. Usually I spend about 30 minute planning my day, so I get up at five o’clock in the morning every day. So it’s probably like an hour and a half practice every day. And it’s critical for me, like I realized, like, I need that before the day starts and before the kids are up and before it’s time to work.

I need that dedicated time to kind of feel my felt my spirit, connect with God, connect with my cell and plan for the day.

So, I mean, it’s funny that you brought up things that you’re reading. So every time, like my questions, you say that I have a question. I’ve stage my questions to kind of like tell a story. Right. So as the story was progressing over the past episodes, I realized that, like you, a lot of people wake up early like you. A lot of people either are meditating, working out. In addition to that, they’re always reading or absorbing some kind of content, some kind of information.

So because of that, I decided to create a Boston College book club. So what book have you read to help you on your journey? And would you recommend those books in addition to what books are you reading currently right now?

Got it. So book that I have read on the journey, if the Game If An Imperfection by Barney Brown. Huge, huge, huge, huge. Especially for people who have issues with self worth. And even if you don’t think you have issues with self worth. So it’s really if you identify with being a perfectionist, then I would recommend that book I read. I started reading that book three different times and every time I would get to something that was so piercing through it, like I literally through the book, I’m like, I don’t have time finish it.

Like literally I was like, I see it. I’ll have time for this year. Right now I got a big dinner and I mean, I had this book and it’s not even that big. It took me probably two years to actually read it and actually go through it because it was the beginning of my awakening. I would say my self awareness about my trauma and how it is showing up in ways that I didn’t think were trauma based. I’m like, I am fine.

And they read something that sounds like it’s like a narrative of your life, you know, about trying to, you know, outhustle stuff and kind of achieve and perfect. Because really, for me, underneath that, it’s some self worth issues that you’re trying to start your accomplishments and your accolades on top of it. So, Rene Brown, all of her stuff is great, but gives of imperfection is one of them. Also, you are a bad ass.

I guess Mesereau is a big one. Subtle art of not giving up something and all of those. So, you know, Bernie Brown was about kind of the healing and the trauma and stuff that I. Really hadn’t dealt with, but still are not giving up, just as they are of those kind of four hour workweek, those are books that, again, put something in my purview that I did not know about, like a whole world of stuff and ideas in perspective that were nowhere in my life mindset issues and just those kind of in the self-help space.

But about, you know, just, you know, you can do whatever you want, just decide you wanted things that I had applied in my life already. Just didn’t understand that this was a whole way of thinking in a whole way of approaching life coming up, being raised their villages and type a career, religion, family back. Kind of the world that I know, and I’m southern, southern, born and raised adults only ever lived in the South, so I had a very narrow view of just all kinds of things.

So those books were great and kind of taking me along the journey of kind of an awakening and currently reading. I just finished it, but I just appreciate it. Unchanged by Glenn and Doyle. Love, love, love, love. The book highly recommended. It’s the you know, she’s written a lot of books that she is like, I don’t give a fuck when she does, but that’s not the point. But it I’ma be me, Amadeu, me, like, and she kind of talked about the consequences of not doing you.

And it’s fictional ish, but it’s great. I love it. I highly recommend it. And then this other book I had, I have it here because I forget the name of the Warrior Goddess training and which is not really my you wouldn’t normally think I would be like warrior got it. But it’s warrior. God is training in it by Heather Ash Amara and is about becoming the woman you’re meant to be. And again, these are things that have a lot to do with owning yourself and understanding where you separate it from yourself.

Like how? Like the origins of how to you get to this place where you are not your essence, like who you are and your essence if you are living this other life. So it’s a book about that book.

Yeah, definitely. I mean, I think that’s a long list of insightful books. And I think each book represents the phases of where you were, where you are and where you’re going. So that leads me to my next question is like, OK, on this journey, right? We’re stepping forward. We’re present now. Are we going to step to the future? Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

20 years, 20 years, I will definitely be a billionaire, I would be a philanthropist, I’ll be a philanthropist, I will be serving women, I will be serving. And it will be in any number of ways that I want to offer a lot of financial resources to underserved communities. But women, minorities, both with trauma, both with mental health issues, single mothers. So kind of folks that kind of fall in buckets that I have that I self identify with, I.

It’s tricky because I think I’m going to it’s going to evolve so much from this point that I’m trying to remain open to what that what shape it takes. I kind of see flawed M.P. as the beginning of my me like my like me showing up as me and then bringing all my ambition and my drive, my intellect, my all of it to something that I feel very kind of purpose to do and how I serve the community. But I’m gonna make a lot of money.

But I’m a hell of a lot of people.

Yeah, I just want to commend you for a good I mean, I’ve had this conversation on both sides of the coin and have I’ve answer that question and I’ve said similar things to what you said, like like becoming a billionaire is an objective. Right. So I have to say, first of all, I want to commend you for having the balls and the audacity to say a billionaire, not a millionaire, not a multimillionaire, but a damn billionaire.

And I want people to understand that there’s a huge difference of mentality when you’re at 100000 versus a million versus ten million hundred million and a billionaire and a completely different intellectual standpoint, not just from education wise, but just understanding how to manage and operate. A billion dollars completely changed the game. So. What who do you use currently right now in the plethora of things that you’re doing that you would not be able to do without?

Outlook, so, I mean, I live by my calendar between two businesses and trying to take care of myself, like for myself, my two kids outlook seriously is I live by it. If it’s not in there, it’s not real. I don’t care if we had a conversation. I’m not going to remember it as soon as I tell you I’m going to quit meeting. And because, again, I’d do that like I was in a meeting about like for like anything like, oh, that’s all I know.

I’m like, listen, if you want me to do it and remember to do it, then you’ve got to be on the calendar. So calendar is big. That’s probably the biggest fool. I mean, I am learning now the different tools that in this new business. So Trello just discovered that I have never been big. I’ve never been a project management. And I realized that like I am result oriented, but I’m that process oriented. And I didn’t know that till now because I’m there.

Like, what? The target. Get the target. Get there however you get there. If you ask me to do it again, I don’t know how till I got here. I don’t know. Did you pay this. I don’t know. Like I can never redo that. So discovering that it’s been great. And then on the law firm bad practice management that you know, that I like things that allow you to have like a paperless office, all that kind of stuff, because there’s a lot of paper in life and just there’s a lot of paper and running businesses.

So kind of cloud based that the words like one drive and, you know, I cloud those kind of things that allow you kind of manager your documents without having all the paper. I would say.

So I want you to think for a second and I want you to talk to, let’s say, male or female. Early 30s to mid 40s, they’re in corporate America. They’ve had successful careers, much like you’ve have. They’ve hit all the check boxes. They’ve lived the white picket fence lifestyle. And now they’re like, fucking I want to burn down everything and I want to step into this new world of who I am. I’m tired of the regime.

I’m tired of the man power to the people. What words of wisdom would you give them to motivate them to continue to move?

I would say definitely prepare for it with a caveat, though, first and foremost, prepare financially. So I have savings, have some one way, especially if you’re trying to do something like me. Like where I don’t even know how to do this, but I just know that’s what I want to do. And I’m sick of it. I would say have some financial resources in place so that you don’t take the lead and then have to jump back into something because, you know, you just can’t afford financially to not have income that can get you pulled right back in to something that you know is not right for you.

But life is like there are just practical realities, especially if you’re a parent. There’s just are you can’t do that. So I would say that now the caveat to that would be if you’re suffering and I believe that, like, if you are suffering now, I don’t like my job, but if you are in a toxic environment, if you are by I mean in Pasig is relative to everyone else. But whatever you define as fact, if you are in a toxic environment, I would leave, just leave, because the long term consequences of the longer you stay.

And in fact, if I get this boat, you’re in there breathing in mold every day. And it takes a lot to, you know, clean your lungs after you’ve been breathing in darkness for for a long time. So I would say I make it caveat because there’s tons of people that won’t take the leak and they they minimize the impact of being in unhealthy environments and situations. So I would try to find mentor. And again, this is what I hope to be.

I hope to be an example of someone who left at the height of their career. I mean, I’m vice president of legal affairs, general counsel. I manage the board of trustees at Morehouse. I’m dealing with I mean, I’ve done nothing but a straight upward shot in terms of my legal career, but I hope to be an example of the success you can have when you choose to do and you take off all your talent and all of that and apply it to something that is really in sync with you.

Because the point is, I don’t I don’t see any examples of that. That’s part of the reason why I want to do this. Meaning you’re here. You’re at a point where why would you leave? Like, why would you like you read every piece of advice I want to be an example of. But you know what? Me being happy and being whole and being authentic is it’s not that it’s more important. It is more important. But you can still be successful.

It’s not an either or. If not, if you want to be you, then. You know, you don’t struggle or be successful and be inauthentic. I want to kind of be an example and allow people to see my journey as part of the reason why I decided to kind of be more open up front, even though I haven’t I don’t have a messaging person yet. I need one, by the way. I need a messaging partner. But I was willing to still step out there because I actually want people to see the raw process, like the real journey of doing this, but also kind of inspire them when I blow all the way up.

And this is just the big thing, it’s like, oh, but I just watched her do it. She didn’t know exactly, but she believed in this. She was passionate about it. And so that I would tell them, just look at me, follow me on this path, because I haven’t seen a lot of examples of that. So I would say don’t be homeless if you can avoid it by having money saved and being able to have somewhat of a runway.

And hopefully I can be an example of that. And that’s my desire.

I think you definitely have an influence or state of mind because that influence or you’re telling a story what you want people to come along with that journey with you. So some of your things may be missing content and some of it may not be a little bit as edgy as you want it to be. But as you progressed, as you systematize your things, then you go from being kind of starting out to being the full blown influencer with hundreds, if not millions of followers.

But they can kind of go back and see where you started to understand that you can start off with perfection, that you had to go on the journey to get there. So this is a time for you to kind of like tell people how to begin to contact you. What’s your email address, your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, your website? What’s the list of things and how could they get to contact you?

Got it. So everything is flawed masterpiece by joy in terms of social media. So Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, that five massive bijoy and the website is flawed massively. So it’s massively. I have a Pinterest. I have a spot of. I really. So those are both well thought. Masterpiece is decided by the playlist is called Blog Masterpiece and the Pinterest is full of empathy. Bijoy And so those are all of my kind of masterpieces on Instagram.

I’m at Joy White. So my personal Instagram is Ajoy White and so certainly can follow me there just to kind of keep up with what I’m doing as a person. But flawed Master P Bijoy is all social media and then the website for Masterpiece.

So roll that into the bonus round. And I always make this a public announcement that I always had this question to everyone because everyone’s going to have a uniquely different answer. And I have a feeling that yours is probably going to be completely I have no clue what you answer. Right. So I really don’t it’s kind of a flip of a coin. So if you could spend twenty four hours with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Oprah. And it would be Oprah, maybe not for the reasons other people who want to take it with Oprah. For me, Oprah is if there is anyone that I would say would be an example of kind of where I’m trying to head, but with a different angle, it would be her. She started as a very challenging childhood, very, very, very challenging thing to experience in her life, abuse and abandonment and kind of heavy stuff that a lot of people.

You know, hunting for their lot from life and she’s gotten to where she’s gotten and and she’s now definitely doing it in a way that is this is who I am. This is what I want to do. So she went from kind of this tough upbringing to have reached success, you know, with her show and kind of corporate America and all that stuff. But then her next level is this is who I am. This is what I believe.

You know, she’s very insecure. Duality there is helping people who she wants to help, who she feels inspired to help, you know. So if there is a role model, I would say for me, given what I’m trying to do, I would say it would be Oprah, because you don’t see a lot of examples of people starting with where her origin story and landing where she’s landed. But not it’s not just the superficiality of where she’s landed.

It’s the leg, the journey to reaching this level of success where you are serving tons of people. But it’s about what’s authentic to you and doing it in a way that is in alignment with your values and your inner self, because she’s all about that. Those are things that I didn’t know about, like I hadn’t been exposed to that world. So she and she came up in the Baptist Church, all that stuff. So she has a similar kind of story that she’s Oprah.

And I envision myself as. Maybe a Edir, rackety loyalty, Oprah.

So I think I’m happy you brought up Oprah, because Oprah is one of the people that obviously as a male, I’ve studied from a female standpoint. And, you know, my first book, I wrote an entire chapter called Fearless. And Oprah was the epitome of that chapter and understanding that as a kid, she was picked on, she was ridiculed, she had to wear rice bags. She was raped by family members. And still, until this damn day, she gives back.

She’s a multibillionaire. Not just yet. Right? She’s like I think she’s closer to probably three billion at this point. Right. So she gets that definition of again for you. That’ll be a hell of a role model and someone might follow. Right. So, yeah, I definitely I definitely concur with that. All right. So going to my next bonus question, right. If you could be a superhero, who would it be and why?

Wonder Woman. And obviously, I would be Wonder Woman because she is beautiful, gorgeous, all that, which I think and she’s badass, like she can fight itself, but it she doesn’t like to offend other people and says, you know, it’s not this kind of this kind of I don’t know, compared to male superhero. There’s there’s a different dynamic, though, for her. I feel like she is in her femininity, but she is powerful.

She’s strong, she’s unapologetic and she’s very ambitious, driven, all that stuff. So I would if I could be content to be a badass and have a great figure and make people tell me the truth with a lasso. That sounds that sounds great.

I mean, I want everybody. I don’t know that don’t let her lawyer side fool you, right? I mean, yes, she she she looks and plays the part. But like she said, she’s from the south, so I could totally see her back in the day. And Vaseline and a pocketful of NuvaRing is getting ready to go to fear when I think I remember one time on Facebook or Instagram. You had posted that video. Jesus, don’t try me.

Yep, almost picture myself, doc, and I was like, yeah, that’s that’s you on this is definitely.

Well I see. And because you know me in that way. But that part of you know, even why I’m doing this, because to this day, what I haven’t allowed myself to be. That’s really what it’s about. But I’m looking forward to being fully now. But yes, you knew that. And there are others that know like, oh, that makes it makes perfect sense.

So going into closing out this podcast, opportunity of my guest to grab the microphone and on the journey, you may have had questions. So the microphone is yours. What questions?

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Five years from now, so what year is this? Twenty, twenty one. So in five years I’m thinking like the platform that I’m currently working on. To your point, obviously, I think it’s going to be like a multi million dollar platform, but more so. I’m striving to help people and I’m. Checking the list, right, so part of my journey of helping people is influencing more and more business owners, more and more entrepreneurs, more and more startups, small business owners to get them on their journey.

So what I’m looking at my tangible conversions is how many people have I actually helped so that they keep an Italian my head, like I had one guy that I had to interview on the podcast with him, and I have been friends forever. And he had opportunity to start his own podcast because I started my podcast. So that’s the cause and effect that I’m looking for. I want people to say, hey, I started this because I seen you doing it.

I got on this because you had joy on the show and she was talking and she inspired me to do this. So my goal is to look, I want to see a million people to say, hey, thank you. I am now boss uncaged.

I think also I can see it, I mean, this is amazing, this platform is amazing and yes, I think you can see that. Next question, how has your family played into your your your journey? So as a parent.

As a parent? Well, you know, I got one crazy genetically driven child and obviously I got married as well. So I have a child as well. So just I’m constantly trying to influence them on this journey, possibly showing them that, you know, you don’t have to work for anybody. You can make your own hours. You can put the time in and you can get results. You know, living where we live and having the amenities that we have are all a testament to what your parents are doing on their day to day.

So that’s that’s part. And as far as like my parents, you know, my goal was never to strive to make them proud of me. My goal was to execute a plan to show them that their grandkids are going to have opportunities that their grandparents didn’t have. So I’m so looking at that and I’m more of a legacy kind of person, I’m establishing all this content and creating all of this audio and video, because when I’m dead and gone, knowing when it works, all this is going to be this.

I’ll be able to have great grandkids that will be able to go back and be like, what is barf and shit? Who is crazy? I have great grandfather. And then listen to the evergreen content that you and I are reading right now.

My. That’s amazing. I mean, legacy, I think, is amazing, I think just what you talked about, like I’m in the black community in particular, this matters a lot. It matters a lot. We need to see examples of people doing, you know, using their talents in support of things that for legacy in their family, because that’s something we haven’t always had. And I think in I think it matters a lot, and I think the variety and the diversity of how you do that and how you’re doing it, how I’m doing it, like you showing that like this pocket, like you said, there is no like I think outside of there’s no rules to this.

There’s no rules that don’t kill people. That’s the rule. I think that’s very important. Don’t physically, sexually do any of those things that all bad things. Once those into the that there are no rules, it’s who are you, what how do you show up and what what can you offer and what can you leave and what kind of legacy can you leave for your family? Of course, but also just the larger community that I commend you for, for doing this and even thinking about this in a way that has the legacy.

Oh, definitely. Definitely appreciate it. So, I mean, if you have any other questions at a time, otherwise we’re going to close it out.

What do you what kind of hobby that you have currently currently, so in the last 12 months, I picked up sailing, bought a sailboat and been learning how to sail. So that’s one of the things that I like to do. Obviously, a cold and nobody in my household wants to go outside when it’s cold besides myself. So, you know, I’ve made some friendships on that journey of becoming a sailor and some other guys that are sailing on a pretty regular basis.

So, again, I try to get out there at least once a month, even during the wintertime, to just get out there and go sailing. In addition to that, like my passion would always be rock climbing and mixed martial arts.

OK, OK, that’s still in there, but you get all that good.

Last time I checked, we were the same age. But, you know, I can still go to live with. OK, that’s cool. Well, I said, well, those are my questions. And I just you know, I really appreciate this opportunity. This means a lot that we have in the lab. I have very high regard for you. And I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to kind of share into the vision.

We I mean, to your point, I think you have a hell of a message. And I think to your point, doing it the way you want to do it and understanding that you’re going to represent millions, if not tens of millions of females that are currently where you were. And they just need the leap of faith to see an example to jump forward. So you’re stepping to that shoe, you’re taking the brunt of the weight on your back.

And I think that the results are going to show for it. So I definitely appreciate you coming on the show and thank you.

Thank you, say, Grant, over and out.

Founder & CEO Of Flawed Masterpiece: Joy White AKA The Masterpiece Boss – S2E32 (#60)2021-07-10T14:46:36+00:00

11 Useful Tips To Be Accountable Through Your Rise To Success With S. A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E31 (#59)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

11 Useful Tips To Be Accountable Through Your Rise To Success With S. A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E31 (#59)

In Season 2, Episode 31 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S. A. Grant picks up on the topic of accountability, and how to hold yourself accountable through your rise to success.

The etymology of accountable (adj.)
“answerable,” literally “liable to be called to account,” c. 1400 (mid-14c. in Anglo-French), from Old French acontable; see account (v.) + -able. Related: Accountably.
11 Key Tips To Hold Yourself Accountable
  1. Knowing Your Why..
  2. Create A Personal Mission Statement And Write It Down. …
  3. Set Micro-goals.
  4. Do One Task At A Time.
  5. Create A Schedule. …
  6. Use Lists Wisely.
  7. Know The Signs Of Procrastination. …
  8. Seek Feedback.
  9. Emphasize Your Strengths, Improve Your Weaknesses.
  10. Value Your Time.
  11. Celebrate Accomplishments & Milestones-reward Yourself.
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11 Useful Tips To Be Accountable Through Your Rise To Success With S. A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E31 (#59)2021-06-27T17:24:18+00:00

CEO and Co-Founder Of Fully Accountable: Vinnie Fisher AKA The Accountable Boss – S2E30 (#58)

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

“I’d say that if we could spend time in a stage where whatever stage is developing, being a craftsman in something, no matter what that something is, and we can embrace learning how to be a professional as a craftsman, I think you’ll enjoy what you’re doing. Take an interest, take something that lines up with your traits and your interests and your desires, and go put work into it.”
In Season 2, Episode 30 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with CEO & Co-Founder of Fully AccountableVinnie Fisher.
Fully Accountable is an outsourced accounting and finance firm for small and medium-sized eCommerce and digitally based businesses. Their mission is to provide eCommerce and digital business owners with better data, so they are able to make better decisions.
Want more details on how to contact Vinnie? Check out the links below!


Just speak to your Alexa-enabled device and say, ”Alexa Open Boss Uncaged.”

Also available on Apple Podcast, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Amazon, Google podcast, and many other popular podcasts apps.

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S2E29 – Vinnie Fischer – powered by Happy Scribe

All right, three, two, one, welcome. Welcome back to Boss Uncage podcast. On today’s show, we have someone that, you know, kind of through the grapevine. We have a lot of commonalities and come to find out, we have some similar friends. And today is the first time we mean. But I could already tell you that he’s going to have some great insight, some great information for you today. So without further ado, Vinnie, tell our audience a little bit more about yourself.

Well, first of all, thanks for having me on the show. I love I just love how we get out there and help this community, this community of, like, people who are trying to figure out how to do business and entrepreneurship and life. And so the stuff you guys are doing, I’m extremely honored and be blessed to be part of it. And so hopefully we can offer our part and give out some value, share our story. So I’m very fisher, right?

I mean, first and foremost, accomplishment and for me is that I’m a dedicated follower of Christ. I am working on that every day. I screw up a whole bunch, which is a part of like who I am as a person. Thankfully, I I’ve been working a healing in my heart and things. I’ve been able to stay together with my wife of now. Twenty five plus years of marriage and twenty nine years together. And we’ve produced four beautiful children who are all teenagers and in their versions of early adulthood.

So that’s make my life life. And then I also have this privilege to be the CEO and founder of Fully Accountable. And Dabb and I also have had some good successes where we have a family back office. Where were the investor, an active investor in two other operating companies. And so I live the life as a business leader. So in this stage of my career, I, I lead and develop leaders of our organizations.

So let’s just take it back a little bit in history. I mean, obviously, you just don’t wake up on a random Tuesday and say, I’m going to be a leader, I’m going to be an executive, I’m going to create all this different things to put back out the community. So what did your journey really begin? When when was your Eureka moment waking up to saying, hey, this is something that I want to do?

Yeah, I think, you know, there’s a song I love, it’s got a little bit of a negative context to it, but there’s a song by this band casting around Slow Fade. You kind of slowly fade into things, right? Well, I think you can slowly fade and good and bad directions. Well, I think over time, I, I, you know, I’ve always been a problem solution marketer and the companies I even have around me are problem based solution issues, even in my own life.

And so that’s just some type of business person I’ve been. So I’m a lawyer. I worked at a big fancy law firm, got trained. I’m very thankful for that. All along the way. I kind of it was a good business developer and I didn’t really want to wait that whole length of a partnership track. So I noticed my propensity to be closer to risk taking, like I’m willing to take risk because I want reward and so early on, which is unusual for a lawyer, but I kind of then jumped into a law firm with some other guys, kind of have my own thing.

Same thing in business I have. I’ve always had a propensity to the front of the room because I have a higher tolerance to taking risk, meaning I’m willing to lose in return for the opportunity for reward. And that’s kind of what early on I discovered about myself. So I’m always innovating or trying ideas. I’m an idiot, but I don’t just think about them. I try them. I so I’m always kind of doing and I strike out a bunch and every once in a while I’ve got a hold of one and hit it over the wall and and along the way I realized I don’t really, like, keep doing the same thing.

I’m not really a process driven person, so I’ve had to surround myself with people who enjoy that part of the function of our organization as well.

So, I mean, I think you bring up a very solid point. I mean, some of what you’re saying is like you’re hella fearless. Right? But a lot of people that are on this particular journey of entrepreneurism or just small business that you hit fear on a regular basis. So how did you like like be able to face that fear and overcome it? I mean, is that something that’s in your DNA, which is something that you learned over a period of time?

You know, I don’t know that we naturally have fear handling in our DNA. I think I’m afraid I’m afraid of things. I’ve learned to hand over the anxieties of fear in multiple directions. First off, I had to get right with wounds in my life, in my heart, like things that I would have made some really bad agreements and paid attention to some awful language I was using about myself. And I did kind of get right with some of that because, you know, depending on the category, we all have fears.

And so if shame or doubt or or how my an unusual measurement of how others feel about me, those are other things going on that bleed into performance. And so I did deal with some of those things, quite honestly, for me, my faith I’m so thankful for it was a gift to me. But I’ve been able to learn how to handle anxiety over that. Is it true and deal with some of those things. So it’s an everyday journey, like I was thinking this morning, like about fear and how, like under the right category, you’re going to get nailed with it.

So it’s not whether it goes away to me, it’s how I addressed it over time. And what am I doing to see the truth of it? What anxiety? Because fear can come in both in multiple directions. And I’ve learned responding to it can look like anxiety and work, look like boredom. And depending on how I respond to both of those, it’s it’s this feeling about not being valuable. And I’ve literally I try to fight that because I think our minds will drift in all of those things.

And I just learn to take those thoughts captive and find truth.

And I think at this point that we could just end the podcast. I mean, he delivered enough nuggets in like the last thirty seconds. You can walk away and take that and take that to the bank. Right. But it’s just pulling it back a little bit more. And I want to kind of talk about your platform a little bit. So fully accountable, like what is that software designed to to do and who is the target audience for it?

Yes, we’re a fintech, but we’re a fully managed service. Right. So we provide a fully outsourced, managed service of outsourced CFO and accounting for ecommerce and digital companies. But what we did along the way is we discovered for me, I built this for me, we discover that tech was missing. That was really outdated, this whole industry of accounting and finance. So we built our own tool that allows us to have a massive ability to deliver the results we needed for first one of my companies.

And then we realized this was actually working. We started offering it to friends. Next thing you know, we backed into having a fully managed service for a fintech, for accounting and finance and run by a guy who doesn’t know accounting events.

Oh, well, I mean, isn’t that concept I mean, obviously the supply and demand based upon that, you had a requirement. You fulfill the need and then taking that need and then you grew it into a platform to deliver to help other people. Right. But on that that particular topic. Right. You were able to have. Equity raises and OK, I got a million dollar equity raise so I could run this company for another 12 months and get the software off the ground to sell it, like how did you do your equity raise with a self-funded angel investment?

Like, how did you get the capital to even start that platform?

Yeah. So everything that I’ve ever built from sticks up that would people would call like a startup, everything I ever built. Thankfully, I have gone into it with a bootstrapped mentality. I build it as I go. I very much believe in the concept of a minimally viable product. And if you’ve never really understood that concept, I would read the Lean Startup and in there you’ll get a concept of MVP minimum viable product. I’ve always believed that in things I grow now.

I also love the idea of raising dollars or borrowing in the right context, but I usually look at those as going faster, not starting something early on. I think it’s for me. I’ve been more successful not using other people’s dollars because I’m just going to burn them faster, figuring out the offer conversion. And so, like, if I can limp a little and go a little slower, figuring out conversion and audience, then add, you know, gasoline on the fire when I’m ready to go faster with the use of money and I’ll decide whether it’s my capital or someone else’s.

So if I could take that and paraphrase it and correct me if I’m wrong, just to give a clear depiction. Right. If I want to get from point A to point B, I know that I have to either jump the gap or I need to cross over or build a bridge. Right now, I may not have the capital to build a concrete bridge or maybe I’ll bring ropes ropes. But you’re starting from from the from the basic necessities of getting from point A to point B and then the roots and expand out.

You make wood and then wood expands out to metal and in concrete. So you’re saying that’s pretty much what you did. You started off with the capital that you had. You started off with ropes and you scaled it to the platform that currently is right now.

Yeah, and maybe I didn’t, so to speak, have capital, but I kept it lean and mean. I learned from one of my mentors in marketing that you got to be really careful that you know exactly what the customer wants. You’re guessing. And so if you overbuild before you get into the customers hands, you were going to find yourself spending a lot of money, iterating something that otherwise you were guessing on. So get him the most minimal version.

You can get out of your hands and let the customer help you, and then you can refine audience and customer together. And that way I’ve learned to spend less money developing our version one, two and three of something.

So pretty much staying away from, like the feature creature. You know, that way you don’t put all the bells and whistles in there. You want to start off with the bare necessities and then build from there based upon your audience feedback.

Yeah. You know, in some cases, since I’m a problem solution marketer, I try to build things for me. So I always remember I’m probably one of our customers, but that only gets us so far. Right. I want to hear feedback from other ones. I’m just one of some. And so, you know, thankfully, hundreds of clients later they help validate an offer and improve it. But early on, I think I think there are too many people looking to raise money first before offer or an audience, you know.

Forty two cents of every dollar spent. The market is spending too much money acquiring a customer, either because the offers wrong or the audience is wrong.

So from start to I mean, obviously, a project is never finished. It’s always growing. How how quickly per say and obviously I know the scope of work and there’s systems in place that you have to establish. But how quickly could someone from an idea create a prototype to, say, go to market for a particular product? And we’re talking about software?

Yeah. I mean, I think if you come at it from more of a managed service or solve a problem standpoint, I think pretty quick. Right? I think the feature development is what gets in the way they all the extra things you add on. But a very lean version is a matter of fact. If you really wanted to get it from a customer standpoint, I would. I’m I believe in renting before buying. And so I like to try other people’s stuff and use it and see if a customer sets there.

So, you know, in everything like outsourcing, I just believe in the theory of rent before buying. So I think you’ll be real lean using other modalities to to to prove out your concept.

That’s really interesting. And I definitely appreciate you giving us some insight into that. So like on your experience, obviously you’ve been on the road for a period of time. You’ve had this journey, you’ve had your successes. But whatever your success, it’s always like some negative side effect. Right. So what’s the worst experience that you’ve encountered on this journey?

You know, I think some of my blind spots by the biggest blind spot was that I, I would have worked myself into the system unnecessarily because I would have I am battling always this hero complex because I’m a Quixtar and I have good ideas. I would then would conclude that I’m the best one to solve all the problems. And so I baked myself into the system. Well, I did that in such one of our large Webelos. The company with lots of people on the team making lots of revenue, when I stepped away and became the chairman of the board, no longer the CEO, it exposed how many levers I was pulling.

So I didn’t really backfill correctly in that business because my arrogance and my blind spots got in the way because I literally was solving problems instead of really investing in helping other people who really are on our team help them find their lane. I kind of put too many things in my lane.

I think that that’s a gift and a curse. I mean, not 80 personalities, but you have a vision, you have a goal, you have a product. And you know how you want all these components to work, to to happen and to come to fruition. And then you have to obviously get somebody else to help you on that journey because you can’t do it all yourself. And on that journey with somebody else is not doing exactly what you would do it.

We we kind of step in at times.

So I think I wrote a book about this at all. And so I want to give away a gift here to our people here, and they can find that gift fully accountable. Dotcom, Ford’s boss, uncaged, and they can get it in the show, notes the link. But I wrote a book called The CEO’s Mindset, and I highly encourage you to take advantage of this. Everyone watching and listening, because I spoke about this specific subject about where I can be the lightning bolt in my own company, where I come in and really disruptive.

But at the same time, I’m you know, I believe in being able to build something beyond your shadow, takes people in process and hopefully you’re making profit along the way. But without those two things, people are an organization that’s bigger than just you. And so I spoke directly about this subject, about how you got to develop about people and then ultimately give them good process and help them make process so that the organization has some consistency and excellence to it.

Well, gosh darn it. When you look at a couple of my ventures that I broke and I wrote a whole book about the breaking of that, that I would expose the lack of process and really developing out people.

Oh, so, I mean, you’re talking about processes and obviously you’re you have a legal background. So in a business structure, we always hear about LLC s corp C Korps, like, what is your business? Which one of these three or is it a combination of multiples.

Yeah. So I mean, if you look at the whole structure, Deb and I, my wife, we own a family back office, so we own a family limited partnership in there. It’s got limited partners. One of its limited partners would be. However, things are owning our assets, my all of my assets, the marshal under me, I have a holdings company that’s one of the partners. It’s an asset of the partnership. But that holding company then owns interest in the things that I actively participate.

One of those would be fully accountable itself is an LLC, but it’s a multimember LLC because I have two partners in it. Right. So it’s not a single member. It’s got multiple members in it. And it’s tactlessly it’s taxed like a partnership. Not like you can make an election to tax it another way, but it’s taxed like a partnership. And ultimately there are three separate partners in that business.

Oh, so talking about partnership right now, we’ve had solo partners, entrepreneurs. So I’m asking you the question more so about partnerships, because obviously that’s the other half of the coin. Right. Or multiple other coins and personalities and different ideas. So working on that table mindset of working at the Knights of the Round Table, how does that work? I mean, how do you kind of get to the same common accord when you’re sitting in a room with somebody that may not agree with you?

Um. That’s a great question. So for the three of us, if you kind of let me, Chris and Rachel, you know, E-, even though I am the majority owner, we actually have a one vote, one person situation where there’s three of us. And so two of the three of us are going to lead us in a direction. And so my job as the leader of our team and the leader of the three of us is to help us come to a good decision, because one of the mistakes I made on early in partnership is I wanted workers in the system and I’d give them interesting things, but not treat them like a partner so they might look like one on equity paper, but didn’t act like one because they’re never invited to act like one.

It wasn’t their fault. It was my fault. So now we try to practice active partnership. I probably have a really strong voice and I have a really strong opinion in our job as executives are to fight about that, to criticize, to come up with through that process. Of course, hopefully there’s some compassion in there, but come up with a good result together. And, you know, we don’t always 100 percent agree a lot. Most of the time we do.

But sometimes it’s two out of three. And, hey, you know, I’m sometimes the three and with great maturity, I don’t want to be completely doing everything. So I have to accept sometimes we had and directions that maybe it’s not where I want us to go, but if I really care enough, I’ll keep fighting.

So, I mean, just to talk about you a little bit more, I mean, obviously I’m looking at as a backdrop and for those that are just listeners on one half of you, you have five thousand and the other half you have kallick funnel. Plank’s right. So what you kind of tell us the story behind both these sides behind you, because obviously one is 100 percent business and the other one is hundreds and marketing.

I’m a marketer, let’s be really clear, I actually have been trained in business as a I was a corporate M&A attorney. I did tax as a specialty inside there. So I helped small and medium sized businesses run and operate and ultimately sell or liquidate. And I was a I’m a deal lawyer at my core, which means I brought a deal into everything I do. But my one of my mentors in the law was a partner of mine. I took to customer behavior very quickly.

I have creative, I think, more about the customer. I don’t like the nuts and bolts of marketing, like develop the funnel, put the big someplace. But I like coffee. I like things that involve consumer engagement and conversions. I just love that stuff. I can’t get away from it. So we win awards for doing good marketing of driving customers to our product. And so we do the right thing. We eat our own dog food.

When it comes to marketing, as it relates to the 5000. Well, you know, we’re we’re at the top of categories growing as quickly as there are. And that speaks to our irresistible offer. Right. We have a good offer in the market. And in spite of whether or not we’re good at marketing, in spite of whether or not we’re doing great things in our sales department, the market is rewarding us with excellent success and growth.

Actually, I definitely commend you and I look forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeves as this conversation continues to move forward. My next question is so we always hear about the twenty years that it takes someone to become successful, but it’s usually perceived to be an overnight success. How long have you been on your journey?

It’s been like 20 years, to be honest with you, when I look back to the start of my law practice, which would have been in the year of 1999 when I would have been a lawyer. So here I am on the other side of that 20 years. But I would tell you, if you go back two years ago, I firmly believe the things that you developed, the wisdom that comes along with experience and knowledge. I never surprised when I see the staff that the most successful entrepreneurs are between forty five and fifty five.

That doesn’t mean young people can’t be successful because I just talk about the average of a people group and I think wisdom experience kick in and I think you’re along. I think so. I would say, you know, I’m I’m probably acting in some of my best capacity as a leader right now that I’ve ever in all of my career.

Oh, well, so I think it comes with the experience of knowing when to fold, when to stand up, when to listen versus talking to your point. I think it definitely comes with experience.

Yeah, I think there’s some at bats. I think you learn to see a curveball, right? You don’t just actually hit it. And I like baseball, so I’m always going to use but I like all sports. But I’m a sports junkie, but I like baseball. And, you know, I was awful at hitting a curveball. I was a great fielder and a good arm could hit a curveball. Never learned the art of hitting a curveball.

And so that’s stopped my career in its tracks in high school. But I, I have learned to see what a curveball and a changeup and and what really bad things happen in business. And I’m thankful for a lot of that. And I’m thankful that my identity isn’t placed in the success of it. It was for a long time and I’m thankful to have realized that I was pegging my hope into the identity of success in business. And that’s another thing I’ve learned along the way.

And so I’ve learned how to enjoy the ride more and being present instead of wishing I was in the future.

Oh, definitely. So I mean, just by the first time, I mean, I kind of just, you know, you correct me if I’m wrong. I just have a gut feeling that you’re a big systems guy. Like, I think to balance out all the things that you have moving in, all the components, you have to have systems in place to get to the level of achievement that that where you are currently. So if this does stand true, what systems do you have in place to kind of help you in your day to day?

I have people in place, these people have developed wonderful systems, I am I’m about as all over the place as you can possibly get. I am aloof. I think of things. I will put people in front of process all the time. So even if I’ve got to get to something, I have to write copy for the marketing department. And there’s a relationship element that needs me to be involved in people. I have a very high emotional level that I will always dump a process for a person.

What I’m thankful for is realizing that I need to be surrounded with people who care about process and they have put great systems in place. But as it relates to me, I’ve learned to put things like routine as a system in place. So I’ve got routines that protect parts of my time so I can be a great husband, a good leader at home, be dedicated in working on my faith with fear and trembling to be dedicated and leading our leaders in our organization, as well as be there for my kids as their dad.

So I’ve come to appreciate routine, and it’s a system that allows me to perform in multiple capacities.

There’s definitely an interesting definition or an approach. I definitely appreciate that. So you seem like you’ve always had the balls, right? The hustle and at least the ingenuity to know that you wanted to kind of be in this space to a certain extent. Do you come from an entrepreneurial background or any of your parents or anybody from your history that you grew up with? Are any of them hustlers or business people?

No, I feel in that state of someone who came from the other side of the tracks want to work his way out for me, the early star was a big chip on my shoulder. And it came from like a lot of family destruction, a lot of shame, a lot of doubt, a lot of poverty mindset. We poverty and physical illness and as well as mental mindset, both of them. And so I, I wanted something different. And so I just set out to want something different.

First person in my family to graduate from college, obviously first person feel me to go to post-secondary school and and work at getting a doctorate in the law and move on from there. And so I wanted something different for my life and what the generational output was pushing. So I didn’t come from a lot of that grounding in business. It was it was it was first hustle for wanting something way different. That’s where it came from.

So on this journey. Right. Is there anything that you would want to go back and change if you could change it?

Yeah, you know, there were a lot of hits to character and integrity because I would have put success in front of certain guardrails and I wasn’t walking with the Lord at that time. And and so I would have looked back at parts of my past and see the brokenness of things I did for success. Not all of that was awful, but some of it was what brought some of those issues into my marriage. What brought those issues into my now?

I think the consequences of your decisions follow. You’ve got to deal with them. And so I’m thankful to have continually work on those and reconcile or deal with them. But the reality is early on I because I put success is the thing I wanted the most. I was willing to cave on things that maybe were other people’s non-negotiable, that weren’t mine.

Oh, so I mean, part of what you just said and what you said a few minutes ago as far as routines. Right. And you talking about family life, how do you currently juggle your family life with your work life?

I’ll steal from the office every second I can for my family. I don’t actually believe in the concept of balance. I believe in priority and perspective. I think you’ve got to put priority to the things that require perspective. And there are times where I’m hammered inside our work environment and there’s necessary things. And I would look with and use my words with my family and say, I need to be here doing this. And there are times where, like, I just won’t miss my kiddos volleyball game because I feel like I have to work.

I’ll just go to work later. And so I will work the fabric of work into my life. And my core life is my wife and kids. Now, that wasn’t always true. I have plenty of times I can look back where Dad will show me a picture or stuff’s going on. We just had one the other day where I was seeing a picture of a little Jacob, our third born, and I was like, Hey, was I there?

Now you can’t make this stuff up. So we’re watching family movies and the picture that’s the picture is now being played out in a video that we’re watching. And there I am in the background while they’re all singing birthday song to Jacob and I’m on the phone working on a business deal. And so I’ve learned through a really hard story and some other stuff where I’ve had to face that. And like I was putting my love of work and love of accomplishment ahead of my beloved and I to get right with that.

And I have and I continue to deal with it. I love businessman. He’s just built me with some traits that I love it. I love the hustle of it. I don’t love the hustle for my work as hard as you can. But I love the hustle of like accomplishing making an offer work and watching revenue come in and helping people out of a job. And I love it. I don’t ever come to work like work sucks. I’m I come to work like me and I’d rather lie in bed because I don’t feel good about myself, but I don’t really ever feel like that about work itself as a component.

But I’ve had to learn how to get in, see seasons of life through career lenses and perspective has helped me with that. And prioritizing that has been such a blessing in my life. Oh.

Oh so. What are your morning routines, your morning habits?

I block out the morning for myself, I even block it against my wife and kiddos. So morning is for me. And, you know, it’s filled with meditation, like meant for me meditating on the word. Others might meditate on something else. Exercise when I’m doing that. That’s great. Quiet time, which is like maybe go for a walk or spend some time in nature, like thinking, you know, one of my favorite mentors from past is Henry Ford, who said critical thinking is hard to do, which is why few people do it.

And so I’ve learned for me that getting rid of some noise so I can think and write and think about things. And that’s one of the things I do for my family, for myself, for my organizations. And so I do that. Those are my mornings. And I block by mornings real hard for at least three hours of that morning before I let myself get connected into the Matrix.

So what? I usually wake up pre seven o’clock and now if I had pushed, I believe, in eight hours of sleep, I would have loved to have known this sooner. My career I’ve learned eight hours earlier I was like, lucky if I got like six and whatever and going all over the place awful. Treated my body and mind like crap. Well, I believe it ain’t so bad. Is that later that evening before, because I’m watching the Cleveland Browns get mercifully killed by whatever, that I’ll just have to accept the pain and then you’ll find a way to maybe start my mourning later.

But since it’s my morning that I be I’m not crunched against the Matrix. I’m usually rarely dealing with someone else. But I’ll fight for a and so that looks like go to bed before eleven and wake up before seven.

Nice. So on this journey of this podcast, I mean I always ask that question in my morning routines and I’ve always find out that either people are reading books or they’re meditating or they’re working out. And because I realized that a lot of people that are successful like you are, they write books or they read books. So because of that, I created a book club and I wanted you to make a recommendation. I mean, obviously, you got your books.

What books helped you on your journey and what books are you currently reading right now?

Yeah, I love that. Good job. I used to have a book club and I think they’re great. Good for you for doing that. So I’m a voracious reader. I love to read now for me how to be real. You want to read the best books business book on the planet? Read The Book of Proverbs is the best business book I know now. I read the Bible every day and it helps me in business better than any book I’ve ever read.

But for me, I follow Christ. And so for me, I see and hear some of the struggles and mysteries that go along with that. They may not be someone else’s journey, but I also think of books in seasons like some of my recommended book, but it’s not a season of it. So if you’re in a season where, like, you’re developing a leadership that we should talk to you about leadership books, if you’re like early on trying to figure out marketing or trying to figure out yourself.

So I have core books and categories. So when you’re working on yourself, I think Victor Frankel’s man’s search for meaning is like one of those books that I’ve not only read once, I think I’ve read like five or six times for me. I’ve read C.S. Lewis Screwtape Letters because it helps me deal with the concept of mediocrity. I absolutely love books in those categories. Right. So, you know, breakthrough advertising. Eugene Schwartz, I think Phil Knight’s Shoe Dog speaks to later leadership, but there’s like big enterprise level.

So to me, I would encourage people to look at your book club and understand what season they’re in and try not to absorb everything, try to absorb within the season you’re in.

Yeah, I think that that’s that’s great insight. Great advice. It’s going to mean to your point, somebody could be an executive CEO that’s retiring and when to start to become an entrepreneur, which is essentially two different things, if you think about it. So on that journey, you have to present them with that material that they need, that kind of help them get to the next level. So I definitely that’s what I did.

I read this book Half Time, right, by Bob Mueller, which talked about we spend the first half of our life trying to gain success. We spend a second half our life trying to be significant. And I really woke me up to this. I’m in that stage. I’m the older guy. Right? So I’m not like I’m like the king really turning sage in most of the rooms I’m in, including the environment where I help people. So I’m really working on legacy.

So stuff I’m reading now is about like leadership development, like always be learning for me, but always be like equipping the people around me. So mine’s going to look like slow to speak, quick to listen to stuff and not necessarily tactical. I love tactical stuff, but I’ve learned to reread the books as opposed to continually finding new ones.

Oh yeah, I definitely appreciate that. So what do you see yourself in 20 years from now?

Hopefully alive now. Yeah, you know, each day I’m passing time, I’ve I’ve learned that I get paid for my mind, not my physical hands, not my looks. So I get paid for my mind. And I’m thankful I said I’d have a career. I get paid for my mind. I see us. I think Deb and I will continually actively invest in businesses. They’ll sell, some will sell sell. Some will stay within our portfolio.

I see us doing more of that. I see it to the point where I’ve built businesses that I don’t actually have to show up to work every day I want to. So I’m thankful for the young age. I have that now, so I see more of that, actually.

Oh, definitely. I’m saying it’s is a hell of inspiring as well, too, because, I mean, there’s a lot of people out there that may hear your story and you just spark that light that they needed to continue in and 20 years from now to be knocking on your door saying thank you. So, I mean, yeah, definitely. So going into, like, your final words of wisdom, right. If I am 30 years old and I’m listening to you and I’m hearing all this stuff and I see your energy level and I’m like, dude, like, I love this guy.

I want to follow his footsteps. What words of insight would you give to me, you know?

I so early on caught on to a word professional being a professional. I loved that word. I embraced it going through law school and then passing the bar. In my law practice, the concept of being a craftsman is because everything is so immediate, it’s kind of lost on people now. And I’d say that if we could spend time in a stage where whatever stage developing, being a craftsman in something, no matter what that something is, and we can embrace learning how to be a professional as a craftsman, I think you’ll enjoy what you’re doing, take an interest, take something in lines up with your traits and your interests and your desires and go put work into it.

Don’t go chase something. I think it’s a deception on the world right now about passion. You bring passion into things over time. You develop a passion to something. It doesn’t exist by itself. So we, like people, are chasing an elusive thing that doesn’t exist. That’s kind of something internal. And people like venerability, passionate guy like, yeah, I bring it into something I might over time feel more passionate about what it is we’re doing, but didn’t start out that way.

I developed the craftsmanship and I keep working at it. And over time, gosh darn it, it looks like expertize now.

Oh definitely. Definitely, definitely. Appreciate that. So, you know, another insightful thing that you can drop it off. I mean, what, what software do you currently use that you would not be able to do what you do without?

Well, for sure, our company uses, you know, general ledger software, we also built a thing called your back office. The company uses our fintech for me, I’ll be honest with you, because I I’m mobile and where I can do my work. I don’t know what I would do without the mobile device. But honestly, you’re also on one eye. You zoom our company has been using it. We we believe in a hybrid model. We have a corporate office, but we also have our homies.

Two thirds of our team live in other parts of the country. And so anything that requires video, I couldn’t imagine now wanting to do business without Google Drive or video. And those two things have are huge for the flexibility for me to be able to do work from anywhere.

Right. So how could people find you? I mean, like Facebook, Instagram, your website.

Yeah, I’m very sure anything beneficial? I come at Vinnie Fisher, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Vinnie Fisher, the Anthony Fisher, you can also find us a fully accountable dot com connect where we have the best way to do that is through the gift page we’re giving you of all the stuff. Take advantage of those resources even if you’re not wanting to outsource the function of your back office. We have a lot of resources there for you. They’re going to help you massively win at maturing your business.

And so go get that in the show notes. And that’s a great way to find us and find out more about us. Right.

Right. So going into the bonus room right here, if you could be a superhero, who would it be and why?

Spider-Man and Spidey, right. I got kind of I’m not aloof kind of character who gets caught in situations and has to kind of scramble his way out of it. I resonate with the ideas is I like the youthfulness and the kindness of his heart and how he just cares. And at the same time, he wants to fight for good, but gets himself caught a whole bunch of his own issues and has a bunch of his own character traits that lead him into situations that aren’t so good all the time and just wants to be loved.

Right. I’m Spidey and all the scenarios. And so that’s that’s my that’s my character.

Oh, nice. So if you could spend 24 hours with anyone dead or alive, uninterrupted for those 24 hours, who would it be and why?

You know, I I’ve been asked this question some times, hands down. No one, if I could spend time with Jesus like that would be an I do now and I believe that. But I actually the physical aspect of him sitting there where I could maybe have that, but quite honestly, I believe I do that now. So if I add a layer on top of that, quite honestly, because of innovation and changing, I would absolutely love to spend a day with Henry Ford.

I would love to see the pressure that he had because he believed in a lean organization. He believed in some of the things I inherently believe in and how to run something. So I would have loved to have seen him face the social pressures of changing stuff where people were resistant to change and how he ultimately built into the organization of people who were running stuff while still struggling with all the flaws of a husband and man that he was.

It’s definitely something to think about. I mean, it’s Henry Ford is one of those people that, you know, I think people know who he is, but they really don’t know what he really achieved when you really stop and think about his legacy. I don’t think we would be where we are with Elon Musk, for example, would probably be as far along as he is right now if it wasn’t for Ford to begin with. And if you think of those titans that he ran around with, whether in competition or at the time, the Industrial Revolution titans some of those wonderful, unique characters in the history of our American footprint, there’s a bunch there in business enterprise, you know, and then also, like I just recently started to kind of fall a little bit in love with Abraham Lincoln.

The guy was ridiculously principled, his his level for justice and his character traits. I’m just now investigating more about him, to be honest with you.

So this is coming down to like the end of the podcast when obviously we had a lot of conversation and then we talked about a lot of different topics on that journey. Maybe you had some questions that you want to ask me. So the microphone is yours.

You know, we have a unique time going on in our culture right now. Right. We’re being asked as leaders to have all the right answers. And one of the things that’s been robbed of us is routine. So how are you dealing with, like, being able to lead the people that are around you? But like, every day there’s work because we’re getting dictated to routine. We have to kind of make it up as we go. And that’s been quite hard for me.

How are you dealing with that?

I keep kind of like in a sense, I keep creating new principles, so prime example, the book club was an additional thing for me to read. I was reading already, but now with a system of me reading and I’m reading what other people. And now I’m holding myself accountable and holding other people accountable through reading 52 books in one book per week for a year. So creating things like that as podcasts is another way for me to kind of stay on a regimen.

I know every single week I have an audience that’s going to be dedicated to see an episode. So I have to make sure every week there’s a schedule to hit that deadline. So I’m taking like little pieces of the puzzle and I’m making a breadcrumb trail.

I love that. You know, I tell a story about a character in Scripture, Nehemiah, and he was he had to build the entire wall around Jerusalem and he encouraged his men just to worry about the wall that was in each of them and they built in 54 days. And so I when I love what you just said, is just worry about the bricks right in front of you. The other ones are figure themselves out. And I love that.

How do you stay focused on all that?

For me, it is the end result, it’s kind of like if I say I’m going to do something one, I’m going to commit to doing it. I want to see it get completed, much like what you said earlier, like you like to try things right. But I like to try things, but I want to you know, I just want to try and then half assed, I want to try it at least completed enough short ugly with it to kind of see what it’s going to do.

So whatever I start, I’m going to finish it and put it out into the world, see what happens. If it fails, then great. I’ve learned something from it that I would want in the next.

Awesome. So how do you how do you figure out how to break away from from the development of stuff things and investing time back in your crew?

So with me, with that one is like my crew is kind of diversified, like I got people in the US and I got people overseas as well. So a lot of times everybody is remote. Yeah. So have an opportunity to speak to everybody at the same time, but not really. What my system is about is more so giving people ownership of their task. So if I say, hey, if your task is this and this is a time frame to do it, if you need my help, contact me.

If you don’t need anything from me, do you know what you need to work on? And then at the end of the week or the end of the day, whatever the time frame was, then we’ll touch bases. But I’m not really a to back kind of leader. Yeah, I’m kind of like, you know what your task is and I expect it to get done. You expect to get done because you have ownership of it and then collectively we will grow something together if everybody does what they need to do.

My last question is, how do you have fun in it?

I love it. I mean, it’s it’s funny because like my son, he was raised in this environment, so now he’s about to be 15. And since he was like three years old, he was at meetings and conferences and seminars, always there with me. And so now he’s at the teenage age was kind of like dad, but not dad. And then recently was kind of like it made my day because he reached out to me. And I’ve been telling him for the past six years, do you like your brain in the way you’re structured like you should be in investment, you should be in stocks, just play with them.

It’s like a video game. It’s online. And finally came to me and he was like, OK, I’m ready to convert my bank account into a regular bank on I want to fund account. And I’m sitting there like I’m looking for the cameras. I thought it was a joke and it come to fruition. Now he wants to he started his little Robinhood account and he wants to fund the account and he’s going to start making investments. And I was like, holy shit, it actually happened.

I love to see that. That is thanks for sharing. I love watching the young adults around me. I start to find some identity and thrive in it.

Yeah, definitely. Well, really, I definitely appreciate your time. I think this was like a fast paced, hard hitting episode. I think you dropped a lot of nuggets, a lot of diamonds. And I definitely think our audience would definitely want to shake your hand if they ever get opportunity to meet you along with myself as well. And we look forward to to getting our hands on your books. And again, thank you very much.

You know, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it.

Pleasure. That’s. Over and out.

CEO and Co-Founder Of Fully Accountable: Vinnie Fisher AKA The Accountable Boss – S2E30 (#58)2021-06-27T17:23:15+00:00

How To Go From Following Trends To Trendsetting Using Growth Hacking Strategies? With S.A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E29 (#57)

Also Available On

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

In Season 2, Episode 29 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S. A. Grant is shaking things up a bit.
Today’s show is a bit different, please post your takeaways, ask questions and thoughts in the group about this episode at
“Today episode is an add on to the Boss Uncaged Podcast ecosystem; I’m calling these bonus episodes “The Boss Uncaged Academy Motivated & Focused Growth Edition”
Today’s topic is How To Go From Following Trends To Trendsetting using Growth Hacking Strategies?” – S. A. Grant
The funny thing about trends is the etymology of the word. First, the word Trend comes from the Old English word trendan, ‘revolve, or rotate. Secondly, it’s compared to the noun: trundle, which means an act of moving slowly or heavily.
The general combining of the words Revolve, rotate, and trundles become defined as “To Move slowly in development of a general rotating direction.”
Then the real meaning of Trends should be defined as a cycle. Being that Trends are based on a cycle, then they can be predictable within reason.
Let’s talk about
The rudimentary cycle of Trendsetting:
  1. Start by Giving Value: the Value is determined by what the needs of your audience are.
  2. Capture Data: The feedback and analytics, or historical data
  3. Give More Value: Refined by the information you collected
  4. Growth: Grow the audience and or client
  5. Scale: Increase monetary gains
  6. Step and repeat
Here are my top 10 tips To Go From Following trends To Trendsetting using Growth Hacking Strategies
  1. Use Direct Communication: Email, Chat Bots, Text Messaging.
  2. Leverage Referral Marketing: word-of-mouth + testimonials = referrals
  3. Affiliate Marketing: turn your lead referrals into affiliates; ads fuel the fire.
  4. Send Gifts to Your Customers: swag, books, meaningful trinkets, custom items, showcase items.
  5. Develop Partnership Marketing or influencer marketing: co-branding to co-marketing. Here are a few examples to think about.
    1. Taco Bell & Doritos
    2. Kanye and Adidas
    3. Nike & Apple
    4. Red Bull and GoPro
    5. Floyd Mayweather & Logan Paul
    6. Star Wars and lego
  6. Build a Social Media Community: Facebook Groups
  7. Attend industry events: Workshops, summits, meet-up groups
  8. Become A Guest: Podcast. blog, youtube channel
  9. Create an Aggressive Content Strategy: understanding your audience and deliver the goods
  10. Shadowbox with Competitors: Set up systems to monitor what your competitors are doing; something as simple as using IFTTT to add all your competitors’ Twitter posts to a google sheet will give you a leg up when developing your content strategy.
Apply one are all 10 of these tips over a period of time, infuse them with The rudimentary cycle of Trendsetting:
  1. Give Value, Capture Data, Give back revised Value, Grow, Scale, Step, and repeat
Let’s take the conversation offline
Go to our Boss Uncaged Facebook group @
Tell me what your biggest takeaway was?
Let me know if you enjoyed the new bonus add-on episode.

SA Grant Over and out

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

How To Go From Following Trends To Trendsetting Using Growth Hacking Strategies? With S.A. Grant Of Boss Uncaged Academy: Motivated & Focused Growth Edition – S2E29 (#57)2021-06-27T17:22:05+00:00

Entrepreneur & Executive Coach Of DTK Coaching: David Taylor-Klaus AKA The Mindset Boss – S2E28 (#56)

Also Available On

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

I keep three words at the top of my screen. It says REAL, NOT “RIGHT.” I think to translate that for the rest of the world, that’s not inside my head. But, man, it doesn’t have to be RIGHT, and there’s a reason the word RIGHT is in quotes. It doesn’t have to be RIGHT. It just has to be real. People spend a great deal of time, effort, energy, and heart trying to do it right, trying to do what they should, living the should life sucks.

In Season 2, Episode 28 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with Entrepreneur & Executive Coach Of DTK Coaching: David Taylor-Klaus. It’s one of the most profound deep dive into the mindset, to date.

David Taylor-Klaus is a speaker, author, and leadership coach on a mission to unearth and unleash the personal mastery of entrepreneurs and senior executives. Since 2008, DTK has empowered his tribe to take an active, intentional, and dynamic role in their development and create the kind of life rhythm that enables them to build profitable businesses, raise thriving families, and live wildly fulfilling lives.

His best-selling new book “Mindset Mondays with DTK: 52 Ways to REWIRE Your Thinking and Transform Your Life” is available on Amazon worldwide.

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Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E28 – David Taylor-Klaus – powered by Happy Scribe

All right, that’s recording. All right, we are live. All right. Looks like your mike is muted.

Yeah, I try to keep it muted when I’m not talking.

Perfect. Cool, right. Three, two, one. Welcome welcome back to Boss Uncage podcast. So today’s episode is kind of like like a special episode for me, because this guy that we’re about to interview. Right, I remember when I first met him and I was as green as you could possibly be coming out of college and, you know, you come out of college and you think you know everything. And then this guy walks in the room and he actually did know everything in comparison to where I was.

So without further ado, I mean, David, I’m going to deem you the mind set boss. Give our audience a little shout out of who you are.

Thank you, man. That’s that’s a great introduction. I want to know if I can get my wife to start using it as well. Mindset, boss. Yes. So back when I met you, man, when I got out of college, I thought I knew everything. And then I spent the next 20 years realizing how little I actually knew and what an ugly wake up call. It was like the world definitely wanted to make sure that I got visibly and actively humbled along the way, which is why.

I know about mindset and what I realize is, so who am I? So I’m a coach and I, I almost never say it like that because people here coach and they’re like, oh, loincloth and drum circles in the woods. Not for me. Right. And and, you know, there are people in the crystal and candle set and there are people that are, you know, lace collar, high tie or whatever. And I don’t I don’t care about that stuff.

My work, the stuff that I love to do is reintroducing successful entrepreneurs and senior executives to their families. Nice. You know, I get to work with the folks that are over calibrated, right, that are so talked up about the work they do, whether it’s because of some crazy unwritten rule that working long and working hard is what you’re supposed to do, or it’s because they love what they do so much, they get totally imbalanced when it comes to personal fulfillment and family and community and kids or like me, they’re incredibly 8D and they dove in hyper focused and forget everything else until somebody pokes at them to remind them that they’re screwing up.

Yeah, those are the cool folks get to work with and help them reconnect to what’s critically important to their heart, their world.

So, I mean, that’s a solid a step back. Right. Let’s make this a visual thing. Right. So now you’re pretty much a mindset. Coach, when I first met you, you were more into, like, the branding. Let’s step back and we a further like what did your journey begin? Like, how did you even get into, like, the creative space and into like the growth strategies and the mindset? Like, how did that even happen?

When did it start?

You got to go back a whole career. Even before I met you, I spent 12 years, 11, 12 years in hospitality. Right. I got caught up into restaurants and hotels and restaurants and worked, you know, Atlanta, Philadelphia, in D.C. I was up and down the eastern seaboard and I loved that because of the energy. And then I had this weird twist of fate where I’m sort of a tech nerd. And they said, wow, so this restaurant has a retail shop.

How do we get those systems to talk to each other? I said, Oh, I can do that. I couldn’t. But I figured it out and I got totally turned on by the systems because what I realized is everybody is trying to make the machines talk to each other. But you first had to figure out how the people that those machines were supposed to be supporting were working together and then make the system to support and accelerate and amplify that.

They were just trying to make the silicon talk and the silicon was driving the carbon, the humans. And I wanted it to be the other way. And when I got turned on by technology, I shifted gears altogether. So I started I joined a firm that was doing network spec and implementation and support for ad agencies, maqam firms and PR agencies, PR firms and commercial printers. Right. Remember when we to put stuff on paper. Yeah. And.

Those were all the same issue during the early 90s, which was people were focused on how do we get the mainframes, the PCs and these funny little things called Macs to all talk to each other. But the people weren’t talking to each other. They weren’t working together. So we would go in and half of it was playing therapist to get these three groups to talk to each other. And and then we could figure out what the networks had to do.

Well, all of a sudden, the ad agencies were like, our clients are asking about this weird thing called the interweb. What is it? So I said, well, I can help you figure that out. So we would teach them what this new Internet thing was. Then they say we need a website. And I said, I can do that. So I sold somebody a website. Then I spent the next three days at our digital learning how to code so I could build the website that I had just sold.

And in fourth quarter 95, that’s when my partner and I both started a Internet strategy and Web development company that we ran together for 14 years. Well, and that’s how I met you somewhere about halfway through that run. And that became a great exercise in. Getting out of the tech silo, right, that that’s what I figured out, that every time we just worked with the person driving the digital initiative. Somebody would come in at the end and say, wait, why isn’t it blue or why doesn’t it do that so well, because that’s not what you’re hired to do.

So we started working with making sure we always had time with the C Suite so that we we dropped that late stakeholder nightmare. And we got to ask we got to understand what the stuff we were being hired to do, how those digital initiatives fit into the broader corporate initiatives. And I started asking questions of man at the time. They were usually just a roomful of pudgy white guys and we’d ask them, why is this company special? And they would start pulling out the vision mission values stuff they had carved on the walls.

Like, no, not that because you’ll you’ll have to read it to tell me none of you know what it is. So why are you here? Why are you special? What’s the shift. This company is trying to create and they were saying, I know. So I would get crickets or I would get more than one answer. Both are bad. And I say they’re bad because the reason they didn’t know why the company was special or what the shift was they were here to create or why people wanted to use them.

Is because they didn’t know why they were here. Well, these leaders didn’t know what shift they were trying to create. And when you bring that to the organization. You know, I’ve worked for these companies, right, you get flat growth, flat revenue, flat culture, it’s just blah. But when they take that home, that lack of self-awareness, that lack of knowing why they’re here and what’s important, when they bring that home, it’s toxic.

And I realized that wasn’t OK. And part of the reason I realized it wasn’t OK is I was doing that at home. So that’s what shifted for me and the work that I did became for myself, became the work I’m now doing in the world, I shift shifted gears. In 2008, I went deep into coaching, coached for a year and a half while I ran this company until my partner said, I want to run this company and I want to run it without you.

And I said, awesome. And I was out in six weeks and have been full time coaching leaders since then. So, I mean, that’s the whole story in like three minutes.

Yeah, that’s an epic journey. And I mean, to your point, I mean, it’s all about going into the mindset and you were able to pinpoint exactly when there was a mindset shift in yourself and then capitalize on that and an understanding that other CEOs are doing the same thing. So let’s just go into like like into this mindset stuff a little bit like what’s the worst experience that you’ve encountered while coaching someone?

Oh, the let me see if I can make it anonymous, the worst experience. Well, you mean besides my own?

Yeah, yeah. Because I want the listeners to understand, like, you know, coaching is to find multiple different things. Right. So in that journey of coaching, you’ve hit hurdles not just with your coaching, which you could curdle hurdles with your clients. You’ve hit hurdles which strategies. So it has to be one that probably stands out that kind of makes you want to pull your hair out as you’re thinking about it.

What frazzles me the most. Well. Still.

So just to recap, what was the worst experience you’ve ever encounter as a coach?

Yeah, it. So a friend of mine who does a ton of embodiment work taught me something recently, she said that you can pay attention when the universe whispers in your ear or you can wait until it hits in the forehead with a bat. It’s your call, like, damn. And so some of it is the hard part is that. Some of those negative epiphanies, like when a client says, oh, fuck, and I saw this coming and I ignored it and I ignored it and I ignored it and.

We have a tendency in our culture to be super uncomfortable with people being sad or upset or crying and. Like we hand him a tissue box or put a hand on their shoulder or you tell your kid, oh, don’t cry, that’s the worst thing you can do, because the message it gives your kids and the message it gives adults is it’s not OK to be raw. It’s not OK to be real. It’s not OK to be emotional. Bottle it up, suck it up, man up.

Do your get your shit done. And and that kind of stuff is crushing. And we end up as coaches and therapists undoing that core damage and helping people undo that damage as adults. And so some of the hardest things are being with people when they’re feeling deep, raw emotion and when they’re feeling stuff that you’ve been through, it amplifies it. And the hardest thing is to stay with them. Over there with them 100 percent for them and not get sucked into your own emotion and not short circuit the process that they’ve got to go through, and I have so many folks who come.

I want to be careful how I say this, who come too late? Well, like one of my early clients going a family business in the U.K. that was dominating a market in, one of the guys came here to open up North America and South America. And he brought his young kids and his wife. And he busted ass for six years. Totally over, calibrated towards work, you know, slay it, kill it, get it done.

Loved it. The thrill of the hunt, the thrill of the kill began to build that professional management layer and hired the last last person at that layer who replaced him. You hired the chief sales officer. As I like. Now I can pay attention to my family. And he comes home and he tells his wife. And her response is to hand him divorce papers and take the two kids and go, Oh. And and being with him and supporting him and witnessing the crushing self-awareness of how far along he saw the signs and how much he ignored it and then started catastrophizing forward of what have I done to my kids?

What have I done to this co parenting relationship? What’s this going to be like? And part of me wants to go to the. I was an inch from that in my own world. Right, and I know how crushing that is and and I can feel how crushing it is for him, that’s the hardest part for me. Those are the most terrible moments. Now, on one hand, they’re also beautiful, is witnessing someone go deeper than they’ve ever gone before and to be able to create and become something they’ve never been before.

That’s like, you know, when their caterpillar turns into a chrysalis, what goes on inside that shell is it’s effectively turning to jelly before it becomes a butterfly. And it’s. Probably really ugly, painful process, and we do that and witnessing someone go to jelly. Spiritually and emotionally, everything but physically. That’s hard, yeah, hard for anyone on either side of it, so that’s those experiences are the hardest.

So I mean, I think I mean, you just went down a road and I could definitely see the passion. I can see the emotion and just reliving that right. How do you consistently do that? I would think that with every client that you deal with, you may be faced with some repercussions of your life or other clients. So you’re kind of like the ball of energy kind of having to hold back to a certain extent. How do you overcome that every single time you work with a client?

So here’s where we get to a really cool part, a coach approach. To leadership. That coach approach has now become a core leadership competency. But here’s the problem, those very leaders that we want to have those skills, they get neither the training nor do they get coaching. So these leaders are forced to reach outside the network of their organization to find it and often have to pay for it themselves. So we’re sort of at a golden age of coaching because so many more people want it than there are sponsors within the organization to pay for it or train certified kickass coaches to provide it.

So it’s a super sexy time to be in it and. Here’s why it’s such a core such a core competency, because what we see in leadership all the time is when an employee comes to them, someone of their direct reports comes to a leader and says, I’m having trouble with this. Natural tendency of leadership to respond through the lens of your experience. Worse, unconsciously and in in coaching this one of there are three levels of listening. One is let’s you say level one is you’re listening to you.

I mean, like, oh, it’s kind of cold in here or oh, I’m hungry. You know, those internal dialog, your awareness of oh, my God, that’s reminding me of my mom who said blah blah when I was seven and. Right. So that’s all level one. Level two is when you’re 100 percent focused over there. One hundred percent of your focus is on the other person, level three is more the global listening. You’re taking in everything, your intuition, what you’re hearing, what you’re not hearing, body language, room movement, everything.

That is a powerful shift for a leader even moving into level two, being 100 percent focused on what’s happening for the person who that leader is serving. Right. There are leaders who are only doing leadership where they’re super attached to how many people report to them, and they’re folks that are capital letters, leaders who understand how many people they serve. And that’s a massive distinction, so being able to be 100 percent focused on that person and listening deeply, let alone going to that global listening and really witnessing that person and being listened to feels so much like being loved that people can scarcely tell the difference.

Oh, and too many leaders don’t listen. Too many leaders don’t listen deeply to the other person. So what’s important is bringing those listening skills to leaders. So that people are being heard and witnessed and experienced and not directed through the lens of what that leaders experience has been, it turns them in, turns the the direct report into a cog in a machine.

So, I mean, I think the last statement was a hell of insightful and it kind of also gives credit to what kind of coach you are and what kind of leadership style that you’re influencing. Right. We always hear about overnight success stories that potentially take 20 years and the reality to some people, they may be perceived as an overnight success. That just happened two or three years. How long did it take you to get to where you are?

Oh, my God. I started this in 2008, so it took me forty three years now. And I don’t mean that facetiously. It’s when I started my coach training, one of the things I realized is, oh my God, I was so excited. There is language and structure and and a profession and a discipline around what I have been. I got air quotes going for listeners, what I’ve been doing my whole life, right? Yeah, I was a consultant, but I actually ask questions and I, I was willing to say to my clients when they said, oh, what’s this mean?

It’s like, I don’t know, but I can find out. Right. And and unlike the traditional consultant, which I did a lot of work with, where as long as you were one page ahead of the client, you were a rock star. I had a very coach approach to consulting and partnering with folk. And so when I learned about coaching, it fit beautifully. And so I think to a certain extent, my curiosity about humans and my interest in what was underneath the surface presentation, that made me an exceptional, you know.

What if Plato to be shaped into a coach? All right, so I think I have been doing this forever. I know that for the 14 years that Beth and I were running that tech company, we both arct towards that, you know, Beth went into education, you know, did did graduate graduate degree in instructional design and industrial psychology. I mean, we both moved in the direction of craving more understanding of how people worked and trying to unearth the best that humans can be.

You know, my work now is helping people human better. We go through life as human doings, but we’re actually human beings and we get so wrapped up in the doing, we forget the being part. And so if you want to get better at cycling or tennis, you while you’re a coach, you want to get better at humoring. Guess what? Hire a coach. Right. So it’s I’ve been doing this forever now. I just know what I’m doing.

So on that journey was one thing that you would want to do differently if you could do it all over again.

You just had this conversation yesterday with the coach, there’s not a thing, even the most cringe worthy, awful things that have happened to me along the way that I would do differently because I don’t know which sliding door that would change the kids that I have and the marriage that I have in the life that I have in the work that I’m doing. Anything that I did differently along the way would screw up this timeline. And this is not about time travel.

This is about, you know, everything that’s happened from the glorious to the shitty has made me who I am and allowed me to have the impact I’m having now. So, yeah, I wouldn’t do a thing differently.

That’s definitely an aspirational goal. I mean, when you when I asked that question, it can go one way or the other. Right. Some people could think back and be like, I did one thing differently. That way I could be where I’m at, maybe a little bit quicker. And to your point is kind of like, well, everything I’ve done has gotten me to where I am right now. It’s gotten me the kids that I have gotten me the wife that I have gotten me the practice that I have.

So I would I change anything? Yeah, definitely.

And it’s hard because it what it what that way of thinking invite’s going to do is to pull the gift and the wisdom and the power and the the the insight out of any experience because everything. Can provide a gift, and so it lets me reframe the way I look back at even the ugliest experiences that, yeah, on one hand I wish they had gone a different way, and yet what was the gift that came out of it?

So, I mean, obviously, you’re a huge entrepreneur. You sold companies, you built companies, and you’re helping other people grow their companies. Did that come from an entrepreneurial background? Was any one of your parents? Do they have the hustle? Because, I mean, you obviously have it right from being a northerner. You obviously have the hustle and bustle. What did it come from?

You know, it’s fascinating. Yes and no. Yeah, you know, my dad decided my mom and dad decided in 1970 they wanted a growing medical community, they wanted warm weather because they were done with three generations of freezing in Philadelphia and they want to be able to get home for a family weekend. So they were driving through Atlanta on the way to Dallas, where they were planning on being snowed in to Atlanta and stayed, but. You know, my dad started a practice that became.

The largest orthopedic practice in the entire southeast. It’s massive, he retired a number of years ago, but 12, 15 years ago. But here’s what’s interesting. I grew up at a time where doctors. They weren’t home. You may have a mom or dad who was a doctor, you just didn’t see him much. My dad was it every soccer game, every one of my sister’s recitals, whether he wanted to be or not, but he was there because he wanted to be there for us, and we had dinner together a lot.

And my friends who had dads that were doctors. It may come to the end of season something, but my dad was very different about it, he was very intentional about being there with the family and I have carried that lesson more than anything else. So I have a more of an awareness about the balance that keeps makes a life whole. Because I watched somebody do it differently now, he was smart, he partnered with a man who was totally into the medical, you know, the associations that play playing this role, the political piece of the practice.

And he did all that stuff. And my dad loved the patient stuff and our family. That never said anything. That’s the way he was doing it. Don’t know if he was even conscious of it. But the rocket fuel in their practice was. He was the he loved the people and getting the right people in, and he loved the practice. His partner loved all the. Political on the high profile stuff, so the people that you partner with make a business as well.

I think that also gave me insight into how you build an organization around the people. Well, but the hustle is more about. I get excited about it and I lean into that, and when it’s something that really resonates, I double down. And I think that’s what entrepreneurs tap into, that’s the positive side of it for a lot of folks, the hustle comes from all those unwritten rules, right. You know, which leads to some. Really crappy outcomes.

Right. My parents worked every day for 20 hours, so that’s the only way to make it work. Well, that’s an unwritten rule that you’re using that’s ruining your ruining you and giving you ulcers and stroking you out. And that’s. That’s crazy town, right? And so those are the people who wait for the baseball bat. Thank you, sir. There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s how some people are wired. I think the more self-aware we become, the more we can learn what’s what’s driving our behavior.

And when Hussle is driven by something that’s lighting you up well, rather than an unwritten rule that you’re not even conscious to, is a different energy that you have available for it.

Yeah, I think that definitely they were before we started a podcast, we were just talking about about that, you know, you’ve got to find it’s no different in breathing, right? And you find time to breathe. You find time to find time to live your life. And if you’re on a particular hustle or particular grind and you’re completely passionate about it, and that’s your motivation and desire to bring your family with you, you’re going to find time to do it.

You’ve got to find time to execute it. So I definitely appreciate you give us some insight to that.

And I want to play with you a little bit on there, because you’re a big fan of language and you keep saying find time. And I don’t know what cabinet or draw. You’re finding time or what you’re speaking to is where the power is, which is carving out time. Oh, right. You don’t have any extra time in your day than I have in mine, but you are carving out time for these things that are important. And when we stop trying to find time or make time and we start realizing that the one thing we have control over is how we allocate it, how we carve it out, how we divide it up, it changes the way we see it.

Time as a currency. Right? When you pay attention, you are paying in time, you’re paying in energy. Right. And so when we pay attention to how we’re expending our energy or allocating or carving out our time, it changes the way we manage our day and ourselves. So I love if you just replace that when you just replace the word find with carveout everything you just said. When we play this back and listen, that’s where the meet.

That’s where it is. That’s where the power is. Yeah. You’re carving out time for what’s important.

We coach on the show and he’s coaching me on the show. You got to love it like so I mean, I definitely appreciate that. And to your point, I’m going to replace finding woodcarving. So anybody who hears me say finding time anymore. Make sure you slap me on the back of the head to remind me to use carving moving forward. What do you like? Just talking about carving times. You did it there. How do you juggle your work life with your family life?

Well, I’d love to say brilliantly and flawlessly, I don’t what what I love is that we’ve we really taught. Our kids and our team to be vocal, right, if somebody is not getting what they need, they’re not just going to be pissy and grouse and not say anything. They’re going to say, hey, this is what I need. So so part of the way I manage it is with intention from my side and with openness to people asking for what they need, which also means empowering myself to say yes or no.

I mean, I think the answer is with two tools. Attention and intention, and that’s the way we all. Manage our day and manage our time and try to find and I’m going to use the word balance, but I’m going to say it with a nasty tone and in air quotes balance, that’s how we manage our lives. Is how we create a rhythm. In our lives between work and family and community and self and the other things that are important to us, whether that’s travel, fitness, whatever, we find a rhythm in those through attention and intention, we have to set the intention of what it is that we want and we have to pay attention to how we’re doing at navigating according to that intention and adjusting based on what’s happening real time around us, but without intention of what we want to create, what the conditions for our success look like and without attention to how we’re doing, everything else is just faffing about unconsciously.

And I promise you, it doesn’t work. Well.

So with that. You’re a very intentional person. What does your morning habits or morning routines look like?

I am not a model. No, I’m honest. I mean, I love, you know, some folks. Do you have an artist way based routine every morning and are doing morning pages and meditation and. I’m a little less rigid, I listen to what my body and my brain and. Whatever higher power it is that we attach to are giving me now in the mornings, I always have time in some capacity for me and I always feed my brain and my system.

And there are different ways that I do it. I know which three days of the week I’m going to ride and I know what I’m going to listen to or read before I ever check my email. By the way, protip for every human being out there that has any digital access to anything digital, do not check your email first thing that is absolutely, unequivocally making everybody else’s needs a higher priority than your own. Don’t do it if you stop doing that until you plan out your day and figure out with intention what your what is important to get done that day.

If you make just that one change in every second you spent on this podcast is worth gold. Stop checking your email first. Cut it out. And turn off the email alerts on your phone, those two things change your life.

So are you a big believer in. I think I forgot where I heard this before, but somebody was giving an interview and they were saying that not only do they do what you’re what you’re asking them to do, but they physically remove like they’re charging docs and they’re charging stations and their cell phones and everything and moved it into another room lobby near the coffee maker or in the bathroom. But it’s nowhere near their bed. So when they first wake up, the first thing they have to focus on is actually waking up before they actually grab their phone.

That’s something that you do as well.

I do. There’s something I do every single morning. And it’s it’s I focus energy around. I get out of my head and I do some box breathing, which is just, you know, four seconds in for a second hold four out for hold and just repeat that. And I do it. I get five or six good cycles focusing energy on my heart, getting still and centered a little more awake than I open my eyes and get out of bed.

The I love the idea of keeping the phone away. I get to sleep after I use I don’t check email until I’m done with. My morning, I’ll check my calendar so I know what my day holds, but I usually do that night as well, so I wake up knowing. But the more you can keep separate from the temptation until you’re in a better rhythm, the better. There’s a guy named Ivy League, oh, my favorite stories, this goes back to the 20s.

He’s actually from Oglethorpe, Georgia. He’s considered the father of modern public relations. But this part of the story is about when he was an efficiency expert in the 20s and Charles Schwab not related to the one we have now. I used to run U.S. Steel. And Schwabe wanted for himself and his management team to get better at time management. So he brought Ebele in for a day to shadow him, shadow him, and he wanted and he was going to pay him for the day and he wanted a proposal from him of what he could do to make Schwabe and his team better.

And and Ivy League did something pretty ballsy at the end of the day. He said, first of all, you’re not going to pay me for the day. Second of all, I’m going to give you one thing to do. You can do it every day for 30 days. And then at the end of its 30 days, you’re going to send me a check for what you think it’s worth. Oh. Now, twenty five thousand dollars check in the mid 1920s, even though he probably didn’t have it for long, given the stock market crash, but that equates to depends on whose calculations you use between three hundred and fifty and five hundred thousand in today’s dollars.

Well, the big guys check. Talking do, he said, at the end of every single day, this is when we actually left the office and didn’t think about work till the next day. So adapt it at the end of your workday, whatever that is, right down the five most important things for you to get done the next day. And in the morning. Work on those five things and those five things only until they’re either A done or B, you’ve had a logical stopping point, like you need somebody else’s involvement or there’s a next step and you do those five things in those five things only before you check your email.

Before you go on to anything else on your list that. It stretches when I’m bulletproof on that, I think my most productive by far because success breeds success. So you’ve got things that you are not showing off your list. You’ve also got the largest, most important, highest priority things before you move to the rest of your list. That one behavior pattern is made more of a change in my productivity than anything else but demetz.

There’s definitely interesting recapping it in my brain and just recapping what you were saying, so it’s definitely that’s something I definitely want to go back and look at that a couple of different times to kind of piecemeal the different information that you gave multiple different nuggets in that that statement. Moving onto the next bit of questioning. Right. So part of the morning routines and realizing that everybody that’s successful, they may or they may not read books. They may or may not read audiobooks, but if nothing else, they’re always collecting information.

So because of that, I decided to create this new Boston College book club. And do you have any books? And obviously I know you’re an author, so I want to start off first with your book and any of the books that you would want to recommend to help entrepreneurs on a journey.

I’m going to flip it, though. I want to give you some of the books first. OK, do it. I think a powerful book for any boss or leader, anybody who’s leading anybody else, frankly, for anybody, we’re all leaders because we’re all leading ourselves. First, we should be. The first one is the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. And it’s it captures Toltec wisdom like 2500 year old concepts, and you’ll find it buried, that kind of information is laced into all three of the Abrahamic religions and many other faiths.

And this isn’t a faith thing. The four agreements plays with one of the things he talks about at the very beginning of the book. Is the idea of domestication, the idea that through our acculturation and education processes, wherever we live, we are inheriting? Or having placed upon US agreements. Values, unwritten rules and so on, that may or may not be ours, right? And it’s an opportunity for you to check in with what those agreements are that you’re living by and determine consciously and with intention.

As to whether they’re yours or not, whether they align with your values or not, and letting us be conscious stewards of ourselves, and then he goes on to unpack the four agreements, which are a powerful framework for living. It’s a it’s a short book, maybe 120 pages, six bucks on Amazon. Just go get it. Go read it. Well, it. It invites you to a powerful shift in the way you see the world. Well.

Next one is a complete departure. It’s one called Sapiens by Yuval Harari, and it’s a brilliant book. It can take a while to move through, but it really talks about how are humans and societies evolved over time and how are. Our cultures and our societies and our agreed upon fictions all came to be. It gives you another lens to see the world through to again, I guess, offset some of those unwritten rules by understanding how who we are societally came to be.

And it’s neither red nor blue. It’s just fascinating understanding of history. So as folks who move through this world, it’s a brilliant book. All right, those are the first two first now mine. Yes, I had a coach who challenged me to write the book I needed to read. So I did and this book is the book I needed to read when I was 14, when I was when I started the technology company in my thirties and when I hit my emotional spiritual bottom at 40, this is a book that I wrapped around a concept.

There’s a quote at the very beginning that says, We do not see the world as it is. We see the world as we are and. There’s so much power in that because. If we see it as we are, then merely by changing the lens through which we see the world. Changed the way we experience. So what’s powerful about the book for me is the the unpacking, the idea that we are in complete control of the way we experience the world because we’re in complete control of the lens through which we see it.

Well, change your lens. Change your world. And what I want for the people who read it and what I want for your listeners is to play with the idea that. You are in control. Of the world that you’re experiencing and what the book does is OK. So I did a live broadcast series every Monday morning. I’m on Facebook live on You Tube for 10 to 15 minutes, playing with a quote from anywhere for current day all the way back to the Stoics religious text, you name.

And I have quotes that I source from all over the place. And it’s a riff on leadership and mindset every Monday. It’s a great way to start a week and to give you something else to noodle on. I just hit three years last week and this book is really taking those first 52 broadcasts and taking what I’ve learned along the way about mindset and leadership and what I learned from the community of folks who showed up for these broadcasts and who have started a group together on Facebook and on LinkedIn and talking about these things, what I’ve learned from them and how the experience is deep.

And that’s what I used to create this book. And I gave it to my Laurie Shiers, the woman I worked with to create this book. We created a Rewire framework because. You know, your listeners can’t see it, you and I are on video, but you can see the books that are behind my desk, you can’t read the whole other wall of them on the other side. And I’m embarrassed by how many of the books on here I haven’t read yet.

Well, shelf self-aware. Like, there are three on here that I bought because I love and support the author and they haven’t made it to the top of the list to read yet. Right. And. Their books that. I won’t tell you how many I’ve owned for a while that I want to get to, but other things have made it the top first. But I didn’t want to book the people are going to use. So the rewire framework is a way to cure Kube Nazia.

Your whole team goes to an offsite and it’s this brilliant experience and everybody’s motivated and everybody’s got the same idea, the strategy. And they come back to the office Monday morning pumped. Then the phone starts ringing in the email, start flooding in and everybody forgets everything, nothing changes. So the rewire framework is a structure to help folk actually embed learning. It’s a structured approach to integrate and reinforce new ways of thinking, being and doing and rewires an acronym.

And by the way, I’ll make sure I give you the link. Anybody who’s listening can download the Rewire framework directly from my website and play with it. You can use it with anything that you’re working on. Yes, it’s designed for the book, but it’s adapted for you to be able to use on stuff in your world outside of this. Right. And and the piece that they’re going to download has a simple one page breakdown of how to use it.

But reflect is so rewire is reflect, experiment, write, investigate, revise and expand. So reflect is to give yourself time and space to reflect on your experience with in this in the case of the book of the mindset, we’re playing within that chapter. And then we give a prompt that gives an experiment for you to take out into your world and play with see what works, what doesn’t work, what resonates with what has dissonance, what turns you on what you’re indifferent about.

And so you’re going to apply this to your world right now. This is rewire, not retire. This is not type. This is right. Pen, paper, whatever. And by the way, I try to eliminate excuses. If you’ve got the print copy of the book, there is a page at the end of every chapter for you to journal. So all you need is a pen. I don’t send those with the book. Right and write down.

They’re props to help you. Capture it all, capture the experience, capture what’s come up for you through that experiment, investigate is then using the prompts, you’ve got to dig deeper, explore what worked and what didn’t. We revise the experiment and send you back out in the world to use it again in a different way and then expand is where it really becomes meaningful. You then adapt that learning and that experiment to a different area of your world.

You know, when we were coming up in school. The first week of math class, you learned, I say chapter one. No test, second week you learn chapter two, which presumably had you applying what you learned in chapter one. At the end of chapter two, they tested you on chapter one. So that you were tested after using what you had learned, integrated into something else, that’s what expand is based on the brain science. The more you use something more, you adapt it to more applications, the more likely the learning is to stick.

And the book builds on itself so that you’re actually making meaningful, lasting change. So if you do the work, you’ll create the shift.

Do you mind grabbing the book so we can kind of get a close up of that and cite that title?

Yeah, it’s mind set Mon’s with Detec 52 ways to rewire your thinking and transform your life.

Right, right. So it seems like you’re a big systems guy, you’re big into like rules and strategizing Step-By-Step processes, what do you use that help you in your business on a day to day that you would not be able to do what you do without.

Oh, God. Well, you remember from the early stories, I like technology as an accelerator or an amplifier, not as technology for technology sake. And I love platforms that are open and built for integration. There are very few tools that are I have been pitched. To review every bloody practice management application or platform that comes out for coaching and the reason they all suck is because they’re trying to do everything and they’re not open to other things linking in drastically over.

I mean, generalizing and oversimplifying. But the eye can do everything means you can master you can do nothing. Right. So what I love about using G suite is the applications that we use that are best in breed. We use one of our companies we use and report another one. We use active campaign because they called for different things. Right. So what I love is when the carbon is served by the silicon, when you look at what the business needs in the humans need and pick the platform to go with it.

So love active campaign, you know, after all these years of building websites and owning a company that did that, we use WordPress and Xabier to link all of these best of breed platforms together. And I got a. A company called Orange Star that I’ve been working with since nineteen ninety six, who helps us stitch all these things together without throwing custom code that will blow up as soon as there’s an upgrade. The most effective systems are the ones that get used.

Not the most powerful as an example, we were on confusion. I’m sorry, Infusionsoft for years. And sending millions of emails a year and Infusionsoft was a nightmare, we didn’t know that a year after we left, they were mothballing it and they were launching a new product behind it, a new product called KEEP. But we suffered through a platform that was designed to do everything and therefore mastered nothing because it was the most powerful system. Well, it wasn’t the easiest to use.

It wasn’t the easiest to integrate. It wasn’t the most effective. It wasn’t the most intuitive. So we retooled again and we started using those cowardly, brilliant company from here in Atlanta. There are other others like it, but scheduling tools that we can weave together and allow my clients to self serve in different areas. I look for the things that are simple and intuitive for my team to use, and that’s what we pick.

That’s. So this is the point where I think that whatever you’re about to say, I want everybody to pay very close attention, because obviously I think he’s going to drop some some serious nuggets right now. Pressure is on putting the weight on your back a little bit. Right. Final words of wisdom for an entrepreneur. Imagine yourself back when you were in your early 20s and you’re going to take over the world. What inside would you give to yourself if you could travel back in time?

I keep three words at the top of my screen. I believe the camera, it says real not right. And I think to translate that for the rest of the world, that’s not inside my head. Man, it doesn’t have to be right and there’s a reason the word right is in quotes on that little piece of paper. It doesn’t have to be right. It just has to be real. People spend a great deal of time, effort, energy and heart trying to do it right, trying to do what they should, living the good life sucks.

And yet so much of so many of us have done it, are doing it. It has to be real. It has to be what authentically comes from you. Here’s the essence of my work now. When Michelangelo talked about sculpture, he said he didn’t carve the figures, he freed them from the stone. The work that we do as coaches is helping our clients chip away everything that isn’t them, that isn’t true, that isn’t real. And getting down to the essence of who they are, who they be at their core, who they are authentically, that’s real.

When you live from there, when you love from there, when you lead from there. That’s what works. It’s not about right. It’s about real.

No, as I predicted, you definitely made it rain golden nuggets. But definitely appreciate that, and if you missed anything, I would definitely say this is one of these episodes that you kind of have to rewind parts more than once, the kind of really in take in exactly what David is delivering. So what can people find you online? I mean, obviously, you pretty much have a handle, probably every platform, which is the key platform you want to send out.

So I like to make it easy in terms of the Rewire framework in the book. If you got a mindset, Mon’s with a dotcom, you get information on the book, you’ll be able to download the Rewire framework for free. Definitely invite you. Yes, I would love you to buy the book. More importantly, I want you to download the Rewire framework and start playing with it. You can also find me if you look for Detec or coaching either one of them on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you will find me.

I’m out there and I’m active. Same with on LinkedIn. I’m one of the things I’ve just done. Is reopened, the mind set Monday’s accelerator. I am an impatient human being. This book would be fabulous to do a year long program of every week, doing live coaching with a group of folk about, oh, week six, Chapter six, awesome, I would lose my mind. So I’ve got 52 weeks in 52 days. Dotcom or Mindset Mondays Accelerator.

It’s a live coaching program that we’re going to go through the 52 weeks of mindset shift in just 52 days. We’re going to really like through live coaching and some interaction in between. We’re going to help people power through creating that shift so they can shift their world. So that’s open right now. Mindset, Mon’s Accelerator, Dotcom, we’ll get you there. You can see the information, explore it, see if it’s right for you. Maybe you’re impatient like I am.

Yes. So going into the bonus round. All right, we could start off with something simple and we’ll warm up a little bit more difficult bonus from questions, right. What’s your most significant achievement to date?

I as of the end of this month, I have been married. Twenty nine years. I got three kids that are healthy, love each other and are still active parts of our world and are contributing to the world around them. That my most significant achievement by far.

Right. Now, the big question, right?

That wasn’t the big one.

No, that wasn’t a big one. I mean, the big question for you is kind of like, I got no, there’s going to be a story behind it. So if you could spend 24 hours in a day with anyone dead or alive, uninterrupted, who would it be and why?

Some listeners I’m showing a photo of who. That’s me at age three. I need to know more of what he knows and who he was. And I want him. To know how loved he was and how loved he is. And as much as I say, I don’t want to change anything. I’d love to spend a day with him. Well.

I’m just sitting here just trying to visualize that concept. You can spend 24 hours anybody you’d want to go back in time, spent 24 hours with your younger self at age three.

Why we are. Perfect beings at that age, the essence of who we are is pure and unfettered by the world around us and we lose a lot of that. And we spent a long time as grown ups trying to get back to that purity, that essence of who we be, who we are at our core. And I want more of him in me now and I want more of that. Love and that strength, if you save energy in my world and I want.

What I want for him is to know how loved he is and was. And I want to bring that into my world. Well, and I want that for all of us, I see so much of who we are being right now is shaped by what we’ve experienced and we lose touch with that. Pureness. Well, I want it.

Well, definitely, I definitely appreciate that, I mean, it’s funny because I brought you on here because I know that you’ve had business insight and I know that you are a great strategist. I also know that you’re one hell of a mindset, coach. And, you know, I deemed you to be the mindset boss. But in all reality, after listening and replaying things that you said on this entire episode, you’re more of a like a philosopher.

And that philosophy, I can definitely see you using your philosophies and your training other people to let go of the insecurities, let let go of what they’re holding on and to become who they’re going to be versus who they think they should be. So I definitely appreciate, like what you brought to the table, because, again, I thought one thing and you’ve opened me up to an entire another state of being. So I definitely appreciate that.

That’s why I’ve got that quote behind me. And I see it every day in the back of the zoom image of me. And it says achieving more requires becoming more. And. As long as all the strategy and the growth hacks and the life hacks and the systems and structures. Are tied to who you are. And how it works in your world and how it resonates for you. Those are the ones that are real. That’s the stuff to pay attention to, as long as you’re filtering it through the lens of who you are and what’s important to you and what your world is, everything else is you shitting all over yourself.

Well. And yes, thank you, because what’s underneath all of it, all of the growth strategy, everything is getting clear on who the human is. Making decisions from there, definitely.

Well, I mean, going into closing, I always give opportunities for my guests to take the microphone and ask me any questions that may have come up during this episode. You have any questions for me? This will be a good time.

Yeah, more of an acknowledgment for you on. Your willingness to. To be raw and touch what’s real and important is why. This podcast is as powerful it is and why you have the listeners you have and why you’re making the impact you’re having. I don’t know. How aware you are that your impact is coming from who you’re being? Please, God, keep doing it. We need more of this, you’re helping people do what your logo speaks to.

It’s finding they are inside and live and love and lead from there, so. And we need a whole nother podcast to talk about what inspired you to do this and what’s going to inspire you to do the next hundred episodes and we’ll do that one over a bottle of wine or maybe and record it. But I really want to acknowledge you for doing the important work and not staying surface.

I love it, I definitely appreciate it, and I think this is a very, very powerful episode going to that again, the listeners of this, what you said affected me in a way that I didn’t think it was going to affect me. And I’m hoping that they get the same insightful feeling and the same definition and the same clarity and purpose that you deliver it. So, again, I mean, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule.

I appreciate you, you know, being more than willing to be on a guest on my show and to deliver everything that you delivered today. I definitely appreciate it, David.

Listen, it’s my pleasure. I will. I come back any time you want to play, really enjoyed the time together.

Definitely. I appreciate it as they go over now.

Entrepreneur & Executive Coach Of DTK Coaching: David Taylor-Klaus AKA The Mindset Boss – S2E28 (#56)2021-06-27T17:20:53+00:00
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