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Boss Uncaged Podcast Overview

CEO Of Justin Burns AKA The Miestro Boss – S2E64 (#92)
You have to create that plan and you have to have that vision that everybody sees. But that starts with you. You have to start with you and you have to believe in you.
In Season 2, Episode 64 of the Boss Uncaged Podcast, S.A. Grant sits down with the CEO of, Justin Burns.
Justin Burns is the “go-to” authority when it comes to online selling success in the Digital Age. Not only is he the brains behind the best-selling digital marketing book on the ExpertCode, “ but a sought-after speaker who has traveled to 5 continents, touring more than two dozen countries and addressing tens of thousands of business leaders and entrepreneurs.

Headquartered in Atlanta, is a small, minority-owned, but fast-growing player in the massive open online course (MOOC) industry and has been carving out its own space as a viable online course creation platform for authors, speakers, industry experts, and entrepreneurs with small businesses. –
We are an online platform that provides coaches, speakers, trainers, the ability to broadcast their brilliance to the world and sell their expertise. We provide the technology to do that.”
Don’t miss a minute of this episode covering topics on:
  • What is
  • The power of education and technology
  • Books Justin is reading
  • And So Much More!!!
Want more details on how to contact Justin? Check out the links below! 

Boss Uncaged Podcast Transcript

S2E92 Justin Burns.m4a – powered by Happy Scribe

Three, two, one. Welcome back to Boston. Cage podcast on Today’s show is a special episode for me, because I met Justin, maybe about, like, roughly a year ago, and I met him at a mastermind kind of group. And that group came way of Greg Caesar, which is a highly loved episode on this particular show. And in that particular day when I met Justin, it was kind of like, Where have these people been my entire life and kind of hearing Justin’s story and understanding what he has achieved so far and what his goals are going to be. It was just kind of eye openness. And then we had the opportunity to work together on a client project, and simply, the rest is history. So without further Ado, man, Justin, the floor is yours.

Hey, thanks for having me. I appreciate you definitely being here, man with the boss unkage himself. I’m excited now to be here, though.

Cool. I look forward to it. Obviously, I always deem whoever I’m interviewing a nickname. So obviously, I’m going to deem you the Maestro boss, and you can kind of go into why I’m calling you the Maestro boss, right? So kind of give people a little bit about who you are and what you do.

Yeah, definitely. So my name is Justin Birds. I’m the founder of a company called Maestro. We are an online platform that provides coaches, speakers, trainers, the ability to broadcast their brilliance to the world and sell their expertise. So we provide the technology to do that. And I’ve been in this crazy online world of selling online digital marketing for the past. It goes up every year. It used to be like, eight years, nine years, and you creep up and you’re like, man, I’m becoming a dinosaur in this space. But it’s been about, I would venture to say, twelve years that I’ve been in the space, and I love the space. And it changed my entire life because I went from a broke, unemployed salesperson to running an organization. And so it’s just been a really good ride.

So he says, twelve years, like, he’s 60 something years old. So you almost that bubble, man. How old are you?


Yeah. So obviously he started this entire brand in his twenties. Right. So I want you to understand that he sounded like he’s 60, but he’s really only, like, 30. So if you could define yourself in three to five words, what would those three to five words be?

Three to five words? Tell you what people describe. I think that’s better when people are in your circle describe you, right. So a lot of people say I’m very driven, ambitious, and a future thinker when I think about those things, I’ve always wanted to be described as those things, because where I come from, which is the south side of Chicago, I didn’t know what being driven actually looked like. I didn’t know what being ambitious looked like. And so one of the things I realized even about twelve years ago, when my eyes were open to this whole world of entrepreneurship is that we’re living, especially a lot of people don’t see it this way. But I kind of shifted my view. And that’s what allowed for me to kind of kick into gear, which is like, man, this is one of the best times in history to do what you love. And some people may agree or disagree. But let me kind of tell you why I say that we all have challenges in life. We all go through things in life. We all have these things that happen to us. We all face fears, negativity doubts. And I had a really rough childhood. But one of the things I had to do was reprogram my thinking around where I was and kind of really reinvent myself every so often, always reinvent myself. So the Justin, you see before you today may not be the Justin you see in a year or two, because I’m always thinking that and one of the things about a good I would say decade ago, if you will. I was sitting in a crowd and I was just an attendee at this event. I remember the guy saying something he’s like, we are going to kind of go into this creator’s economy. That means that essentially the biggest growing segment of small business. And this is actually reported in New York Times is the creator, the person that’s sitting at home, like your creator, right? You may not be selling courses, but you’re still a creator. So we’re living in this amazing time where a person with a laptop, a microphone that they get for $99 off of Amazon don’t do like I did and buy this equipment you don’t use, but you can literally take a small connection, hook it up to a computer and start broadcasting what you do to the world. And when I saw that, I just knew it was going to be the future.

Got it. That kind of opens up a lot of different directions in conversational topics that we could talk about. Right. And I think one of the things that recently, you’ve been really big on your ads, right. You’ve been putting a lot of ads out there. And with one ad that I really appreciate that you dropped was being okay with being bored. I think it took you maybe five to ten minutes to kind of talk about that. But if you don’t mind, kind of, like, regurgitating that for our listeners a little bit about that particular topic.

Yeah. It’s so funny. You bring up that video. That video was probably seen over 150,000 times on various channels. Absolutely. I didn’t even know people are sharing it like crazy. I didn’t even know it’s going to go that viral. But, yeah, the interview on the show shout out to my man, David Shanz on the Social Proof podcast show. But he said I think he asked me, what is the greatest thing that you think that as an entrepreneur, you have to master. And I immediately thought about as people as influences, whatever it is, everybody has a period of boredom in their life. When you think about boredom, you think from a mental state, you think it’s like the state of you sitting around not doing anything. That’s not what boredom is boredom. Most people think, oh, because I saw some comments online. Oh, I never get bored. That is BS. Everybody gets bored, you get bored in your job, you get bored as an entrepreneur where you’re sitting there because there are certain things you have to do that are not fun. The opposite of fun. And the opposite of that is boredom. And so one of the greatest things that I realized is that when you master boredom, it changes everything for you. And what that means is that if you progress it on anything, you know, you have to do that’s a level of boredom. That’s a space of boredom that you don’t want to do. That’s really what procrastination is. So when you go to a workshop or you buy a course and you buy a book and the person tells you to do something that you don’t do it, that is where you are perceiving in your mind that that is going to give me a level of boredom. And so what I realized is that I had to master boredom as an entrepreneur over the years. And so I had to read the books that I didn’t feel like reading. I had to master this space, and I actually got this concept from the 50th Law by Robert Green and 50 Cent. Right. And that book changed my life. I’ve read that book probably ten times, and I always go back to it because there’s different things in my mind hasn’t picked up on, and I extract gold from it. And one of the things he talks about in the book is like just how Masters go through this period of time. He used an example in the book, which I can’t remember his name. But there was similar to what happened today as a pandemic, right. It’s a pandemic, just like today, but it was worse. It was just absolutely worth where people would catch it. And there was no nothing that way, like there were a lot of casualties. And so the guy who basically invented modern mathematics, and today, I don’t know, my brain is just name, but he went through four or five years of literally sitting in the house, not doing anything, no TV, not even going out just studying. Why does gravity happen? Like, why does a tree? Why does the apples sit on a tree and fall from it like these different things? And he eventually ended up creating mathematics, gravity, all these different things. It shows me that every master in reality, if you want to be the best in your industry. You have to sit there and you have to dial so deep into that subject and you have to be so obsessed with it. And what’s going to happen is you’re doing that. You’re going to get anxiety, you’re going to get fear, you’re going to get worried, and you have to be able to work through those things in order to break through to the next level.

Yes. That makes perfect sense. It kind of goes into, like having the 10,000 hours of a particular discipline before you can consider yourself to be a pro or a master and things like that. That’s what you’re talking about. Essentially, with the 50 Laws of Power and anybody that has not read the 50 Laws of Power or the 48 Laws of Power. Obviously, those are two books I would definitely recommend you got to pick up ASAP to Justin’s Point. So diving into your business. Right. So obviously you have 10,000 hours worth of education in your particular discipline, which is essentially course development. But you took it one step further, right? Somebody can kind of create courses. They can create academies, create membership websites. And you would like, oh, that’s great. I have all that. But what I’m going to do is I’m going to create something that allows other people to do what I’m doing. So talk about that a little bit. Like, how the hell did you make that jump from just creating courses into creating a course platform?

Yeah. So back into this, probably this idea came about in about 2015. I had the original idea, which doesn’t really seem that long ago, right? About 2015, I wanted to do something bigger. I had a social media agency. I was completely burnt out in my business because it can be tough working with clients one on one, sometimes being honest as we know, right. It can be really tough because I miss expectations and different things like that. So I wanted to do something different. I wanted to do something where I said, I want to do something. I didn’t know exactly what I want to do at that time. I knew I want to do it in the internet field because I just believe so just this amazing world where you can create all this stuff, like, it’s going to be in the internet field. And so my last client that I ever had was getting all these crazy results and just doing some amazing things. And essentially, what happened is he took me to this tech conference, and I remember being in the room looking around. And I’m just like, it wasn’t really many people that look like me. It was like this light bulb that went off for me. And I was excited because, again, I’m a creator. You got to understand who the type of person you are. Like, I’m more of a creator. And so I could go into any field that really challenges me. And so I saw this. And I saw him build this eight figure business in a technology space. And so I realized that I wanted to build something that people could use and make money from and change the way that they did everything.

So I definitely commend you on that because to your point, right? Like you saw the bigger picture, you saw a bigger vision. You saw a bigger and larger opportunity to give back more to your community of people that you’re trying to help. So in that process, right? Like, start up capital. We always hear about equity raises we always hear about. Well, I’m going to do grass roots. How did you get into that? I mean, did you kind of have, like, a stash? Did you do equity raises? Where did the funding come from? To start your current platform?

Yes. So I boosted Maestro pretty much 100%. The great part that I when I came into the space, I started to go to these tech startups, and it was an interesting dynamic that was happening. A lot of people were talking about the idea they were talking about. Nobody was talking about how to get customers. And I came from this world of marketing that I had absorbed for, like, five years where it’s like, you want to make money, put an ad out or do a podcast or do something to generate leads. And then people will buy your products. And so it was very fascinating. But it allowed for me to because I was already in the mindset of that right of getting customers. It allowed for me to scale. And so what happened is let’s take a step back for a second. Maestro wasn’t the first platform that I built. That was my second platform. So my first platform was a product called Script Engage, which is a copywriting app. And so we did it the grassroots. I took some of the money that I had made from my agency that we had in our business. And I just used that money to build my first prototype of my product. And then what I did was we had so many failures along the way. It was absolutely insane how many times we failed. But again, I had to master boredom. I had to understand that this was a part of the process. This was a part of the game. And so when we failed, I had to look at why we failed. I had to get out of my feelings. A lot of people get when they fail, they get caught up in their feelings. And we all do. I still do to this day. But I have to always check myself and go, okay, Justin, let’s take a step back and look at the birds eye view. Why didn’t this work? Number one? What happened? What is the learning lessons from this? What can we do to be better, more efficient in the future? And what I came up with was that, yes, this is something that is amazing. And I just started to build upon that build upon that. And then we had our first breakthrough. We did a bigger launch, and I think we did around 4000 sales in a span of seven days. Jesus, I said the same thing because it was like, my first launch did, like, ten customers. And I kept reiterating fine tuning, fine tuning, fine tuning. And then it got to a point where we did. And it was, okay, let’s go all the way. And we did six figures in the span of seven days. And I had never had that level of success before. And so every single time that we build upon that, I didn’t let it go to my head. I didn’t go, oh, man, I’m making money. Let me go buy this. I always kind of stay living below my means, making sure I kept my business really lean and tight. And then I bootstrapped Maestro. So then about two years, the year before, I thought about really building Maestro, a guy came up to me and was like, hey, I like, your project, is it for sale? And I was like, Well, I never thought about selling it. And then he came up, he purchased the product. And then again, I didn’t go to Vegas. I did take a vacation to Mexico. I ain’t going to lie. But after that and I came back from a vacation in Mexico. Then what I did was, I took that. And I just like, let’s just bet it all on this. And let’s build this whole platform. And it became a success. We did the same thing with Maestro, and we’re still doing it where we fine tune, we get a success. And then you build products that are based around your software. And that’s why I even built. And you see the problems. And you build around that like I built Maestro. I had kind of got out of the course game for about a good year. I didn’t build any courses, any training for a year. And I was fine tuning the problem. And then we were realizing that people who weren’t using our platform had a big issue of not really knowing how to build a course. So then I started diving even deeper. I was like, Well, why don’t people build courses? They’re easy. You can just get on a microphone on the top, whatever. Why was that? And I was looking at all these other course stuff. And I was like, the big problem is people teach you what to do, but not how to do it. The biggest thing, especially with courses, is that people, especially even content. You need a framework. That’s what the system is. It’s a framework. So there was no frameworks. It’s like, people get on and say, hey, here’s a bunch of slides. They’ll teach you what to say in the damn slides. I said, here’s a bigger opportunity. I could serve my customer. And then we went in and built a course that supports the platform and put them together. And that’s how we’ve seen a lot of our customers have a lot of success, too.

Got you again. It kind of goes back to your age. You sounded like you’re 65, right? You already sold the company, right? You already built another one. You already had an agency, but it kind of shows that you’re not just hungry. You’re not just motivated, but you’re an executor. And I think part of execution goes back to your inner circles, like people that you’re surrounded by on a regular basis and people that you can look up to, whether you’re admiring them or being able to ask them particular questions. So with that, right. So that’s the positive side. On the negative side, what issues have you had to overcome and you’ve hit on your multiple journeys to success?

Yeah. That’s a good question. What issues haven’t I here when you think about most people think, when they see somebody who has had a level of success, like Biggie said, more money, more problems. I didn’t understand that until I started making more revenue, but also building a company. And I’ve had everything happen to me, man, like merchant accounts being shut down in the middle of a launch, that’s successful website, shutting down, hosting companies, shutting down the site, especially we’re in a technology company, developers leaving in the middle of a project that we got a week before we’re away from launch. Every single issue that you can think of, everything from people see my ads everywhere, but that took years to develop to get a science to it. Before I’ve spent sometimes $10,000, I don’t even see a return on investment. Now we have a strategic way where that doesn’t happen anymore. So all in all, I would say, man, every damn problem that you can think of that has happened has happened to me. It’s just my response to it is different. And it doesn’t mean like, I have a rule, right? I have a rule. And here’s what it is. And this is when you start to do, because I always tell people, as entrepreneur, entrepreneurship will pull all of the skeletons out of your closet and put them directly in front of you to face. Right. And the biggest thing is I have a rule which is not to sit up here and be super strong and be like, I don’t have any emotions. And I’m Super strong. And I’m a lion like, no, there are times I’m not a lion, but I have a program of mine to go, depending on the issue. You have one day, one day to moat wine, get in your fillings, get it all out. Usually. Now it’s a couple of hours. I gave myself a couple of hours, but now it used to be you got one day to get this all out. If something really, truly bad has happened or something crazy has happened. Listen, go and watch the Netflix. Get it out. Your system reset. Go on a walk. You got one day. But really, it’s a couple of hours now. But back in the day, it was one day you got one day to get this out to the system and then back to business. And that has also helped me in a really big way of really dealing with conflict of let me get my mind off of the problem and come back to it. If it’s too overwhelming. And I think that has helped me really be able to really deal with challenges. And then what I do typically, even in that day, I say, okay, once I’m off of the high emotions, let me write down, what are these solutions to all these problems? Because I always tell people there’s a solution to every problem. If your business is struggling with money, then if you just look at your calendar and you look at if you’re spending money, if you’re not doing anything to get customers, you spend one day out of the week getting customers. And it’s the reason why you’re not getting customers. There’s always a solution to why this problem happens. And so that’s the mindset that I approach. It’s like I take out my literally have technology has evolved back in the day, it was a sheet of paper. Now it’s on my ipad with my pen. So now I take on my ipad and my pen and I write down, okay, here’s the three things that struggling. What are the three things I need to do right now to get past this journey? And one of the things, why did this issue come up? When you do that? You put your mind into this focus of instead of just being so focused on the problems of saying, oh, I don’t want to deal with that. You get to this point where your mind becomes, okay, I’m overwhelmed right now. But now you get into this reactor mode of figuring out, how do we get this all.

It’s funny because you sound such like a philosopher. So instead of saying Nietzsche says, I’m going to substitute in Maestro Boss says from now on, right? Because you’ve earned enough to the point to where all these philosophies or philosophy that you live by, it kind of shows the proof is in the pudding. Right? So going into business structuring a little bit, you had multiple different business. Are you an LLC? An S Corp. A. C Corp. How is your structure?

Yeah, we’re S Corp. Essentially, we’re really one company. What we do is we just have what we call a value ladder. And so we’re not going to do anything outside the scope of our values. So everything we do is around digital marketing and also digital product creation. And so what I’ve had to do over the years is really focus because there are other companies that I want to do but I tell an entrepreneur, like, if you haven’t made one business successful, why in the hell are you starting? Three or four or five more like that was just something that my successful friends taught me. And so that was one of the things I had to realize. So if you see me promoting a product that ties to Maestro, essentially, it all ties in right now. We’re in the middle of planning a live event that we can come to. We’re planning a live event in August of this year. And, you know, everything ties into Maestro. Everything ties into what we do as a company and benefiting course creators and business owners. So I’m not going to do anything outside of that. Does that make sense? I’m going to focus on this. I literally focus on this for years. And now the business kind of take a form of his own. It’s growing. We have eight. We’re about to hire a couple more people. We have eight people. So I don’t always have to be involved in the business if I don’t want to. Right. So I think when you get to that point, then you explore other options. And I would just say, outside of my passion for investing because I do have a passion for investing, because it’s funny, I was just talking to somebody about this. I invest probably 80% of my money into various channels because even though I’m only 34, there were so many things even in my 20s that I missed out on that, because what you do today is I look at life like this, right? What you do today is you’re planting a bunch of seeds, right. And those seeds grow for tomorrow. And so in my 20s, I definitely did plant a lot of seeds around building Maestro and building Internet and investing in that. But one of the things I made, the biggest mistake I made in my 20s was trying to hoard 1020, 30, 40, $50 when I could have been investing in stocks, when I could have been investing it in ETFs and index funds and crypto, I could have been letting my money work for me. And so I said, I’m not going to make that mistake because, like you said, I’m a future thinker that’s the thing that people describe me as I always think about what is the next five years going to look like and what do I want it to look like? And so for me, I’m not married. I don’t have any kids. But I’m like when I turn 40 and when I turn 45, what is the type of life I want to live? I don’t want to be sitting up here paper chasing and trying to make money. I’m going to still be doing those things. But I don’t want to have to do it. I want to just be able to do it as a choice. Right. And so I want to be able to go to my kids based because I just want to. And I’m able to do that. And I’m not locked down by a business that’s killing me. Right. And so for me, outside of that man, it’s just investing in Maestro takes up a big majority of my time, but they all have the same principles.

Wow. Definitely insightful information. I think you and I had, like, an off bar conversation just about investing in general. Right. So, I mean, I definitely commend you for you putting 80% into the market. And at your age, it kind of goes to the statement about the recovery time. But you don’t really have to worry about the recovery time. If you’re actively investing that quantity of capital into a market that you understand and you could actually grow that money. And you probably have submission accounts that are different than Maestro that support Maestro. Like you’re saying, you’re creating a live event. And most people don’t send live events that’s capital that has to go into creating a live event. But that live event is then going to support Maestro. So it’s feeding into the one central system. So diving into systems a little bit like what systems do you guys currently have in place that helps you manage and juggle all the attributes of Maestro.

Yes. Funny, you say that because we just had a whole deep meeting about that. Today systems are so important, our systems, we try not to go. There’s a couple of things you have to do, right. So for us, we create a lot of standard operating procedures. When we run into issues. We used to just create 100 of them. But it’s like you don’t need to create that many just the issues that you see are recurring. We create SOPs for standard operating procedures for and then we just really say, okay, what is going to be our software stack that we are going to use and communicate. So, for example, we keep a lot of our communication in slack because we just be able to go back and see. Oh, you said you’re going to do this or you didn’t. Okay. Let me go back to the message that you Typed out. So that keeps it simple for project management stuff we use click up. That’s going to be like our that’s how we kind of manage everything. But here’s the biggest thing I always tell entrepreneurs the first two things you need if you don’t have employees, is that you really have to get these two roles. One is a virtual assistant or a personal assistant. That changed the game. For me, having a personal assistant. Now I kind of switched to a more virtual assistant, but that changed the game because that helps with all those little things that just nitpick. And I’m telling you, like, 20,000 things come your way every single day. Right. And I don’t want to deal with all those little things we’re climbing back to this person or this person sending me a Facebook message, like, I don’t have the time. People go, Justin, why don’t you reply? Sometimes I’m like, listen, if you only understood the demand that I have, it’s different for me, right? So I have a virtual assistant. And then the second thing that I think transformed my company was having somebody who was an operations person, somebody who just focused on making sure that when I’m not around, that they’re constantly trying to make sure that they stay on task and making sure things stay on topic. Those things is really kind of improved. I tell entrepreneurs, like, if you are going to hire and you haven’t hired people yet, get you a virtual assistant, they’re cheap enough, but just about being cheap, they save you so much time. And then when you really start to grow, get your operations person who can just make sure they hold you and your team accountable, especially you. My accountability. Today, I’m looking at my students like, I’m going on vacation this week because I need one. That one in, like, over almost a year. And I was just, like, all right, I got to get this webinar done. I got to do this webinar every Thursday, every single Thursday, I do a webinar. You saw my webinar. I do this every single week. I do this webinar, and my project management person has to make sure that we stay on task and everything else.

I think you brought them up, but you didn’t name my name. So I know Brian, and I’ve dealt with Brian like, multiple times. How do you find someone like Brian? Brian is like, a gem in himself, right? I mean, he does so many different things for your company, and he’s so proficient, and he’s itemized out to where, like, I see him as much as I see you online now, right?

Yeah. We were just joking about this. Brian is like, the face of the company. I’m just the guy who writes the checks, but Brian is the crazy part. Brian is not even my operations guy. Brian is a guy who here’s the thing, right? You have people around you right now that you’re not utilizing. So Brian instantly enough came to a live event membercon that we did two years ago about to do we didn’t do one last year. We’re doing one this year, but we did. Membercon and Brian joined one of my programs that are offered at Membercon and in working with him in my mastermind, I got a chance to see the type of person that he was. I got a chance to see everything about him, and I liked everything about him. Here’s the thing. On one of the calls, I said, hey, if you guys know anybody who’s looking for work, we’re hiring. And Brian was like, well, I’m not looking for work, but I just love what it is that you’re doing. And I would just like to essentially join and be a part of what you’re doing. And at first, I was just like, yeah, let’s just try because I didn’t have a role for him at the time because what his skill sets were. But eventually we just kind of morphed his role. And he’s been with me for the past two years. He ain’t going nowhere because I need them. Right? So you just got to make sure, like, you get those, you build those relationships, look in your network, like people are in your network on your customer list. You think because they signed up for a course on how to build whatever. They’re not looking for work yet. They are. When you get those people, you treat them well. That was one of the things I had to learn over the years is that you’ve got to work on yourself so that you can be a better leader for people. And people believe in your vision. They’re going to go to the ends of the Earth. And that’s just how I feel. Like my team is. We have a solid team now. It wasn’t like that a couple of years ago, right? We had some people who just didn’t fit, and you knew some of them. There are people who didn’t fit, and we had to kind of move them out of the mode to build this culture where people say, Man, they’re a good team, man. They’re on top of things, man. That’s the way people describe us now. And they have good customer support. That’s what you want. People you have to kind of set the presence of what you’re looking for when people come in and Brian embodies, that a lot. And he’s been taken out. And now you see him more like you said, you see him more than you see me.

That’s powerful stuff. So we always hear the perception of someone being an overnight success. Somebody may be listening to this podcast, and they may be like, okay, yeah, he’s 34, but this just happened to him in the last two, three years or whatever. But in reality, it probably took 20 years to get here. How long have you been consecutively on this journey?

Yeah. So this journey started when I was about here’s an instant thing of people always say, Justin, you’re young. You’ve been around. You’ve been doing this for twelve years. How is that even possible? Well, here’s the thing. It’s when number one, you make a decision and how fast you move on that decision. And when I was working a job, there’s no entrepreneurs in my family there’s. This guy used to come into my I used to sell cell phones, right? Can you picture me selling cell phones? Probably not. But I used to sell cell phones, right? I was slinging cell phones. I had my nice little Polo shirt. I had my tucked in khaki pants with my Brown shoes. I hated wearing the outfit, but I wore it every day. There’s this guy who used to come in and shout out to him, my boy Brad used to come in. He was a customer. He would just come in sometimes just to talk to me. And he’s like, every day we wouldn’t talk every day. He would come in at least once a week, and he would talk about entrepreneurship. And I used to be like, Man, that’s not me. That’s not who I am. And he’d be like, it’ll be who you are if you didn’t have any more cards on the table and you were faced to create your own economy. I didn’t understand what he meant by that. And then about six months in of him doing this every single week of him doing this every single week. I was kind of like it started to take shape. And then I had an opportunity that came up. Everybody has an opportunity. You think some of the opportunities that came away, you didn’t kind of interpret it as a scam, right? But there’s always opportunity. And I took this opportunity. And I spent three years in the trenches. A lot of people don’t know this, but my business didn’t make any money. For almost four years, I had a couple of checks here and there, but my house was in foreclosure. I had to hide my car from the repo man. Literally. For four years, I stayed committed to this grind. And then one day, something just happened. And I got into this program, and it changed my life. And it taught me skill sets. And even since then, like, I tell people, you are in the game of life. And what you do every single day is what’s going to determine what you get tomorrow. So for four years, I was struggling, but I didn’t look at it. I’m like, one day. And I used to always tell myself because I didn’t know any friends. Some of us, I always teach my students this that you’re at a couple of different places. You’re at the starting point. And the starting point is one of the hardest places to be because you typically are losing the old you, which usually what comes with that is you’re losing old people. But you’re still not at a point where you could connect with people that are on your level because your mind hasn’t really went there where you could connect with high influences yet. So you’re kind of in this blank space, right? That’s the hardest place to be in because you feel alone. You’re trying to get through your shit, all this other stuff. But that’s the place now where you become powerful. That’s the place where I became powerful. That’s the place where I understood, like, I got a bet on me. I got a bet on me. And if I bet on me, because if I realize my own potential, if I bet on me, I’m going to come out winning no matter who wants me to lose. So for me, that has always been a bet where I’ve always placed bets on myself and say, let’s take this risk. Let’s do this. Let’s do that. Let’s change this. Let’s go here. Let’s adjust this. And it’s always kind of play this self out once again.

Man, Maestro Boss says I’m recapping what you just said, and it’s such a powerful insight that you’re delivering. And I’m hoping that people that listen to this episode would like, stop and rewind. That’s the beauty of having a podcast rewind and listen to that segmentation a couple of times, much like how Justin was presented by a coach, and he didn’t really understand it right away, and he kept hearing it, and he kept hearing it, and he kept hearing it. And finally the damn light bulb went off and it changed. Everything is what he just did for you guys. Some of you may not even realize it yet. So going into, like, what’s one thing that if you can go back in time and do it all over again, what’s one thing that you would want to do differently if you could do it again?

What’s the one thing that I would do differently? I would probably start off with mentors right away in opposed to waiting, because I think I waited way too long to get mentors, right? I waited way too long, and it’s great to read a book, but it’s way different when you invest in yourself in a program that somebody has been through the trenches, has been doing it for a long time, and they are able to navigate you through the rough terrain, so to speak. Right? I wish I would have instantly came into the game, found you and said, hey, man, I want to start a podcast. Hey, man, I want to do some business system stuff. Can I just pay you to show me? It would have completely shortened? I wouldn’t have to listen. We will be talking at 29, and I will be like, yeah, man, I’ve achieved weight now. By the time I reach 34, I’d have been even more successful. So I think people wait way too long to really do that the second thing. And I think I did this pretty successful, but I wish I had did this a little bit more. I wish I’d invested more into my personal growth, right? And I did this, but I wish I would have took more seminars, went to things like Tony Roberts events in the beginning, or found coaches and mentors and went to therapy. I wish I had done all that earlier, man. I would have healed even more because it’s just how you show up. Like I found my therapist two years ago. People think therapy is looked down upon it’s not as an entrepreneur and anybody who’s in life in general, we all have trauma. So I wish I had dealt with that in my early 20s because in going to therapy, it has allowed for me to really explore those sides of me that I don’t see, right and heal from that. Those are two things, man. I would invest in myself more with a mentor and gotten more coaches in the more personal growth space for sure.

Great. So I think earlier on, you alluded to your family history to a certain point, there’s no entrepreneurs or, like, IBM investing investors in your family in the past. So where did this come from? How did you get inspired in that space? Who was the first person that you saw that was an entrepreneur. And that light bulb went off and you was like, look, I want to become like, that person, my friend Brad.

The one I was telling you about coming to the grid. So what happened is I got fired from my job at that time. They laid everybody off. And what happened is that I got fired from my job, and I was just trying to figure things out. And what happened is I called up my boy Brad. I was like, he was an Internet entrepreneur at the time. At the time, you had ebay entrepreneurs. He’s doing all this stuff online, selling on ebay, all this stuff. And I was like, Man, they just fired me. But I’m going to try to look for something else. And he was like, Man, I’ve been coming into your workplace for the past four months. You still want to work for somebody. And I was like, Bro, I’m not cut from that cloth. I don’t know. And he said something on the phone. I changed my life. He said, you only cut from the cloth that you create, right? He said everything that you have been taught up until this point has been given to you. But now I have conversations with you, man, you’re way different. You’re way different. And I’d say nothing wrong. Working a job just talking about in terms of thinking about the future, right? And I was like, Well, what do you suggest? And I don’t know why I asked him that question. What do you suggest? He was like, Man, come to this seminar. We’re doing this seminar, and we’re teaching people about social media and selling online. And I was like, all right. And I called my mom, me and my mom have really close relationship. I tell everything even to this day and shout out to mom. She was a great supporter. But I’m going to this event. She’s like, an event. What is that? What is it, like, a work event? And I was like, no, it’s this event. They’re teaching stuff. And she goes, Be careful. That’s what always happens. Be careful. Don’t get scammed. And so I went to the group or whatever went to the seminar, and my eyes were just like, this. My guy was like, your eyes did not. I didn’t even know if you freaking blinked in that whole because what he was saying was just like, it was so simple, but it was like, Wait a minute. I could sell my products. If I create a product, I could sell to somebody in the UK, and I’m asleep and they buy my product like, Wait, what?

Yes, sir.

Wait a second. Somebody on a whole, another part of the country. I could wake up to sales in the morning. Like, what? It just completely blew my mind. And so for me, I think that there was a crossroad of making this decision. The next day, I had got a callback from this company, and the company had basically offered me a $35,000 position. And then Brad had called me up and was like, Yo, we’re starting a social media company. I like, the person you are, man. You got really good communication skills. You should come out to Callie. I can’t pay you a lot right now, but we can get you started with a little money. And so I called at the destiny moment here, I could get this comfort right here or here. There’s not any level of comfort. So I don’t know. In that moment, I called my mom and asked her I was like, oh, my God, I was wrong. Of course, my mom was like, you have to get a job. You have to choose that. And something inside of me on the gut level was like, no, you have to risk it all if you want to make changes and do something different. And in that moment, that’s what I decided to do. It was the best decision that I made.

It’s the best decision. And it’s definitely a powerful decision to your point that you made earlier about opportunities are knocking all the time, right? And a lot of times you kind of hear, oh, it’s a Ponzi scheme or it’s this kind of scheme. But in every opportunity that you accept to at least show up at least one time, I guarantee you’re going to learn and take away something even though you don’t sign up, even though you don’t make a purchase, even though that you don’t become a conversion form. But just being in that room and being in an environment can change your life down the road. So I definitely commend you for stepping into that space, because if you did a step into that space, you and I would be having conversations right now. That’s real.

We wouldn’t. And that’s the thing that people don’t understand is, like, every decision that you make today, it impacts the next day. It impacts a year from now, and we get so emotional about things, and it’s okay to be emotional about things, but I think we get so caught up in I don’t have the money today, or it doesn’t look the way I wanted to. And that’s something for you to mold and create. And so now, almost ten years later, one of the things that just has been so crazy in my life is that I now have this life that I’ve created.I’ve created. It doesn’t mean I don’t have challenges. It means that because of the decision I made twelve years ago, I get to live this life the way that I want to today, right? The nights that I stayed up. And I still do this till this day, my best friend this morning on the phone because I’ve been obsessed, right? She’s like, that’s how she she said, said, I was like, I’m studying this whole crypto and investment game, and she’s like, Bro, if I know you are not studying, you are obsessing. Like, you are probably going through so many videos, reading so many books. And then I looked at it. I was like, yeah, you’re right. I probably was doing that about 4 hours yesterday, like, literally spent 4 hours just going through YouTube videos, reading books, ordering books on Amazon, buying courses. I still do this till this day, because now I’m thinking about, okay, you’ve created the life. You want it now. But when you’re 40, what does that look like when you’re 45, what does that look like? So I still have to master going back to the point of mastering border, I still have to master Border myself. You think I want to sit up here and look at charts and understand how this works? And sometimes I even reach a certain field where I’m up here. Like, what the hell is this person talking about? I don’t even know what this person is talking about. After a while, I start programming my brain where I go now. Oh, I get it now. It makes sense because you just have to have that you have to have that investment of knowledge in yourself.

Wow. So kind of going into it seems like you’re very linear with your strategies, but you’re open minded to expansion. So on your day to day, right? What is your morning habits? Your morning routines look like my morning habits.

So typically I have, like, a couple of things I do that said today. So when I wake up in the morning, I try not to jump on my phone, because that is the we all do that. We’re programmed to do that where first thing you check in is Facebook, Instagram or email. Right. So what I’ve done now is every single day I’ve cut my phone onto silent just to wake up in the morning, and I glance at my phone. But what I do as soon as I turn around in my bed and I literally just lay my feet on it and just be grateful to God. Man, just be grateful that I woke up. And then what I do is I grab my Journal. I actually have it right here. So, you know, it’s real. And this is my best friend, because I always Journal. Like, in the morning, I Journal three or four things I’m grateful for. I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful for just everything, and I write that down. Then I write down what are the three biggest things? Aside from my freaking 50 thing to do list? And over the weekend, my team empowered all ten more things on top of my to do list. What are the three most important things that I need to get done to make this day an impactful day when you ask yourself that question that changes everything, because even though you got a million things in your to do list, you need to get those three things done in order to have a level of success. Right. And then I actually have this whole workbook that’s, like, five pages long that I review. I have a whole process there. It’s like, who do Justin wants to become in the area of health, wealth. And I literally say these things, and I have my vision board in there, and I literally review this. And I’ve also recorded the audio. I know this is a whole lot, but I recorded the audio, and I listen to it every day because I program me. I don’t let anybody else program me. And I’m still getting over the programming from generations and decades and my whole life. So I have to make sure I’m consistent with that. And then I’ve incorporated this new thing of working out, working out every single day with some weight training. And then I start today. I start today, and I never start my morning. No meetings until the afternoon, unless it’s a team meeting that’s twice a week. So that’s like my morning.

That’s my morning ritual to your point of what your best friend said. Obviously, whatever you’re going to do, you’re going to be obsessed with it. And that’s part of being a successful person. If you’re not obsessed with your goals and your orientations of where you are to where you want to be, then you lose the insight into foresight to stay on that path. So the fact that you’re obsessed with your morning routines as well, it only makes perfect sense for you to be who you are currently right now. So in that obsession, right? I mean, obviously, I think you’re a big learner, right? You absorb a lot of information. So because of that in this podcast, it gave me opportunity to create a book club. So I always ask individuals like yourself what books in three part question. First part is what books helped you to get to where you are. What books are you currently reading right now? And have you written any books yourself?

That’s a great question. So the books again, I say one in 50 of law. That one changed my life. The 50th law. I haven’t really read the four day laws. Power. I got to read that. But the 50 of law has completely changed my whole paradigm. And the way I think some of the other books I’ve read a couple of other books, I would say the book that I’m reading right now is a book. I think it’s by Don Miguel. It’s called The Mastery of Love, right? The Mastery of Love, because that’s the switch up because I’m so used to reading marketing and business books that now I’m trying to shift that to how do I show up in my relationships now? I don’t want to just be all business. I want to be able to my future relationships and my friendships. Like, how do I show up in a more loving and supportive way? So I’m reading that book. It completely talks about a lot of things about love and just what love is and how Fierce shows up and messes up relationships and stuff like that. So that’s one of the books I’m reading now and then. Yeah, I’m actually the author of a book called The Expert Code. You can get it at theexpertcode. Com. But that’s a book all about how to take your expertise and turn it into a profitable online business.

Nice. I definitely appreciate you sharing. And I think with the love thing, I think it just kind of goes into being a well rounded business owner, right to understanding how to love yourself and love other people and love the people in your inner circles. That way, you’re giving more than you’re taking and you’re getting that balance. So I definitely commend you to take that journey and be even more fruitful than you currently are right now. So let’s say 20 years now, where do you see yourself?

20 years. I’ll be 54. I see myself, man, really enjoying the fruits of my labor. Everything that I’ve sold, I’ve reaped my investments are there. I’m super wealthy, but I’m spreading that wealth instead of thinking about, oh, Justin is driving a nice car or that’s limited. That’s something that’s accessible to us that our parents and other people couldn’t have. If you want to drive a Rose Royce or Lamborghini or whatever you want or a Range Rover, you have the choice to do that, right. So I think that’s limited in thinking, like, all of that is going to be there. But I would say, man, I’m looking at my children and who knows, maybe grandchildren. Probably not. But looking at my children, man, and just seeing them and helping them in their journey in life. I value family. I’m really close to my family. So I think, man, it will fill my heart to just really have a great family and be able to spend as much time with them as humanly possible. That is what will be successful. And I’m going to be deeper in the investment world because, like I said, I’m really passionate about investing because I think that when you understand how to make your money work for itself, that’s where you achieve financial freedom. Because this morning I woke up and I checked a few of my investment accounts. I’m like, oh, we made some money. I didn’t have to do anything because I invested, right. And now I’m even getting more obsessed with making more money in business. So I can’t say, how can we direct that into accounts that pay for itself? Right where I look up in a decade and I’m living off of dividend income. And I’m also taking care of my mother and my family. And I’m not worried about money. So that’s kind of what I see in the next 20 years.

Yeah. Great. And it just kind of goes back to I think I brought up earlier just about your inner circle. So just to kind of give some people insight of this man’s inner circle, right. You guys remember the episode with Tycoon? And in Tycoon’s episode, we were talking about the Kindle cash flow. We’re talking about equity, of having online real estate. And then also he has physical real estate, which leads me to, like, Lenny the boss, which is also in your circle as well. And Lenny is a big real estate person. Real estate investment. Right. And then we have Greg Caesar, which is also in your circle. And Greg Caesar is more so of like the digital content about buying companies that are already existing and getting a jump start before having to start from scratch. So imagine Justin is who he is not only because he has the diversification and the drive, but people I just listed off are all major bosses in themselves, but they’re all within this one circle of individuals that are always constantly promoting and helping each other grow and expand. Would you consider that?

Oh, man, that’s a big portion of it. Man, you can’t do this all yourself. The part where you have to do it, the part that you invest more so comes from the drive to do it. And what happens is I didn’t build my network overnight, right? These are people that I’ve always these are people I purchased their products. These are people that I still purchase their products because I realize the value of who they are just because we’re friends don’t give me free access to your program. If I know that you’re legit and I know you’re real, I just pay one of my friends to consult for 2 hours, and he’s the guy to talk to on a regular basis. So you have to be able to see the value of yourself and other people because when people see this is what I realized has been the big relationship currency for me, right? It’s people see you doing the same thing and showing up in the same ways years from now. That’s how people who are at a higher level says, man, this person, this person is still in this area, but this person continues to reinvent themselves, but they’re not going anywhere. Like some people who I’ve been around, they went on to other businesses, which is great. But I’ve stayed consistent. So I want you to see me as the digital marketing the digital product creation guy. I’m going to teach you how to create a freaking amazing course at the end of the day. And so my circle. And even in your struggles, you have a circle where people have been, where you’ve been. And so calling them. I think I went through a challenge about two years ago. Really bad challenge. And I was like, for about two days, I was standing in this bubble. I’m like, what the hell am I doing? I built all these amazing relationships, reach out to him. And I reached out to one of my friends. I called him first, and he’s like, Man, I went through that about a year ago. Let me tell you how overcame literally, in about a week. I fixed that whole situation. So it is so important that you keep and you have to also invest in relationships. It’s something I’m learning even more today. You have to be able to invest in that. You have to be able to be like, hey, what event are you going to? Where are you going to be at? How can I invest in you? Let me refer some clients to you. Let me push some clients to you. You have to be able to do those things in order to keep having great relationships with people, for sure.

Yeah. And I think that goes for, like, micro to macro. You’re thinking about on a large scale. But even on the microscope, I think last year, sometime when COVID hit, you had the opportunity to reach out to Ron Douglas about, like, Clippers, which is, like, a totally different thing. But I remember a lot.

That’S crazy. That was a year ago.

Even having access to that. But Ron is a whole, nother monster by himself. He’s a New York Times top seller. But you wouldn’t think to reach out to Ron to borrow or to buy Clippers from. But having access to that Brotherhood makes a hell of a difference. Like, somebody’s been in your shoes before makes a great difference. So going into, like, my next question, there’s obviously a million tools. And you’re a tool creator. Like, what software? And I think you alluded to some of your productivity software earlier. But what tools that you would not be able to do what you do right now without access to these tools?

Yeah. So some of the tools that I really love, I would say it categorizes personal tools and business tools. So personal tools. I got to have my Gmail. That’s just a live and breathe Gmail. I have this program called Things, and that’s because I’m on a Mac. I think it only comes on a Mac. I think it is. But it’s called Things. And Things is like, I can’t even navigate without things because Things has a whole concept of, like, inbox because you have to have an inbox because so much gets thrown at us, you can’t just put on a piece of paper or you’ll forget, I have to kind of clock things. That’s one of the things. And we use a million tools, and we’ll be in here all day talking about those tools for our business. But click up is how slack. I mean, I use slack every single freaking day. And I would say that’s kind of like I talked about click up. We use some other tools, like, I’m trying to think, man, so many different tools that we use, but, yeah, that’s kind of the core. I usually just try to keep things simple, man. Try to keep things as simple as possible. And I have 50 million tools because that will run your life. But, yeah, that’s the tool I use.

Nice. So just to talk about final words of wisdom, obviously, you’re pretending to be a 65 year old, but you still have the Millennium blood running through you. Right. So on the coin of let’s say I’m somewhere in the middle. Let’s say I’m 45 years old. I’m listening to this podcast. Your hell of motivational. I’m completely inspired by you. I’m, like, burn down the man. I want to step into the market on my own, going back to when that moment when that guy kept coming to you and telling you about step into the market. Step into the market. What words of wisdom would you give to an individual that’s listening, and you could tell them to step out on their own? What would you tell them?

Yeah, do it. I know that’s cliche, but do it today. Meaning, like, do whatever it takes every single day. Like me. I went back to the example of investing. Investing is a new area for me. I mean, I know how to invest, but I’m talking about really understanding the art of different things, like trading and crypto and all these things to invest my money. I’ve had to be obsessed. You have to be obsessed when you are obsessed. It doesn’t matter what’s thrown your way. You’re going to get through it. You have to create that plan, and you have to have that vision that everybody sees. But that starts with you. You have to start with you and you have to believe in you. And that takes some time for a lot of people. So start today. Start programming yourself to be that way, like this. Justin was not Justin. Ten years ago. A decade ago, I was this little weakling, like everything that came. Oh, my God. Life is horrible. I can’t even see that shit. I sound like Kevin Hart for a second, but no, that was me. Every challenge that came up was like, oh, man, no, I can’t do that. Oh, my God. And I will go in a box and hide for a whole week and then come out and hoping that it was fixed. And here’s the thing. It takes time for your brain to realize this person is not like this person is serious right. And that takes time. And then it gets to a point where you are serious and you push yourself. But you got to start with a plan. And so every time I approach something, I come out with a plan, and I say, we are going to execute 100%, right? Like, you see my ads everywhere. My ads are everywhere, right? And people always see that. That’s because I had to go through a couple of people to get to that. But I had to have an execution plan in place. Right. So whatever you’re thinking about doing, get off the. I call it the thinking fence. Get off the damn thinking fence. I’ll tell you this as a wrap up. I have a childhood friend, and he’s been my road dog since I was in high school, man, like one of my old friends. We don’t talk every day like we used to talk, like every couple of months, though. And as much as I love them, when I started this journey almost a decade ago, I put him on and told him everything that I was doing. He didn’t even have to go through the school of hard knocks. Literally. I told him, here’s the blueprint. Here’s a game plan. Here’s how you create digital wealth online. Here’s how you invest your money. Here’s how you go to this. And every single year. And he’s my boy. He’s a smart guy. But every single year he calls me and goes, he says the same thing. He asks this one question, which always shows me where he’s at. Hey, Justin, where would you start? And I mean, that’s the same damn question he’s asking for ten years, because what happens is. And I told him this the other day in love. I said, Man, you got to get off of the damn thinking fence because you’re thinking too much and you’ve been overthinking. Now you’re in the overthinking phase. Get off the damn fence, make some stuff happen, fail and then readjust to Success. That’s the formula you fail. You readjust. So get off the thinking fish, make it happen and make your dreams come true is what I say. Wow.

So with that, how can people find you online? Obviously, you have the Maestro platform and what’s your social media profiles?

Yeah. So you can reach my Instagram. C-E-O. Justin Burns. That is my Instagram. You can follow me there. And then on Facebook, it is Justin Burns, J-U-S. You can just follow me there as well. You can hit me up and also have a personal site called Justinburns. Net that you can hit up because the brother that owns Justinburns. Com only wants to sell it to me if I pay them $2 million. So I had to get Justinburns. Net. Put them on Blastjustinburns. Com come up off that domain, man. But yeah, Justinburns. Net. And mostly I respond a lot to Instagram messages as well.

Got you. But you’re pretty big on clubhouse as well, too. Right.

I haven’t been on clubhouse in about a month, man. Interesting enough. Listen, I like clubhouse, but I think a guy wrote a post the other day, one of my friends who was on clubhouse, too, and I built it up a big audience. I think I’m at, like, 15,000 something. I forgot. I’ve been on it in a while. And in the beginning, I was going hard on clubhouse really hard. I was on there every day. People were adding me to their stages. It was just really easy, but I realized that sometimes you have to protect your currency and your mental currency, and it’s cool to go on there once in a while. The house workshops of being on there every day and giving away something that you put time, effort and energy into is just not something I want to do. I like helping people, but you have to protect your currency, too. I want to really wait until they develop out a system that allows for their creators to benefit. Because right now, as it stands in order for somebody to message you about products or anything like that, you have to redirect them to Instagram. So it’s like I’m doing all this work just to kind of build Instagram. I don’t want to be sitting up there answering messages. All this. I kind of took a break from it, but I still do believe in the concept of clubhouse. I think they just got, like, some more money, so hopefully they build it out and keep developing the tools.

Nice. So going to, like a bonus question for you if you could spend 24 hours with anyone dead or alive, uninterrupted 24 hours, who would it be? And why?

That’s a good question. I think it’d be two people. Can I do two people?

Sure. What was yours, man?

Let me see what this. The first one is, I would say, is elamas, right? He’s like a robot. That’s not from this planet, right? I mean, he’s just a great entrepreneur. He literally in the face of all adversity built an electric car company, continues to do all this stuff that just is just fascinating. There’s not really many human beings that will come after him or before him. So I think he’s just great. And I love Tesla, man. I am a Tesla Superbowl. I love Tesla, so I would love to do that. And then another guy is a dude by name of Robert Smith. You may have not heard of him, but I think he’s like, the number one wealthiest black person in America, and he did it all through technology investments, starting the venture capital firm, which is something I’m also passionate about as well. I can sit down with those two people. My life will be a lot more amazing because those are just people who have achieved a lot of great things in life.

Great. So going into closing, man, my signature thing is that obviously, on the journey of this podcast, we talked about a lot of different things. Any questions that may have come up that you want to ask me, this is the time and the microphone is yours.

No, man. I mean, just keep doing what you’re doing. I would say that when you do these podcasts and you’re building your brand, what’s your vision?

So my vision and I keep it very simple, right? I look at it’s two sides of a coin or like a balance and act right on one side is to give motivation and inspiration and steps on how to create businesses that turn into wealth for entrepreneurs, small business owners. And that’s on one hand, on the other hand, it’s more so for me, kind of like when I had my stroke back in 2018 and I kind of recovered from that, it was like, okay, what is my legacy going to be? What am I going to be able to leave behind? How is it going to be an evergreen legacy that way, if my kids decide to use the wealth that I leave for them, or I could leave the informational wealth that they can then utilize to kind of grow their businesses and their strategies once I’m dead and gone.

That’s good, man. Yeah, just keep pumping. Keep creating content, keep putting everything out there. And I think things will be different for you as well, man. So I’m excited for your growth and yeah, man, keep it moving.

Yes, I definitely appreciate it, man. Again, I appreciate you coming on the show and taking time out your busy schedule to be on here. And you definitely dropped a lot of information. That again, I think people would have to listen to this podcast one at one time to actually take the executable items that you’ve delivered.

Yeah, definitely. And if I can give your audience a valuable thing to kind of get my book, I’m actually promoting my book even more right now, which is the expert code tapping into digital. I call it digital real estate, like, all these things you guys see. So if you want a free copy of that, just go to theexpertcode. Com theexpertcode. Com. We’ll probably have it in the show notes below the expert code and just pay for shipping and you get a free copy of the book.

Yeah, definitely. I look forward to hearing the feedback once we get the hands on it. He’s not just talking and he’s lived it, man. So again, I appreciate you coming to the show. Sa grant over and out. Yes, sir. I think definitely. Man, I definitely appreciate everything that you dropped on here, man. It’s insightful shit. And I know we ran longer than an hour, but I wasn’t going to stop you. You were vibing.

Oh, yeah. I try not to go too long either, but I didn’t really know how long the show went, but. Yeah, for sure, man. Excited definitely.

Yeah, I didn’t let him run, man. I think with Ty, I think we ended up being, like, somewhere damn near, almost 90 minutes or something. I was like, I ain’t going to say stop. If he wants to keep going, I’m just going to keep going.

90 minutes.

Yeah, it was close. Definitely close, man. But I can’t hold you up, man. I appreciate it. And I’m going to probably post this, like, once I get it converted, I want to make sure the live the live didn’t go live. Then I’m just going to post it in my groups. And then once I convert the audio scheduling wise, I’ll send you all the information about when I’ll post the podcast live.

All right. Sounds good, but I appreciate you.

I appreciate you, man.

All right, bro, let’s catch up soon. Peace.

Definitely bye.